
1984 Vs Terminator 2 Essay

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“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” - Christian Lous Lange. In both 1984 and terminator 2: Judgement Day the use of technological advances against humankind defeats the role of free will. In both stories the the technology has evolved to allow a power to have control over humankind. In Terminator 2: Judgement Day skynet created the T-1000 to be sent back in the past to enforce their control, and have other terminators alike in the future. With this technology Skynet is able to force a totalitarian government, and strip the people of the future of their free will. In the movie the future is very vague and undescribed “But it's the only proof we have to the future… about the war and all that” (Cameron). In this quote the …show more content…

Skynet itself is primarily the force that gave their world an apocalyptic environment. This technological evolution allowed skynet to gain control over humankind in the movies future. Big brother took control of Oceania by using technological advances such as telescreens, the ability to change history, the thought police, and their ability to monitor thoughtcrime. Doing so took away the people of oceanias free will. “Certain backward areas have advanced, and various devices, always in some way connected with warfare and police espionage, have been developed” (Orwell 197). The primary goals of technological advancement for the party is for warfare and police espionage. In this case free will is affected in a way that the decisions that people may make can and will be affected by these astonishing advancements in these categories (warfare, police espionage) that wrongfully affect the inhabitants of oceania and establish a state of fear that controls their free will. Although in both stories the technological advancement is impressive, the respective dystopian figureheads use them to maintain or gain control over their

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