2.4 Control v Non control
People can perceive the risk as high if they do not feel that they have any say or control over a situation. They are less afraid if they feel that they are able to have some control over the outcome of the process. I.e. participation in a public meeting.
2.5 Fair v unfair
The public perceive the risk as being unfair if an area was chosen due to economic reasons. The association between socio-economic characteristics and residence in the vicinity of waste sites has been well documented in both England and Wales where these types of developments, are, usually, proposed or sited in areas where health inequalities, inequity and deprivation exist. (Friends of the Earth, 2004; Walker et al., 2003) (13), (44)
3. Approaches
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The early encouragement of a wide range of stakeholders participation allows for ownership, a wider generation of ideas, varied perspectives enabling a clearer view to be established of the community and ensure that decisions that are being made are reflective of the community values.
It also allows for stakeholders concerns to be understood and addressed as well as the opportunity to identify and demonstrate aspects of risk that may have been over looked along with possible benefits that may be available.
Connections can be forged within the community with people that would not necessarily interact thus bridging the social capital breaking down barriers so that people from all walks of life are equal and valued the same. This can be achieved through participatory stakeholder workshops etc. to keep the stakeholders involved throughout the process. (11)
4. Communication of
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The presence of certain types of risk can cause concern amongst the public especially if they are uncertain about the outcome.
Studies have shown that there is a real concern relating to the health risks associated with incineration but there have been no conclusive epidemiological studies to confirm this. (41), (18), (28),(31),(33)
It is important to take into consideration the publics life experiences in order to put risk into perspective and present it in a way that the particular audience will identify with. (7)
Psychological studies have shown that a person’s perception of risk can be influenced by the number of fatalities but also by other qualitative factors. (38)
Risk communication can be an effective way to develop communication programmes within a community enabling the risk and exposure to be conveyed to the public. (26)
Effective communication is under pinned by openness and inclusion, early involvement of stakeholders and public can help to uncover any concerns and allow them to be addressed early on, as well as deal with different and conflicting opinions.
With these risks highlighted then reduction of risk, both positive and negative can be identified.
Whilst promoting independence and choice is key to good working practice maintaining a safe and secure environment is also important. Processes to allow risks to be taken include Planning, risk management; monitoring and recording of outcomes by not allowing risks to be taken consequently can lead to institutionalisation and an increase in dependence.
* There are three (3) schools of thought regarding risk. The first considers the positive and negative aspects of risk, but sees them as separate. The second group believes that there are benefits from treating threats and opportunities together, while the third school does not label uncertainties, but addresses uncertainty as part of “doing the job.” Argue the value of having a risk strategy despite the cost associated with it. Include an example to support
Risk is defined by the probability of injury, harm, loss or danger. We all take risks every day, and don’t even think about implications.
The world can be a dangerous place so practitioner are able teach the children way of making their way around the world without causing to much danger to the children; however there is no such things as a risk-free environment so just telling them about the dangers is not good enough. They must be given the chance to experience the dangerous first hand, yet there must be a balance between protecting young people and children from harm while allowing them to develop through independence and risk awareness
opportunity to share in this process and to have the confidence to put ideas forward that can be
Working in a personalised way and developing a positive person-centred approach means accepting there are risks that cannot be avoided but which can be prepared for. Reasonable risk is about striking a balance in empowering people with support needs to make choices ensuring that the person has all the information, tailored to their specific needs, in the appropriate format, to make their best decisions
Traditional methods of risk assessment are full of charts and scoring systems, but the person, their objectives, dreams and life seem to get lost somewhere in the pages of tick boxes and statistics.
The purpose of risk assessment is not to remove risks, but to take reasonable steps to reduce them. The process involves looking at the risk, and considering what can be done to make it less likely that the risk will develop into a reality. This can be done through implementing policies and codes of practice, acting in individual’s best interests, fostering culture of openness and support being consistent, maintaining professional boundaries and following systems for raising concerns.
First of all, this book is similar to some things I'm learning in social psychology. It wasn't any suprise to me when I
In life, challenges are always inevitable but this does not mean life is not worth living. Risk management skills are essential to every human being to handle challenges and move forward. Most scholars in human services studies argue that risk management techniques are essential to every person and people should be able to implement them in their daily lives. One of the fundamental techniques in risk management is risk assessment. This involves identifying the possible risk this technique has been broadly applied in all disciplines to help prevent harm.
Involvement of service users and relatives in risk assessment, to involve the resident, nearest and dearest is one of the most important parts of the person centered approach. The people involved with the resident will help gather information in framing of what the risk actually is, in thinking, generating ideas and solutions, by evaluating the solutions, in decisions making around the risk, in implementing the actions and by the learning that takes place during these actions. Staff must make note of the residents and others wants, their views on their owns risk and what responsibilities each person has in managing their own risk effectively. The person Centered Approach will meet this by asking for a clear picture of what the person is wanting to achieve, why it is important, what the outcome would look like, a history of the risk, the decision making agreement tools to look at staff roles and responsibilities and who will be responsible for the different decisions relating to the risk.
Risk communication can be simply described as "an interactive process of exchange of information and opinion among individuals, groups, and institutions; often involves multiple messages about the nature of risk or expressing concerns, opinions, or reactions to risk messages or to legal and institutional arrangements for risk management" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2002).
One well accepted description of risk management is the following: risk management is a systematic approach to setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying, assessing, understanding, acting on and communicating risk issues. In order to apply risk management effectively, it is vital that a risk management culture be developed. The risk management culture supports the overall vision, mission and objectives of an organization. Limits and boundaries are established and communicated concerning what are acceptable risk practices and outcomes. Since risk management is directed at uncertainty related to future events and outcomes, it is