
2.2 Explain The Role Of Schools In Protecting Children From Abuse.

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Everyone in the education service plays a part in keeping children and young people safe from harm and abuse. Creating a safe learning environment, identifying pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and then taking suitable action, are vital to making sure that children are safe at home and at school.
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Role of the school in protecting your child from abuse

Your child's school should have a number of measures in place to help protect them, including:

staff who have been trained to identify signs of abuse including what to do if they or someone else is worried about a child a designated teacher responsible for dealing with child protection procedures for checking on staff before they are allowed to …show more content…

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) lessons cover issues such as:

risky behaviour suitable and inappropriate physical contact dealing with peer pressure

Dealing with suspected cases of abuse

School staff will listen to and work closely with parents to make sure your child feels safe and protected in the school environment.

If you suspect that a child is being abused, you should report it to police or local social services. If you work in a school, you should tell the teacher responsible for child protection. They will take suitable action based on procedures set out by the local authority and local safeguarding children board, letting the authorities know where it is required.

Once the authorities are told, they will decide on the best way forward. The school's role is then limited. School staff will not take part in an investigation, though they may be called on to give information. They may also be asked to give support to the child or young person.

To discuss concerns about child abuse contact:

Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Gateway Service Teams in the Health and Social Care Trusts

Preventing inappropriate relationships at

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