
1984 Julia And Winston Essay

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Julia and Winston In George Orwell’s novel, 1984, the protagonist, Winston Smith, and Julia are complementary characters. Although they both want to rebel against Big Brother, they do it for different reasons. Winston’s rebellion is in the hope that future generations will be free from the party and not be denied the truth. He wants future generations to be able to live in a time where they are free to think what they want. Julia does not care about future generations and is only interested in rebelling to please herself. Winston and Julia are complementary characters because of how their morals, views on history and their political views differ. Winston and Julia are complementary characters when it comes to their morality and ethical views. …show more content…

Due to Winston’s age, he has some memories of what life was like before Big Brother, but Julia is young and only knows what life under the power of Big Brother is like. Also, Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, where he deletes obsolete documents, when Julia works as a mechanic for the machines in the Ministry of Truth. Therefore, Winston is more aware of all of the lies Big Brother tells the people of Oceania. Winston understands the technique of using false history, but does not understand why Big Brother thinks it is necessary. At the end of the novel, Winston is able to admit to O’Brien, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past” (Orwell 260). This shows Winston finally understands why Big Brother creates false history - to break down the psychological independence of the people of Oceania, while Julia has very little knowledge about why Big Brother does this. Any knowledge she knows, she could care less about because she accepts whatever the Party says, not caring if it is the truth or a lie. This is complementary to Winston’s view about history because Julia is young and does not know or care about the time before Big Brother was in charge, unlike

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