
1984 George Orwell Essay

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Thesis statement: In 1984 by George orwell the government takes away the privacy of its people and cause them to not any individuality. Orwell, G. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: Knopf, 1992. Print. George Orwell predicted some technology and society developments that would happen in the future. Although many in society did not believe what he predicted, most of his predictions have indeed come to pass. Winston Smith, the main character takes the reader to a time that where people are totally controlled by government. Although Winston works for this controlling government, he is one of the few that sees through the plan and denies the evils of Big Brother. The government in Orwell book wants to take complete and utter control of its …show more content…

The use of Surveillance is helping the government to listen in to the conversation that is about the government and how they disagree with what they are doing. Chesterman, S. One Nation under Surveillance: A New Social Contract to Defend Freedom without Sacrificing Liberty. OUP Oxford, Feb 24, 2011 This article argues that surveillance is becoming increasingly normal across the USA and the world and that this is changing our freedom and security. It mentioned that globalization and migration of people from different countries some who threaten our country has made this surveillance more necessary to protect our citizens from theorists acts. The article uses examples of video-surveillance to make this case and to argue for both stronger resistances to calls to make our human rights more flexible in a risky time. In this text will help explain my thesis statement by showing how surveillance is taking away the freedom of the people of the united state of america. Surveillance in the book is used to keep people in cheak with the rules of big brother. This will cause the people to be to scared to act against the rules of big brother so in return they will lose apart of them

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