
1984 Social Commentary Essay

Decent Essays

In today’s world, science has brought upon so many new inventions, hasn’t it? What we once believed to be science fiction now has the possibility to become reality. The book 1984 by George Orwell is a novel which can be seen from both perspectives, mainly from a social commentary end. This novel is based on a work of fiction but shows governments that keep control and power over their citizens. Social commentary is used, to provide the vision of where individuals are restricted even to today where the issues in the book are prevalent. This book is certainly a social commentary since it deals with increasing world issues such as the forced propaganda, fabricated war, and the watchful eye of Big Brother
Firstly, propaganda is an effective way to slowly condition people into believing, not a work of fiction. With enough forced and conditioning people will start to believe into that idea. Propaganda is consumed daily in 1984, through the Two Minutes Hate, video. The video intends to brainwash and make the citizens feel against the enemy through a “screen, and the terrifying …show more content…

Big Brother kept watch through screens such as “The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it” (Orwell). In the novel, Big Brother surveillances everything a person may do an invasion of privacy. It is a revealing of the world we live in today where Big Brother, sees everything we do through the internet, our own tool used as a weapon. United States conducts surveillance through “The National Security Agency is searching the contents of vast amounts of Americans’ e-mail and text communications” (Citation) Prevalent issues from 1984 affect the world on a global scale, and shows the path this will lead on. Big Brother is the USA that sees everything we do, informative of appeal to

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