2.6 Ethical consideration Informed consent will be taken before taking information from all participants. Study participants will be assured of confidentiality of information and the study will not be physically invasive. All data collected shall be used for the purpose of this study and participants have the right to withdraw their participation at any time. BUDGET AND WORK SCHEDULE/PLAN FOR THE STUDY Budget Item Description Unit cost ($) Quantity/Days ($) Total Costs ($) Weighing scale & tape measure 50 4 200 Remuneration for the interviewers 250 5 1250 Remuneration for the participants (a bar of key soap each) 20 120 2400 Stationery (A4 sheets, pens, pencils, correction fluids stapler) 50 1 50 Measuring equipment (measuring
Batts, Denise Watson (2010). "Cancer cells killed Henrietta Lacks - then made her immortal". The Virginian-Pilot.
1. What were the costs and benefits to stakeholders of the actions taken by Massey Energy and its managers?
1. The Mayor of a large city was given a free membership in an exclusive golf club by people who have received several city contracts. He also accepted gifts from organizations that have not done business with the City but might in the future. The gifts ranged from $200 tickets to professional sports events to designer watches and jewelry.
* --Is it ethical for an employer to require as a condition of employment or use as a consideration for advancement promotion, that an employee participate in organizations apart from the business (ie. community non-profit organizations)? Does the type or nature of the organization make a difference?
I believe the ethical considerations in Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital is for all hospitals to provide all information and access to emergency contraceptives to sexual assault and rape victims. In the defense of Brownfield, emergency contraceptives, Plan B, and oral synthetic hormones is the most common type of emergency contraceptives that should have been disclosed to her upon her request. These contraceptives are often called the "morning after pill or Plan B".
1. When discussing stereotypes and race, it is important to recognize how insignificant skin color is. Racism itself if focused mainly on cultural states, and more times than not, whites are considered culturally superior to people of color. The treatment of African Americans and Native Americans in American culture perfectly demonstrate how oppositional dichotomies of race define racial stereotypes. Cultural dominance was set since the first settlers began to participate in the slave trade. While the black slaves looked very different than their white counterparts, it was the culture of these Africans that subjected them to discrimination. Slave owners believed their culture was superior, meaning they could
The deontological ethics approach believes that an individual has an obligation to follow the well-defined set of laws or rules. Religion and society set the rules and laws that influence individual’s code of behavior regardless if the decision can increase suffering as predicted, as long as the individual adheres to the law. This belief often gives higher emphasis on a code of laws over personal morals of a person. One example is the fishing industry; we catch fish in the ocean inflict suffering on different species, but it provides food for the people. The method may seem unethical by killing a living creature, but deontological ethics justifies the process based on moral code that is more beneficial to the society.
The theories of virtue, utilitarianism, and deontology are similar in some aspects but for the most part are very different. Each of the theories will be explained to show their differences and the type of person that would gravitate towards that theory. Through the explanations one would also be able to consider where there morals or ethics may lie but can also see themselves in each theory.
Directions: Complete the tasks below. Replace the highlighted text with your own answers. Copy and paste your answers to the student comments box in 1.07 and submit for grading.
Different organizations are driven by specific sets of code of ethics, which are used to protect many different aspect of the organizations, specifically the client, counselor, and organization. Concerning the standards of a counselor, their ethics are not only provided by the laws of the state or their practice, but also outside sources who present basic values and regulations of ethical standards in their code of ethics. This paper will look at two specific associations: the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association
57). This exchange of information should be administered at a 5th grade comprehension level. The subject should be willing to participate in the study with no reward offered for participation. The informed consent process begins with participant selection and ends with a signed document of agreement.
An ethical dilemma is an incident that causes us to question how we should react based on our beliefs. A decision needs to be made between right and wrong. I have experienced many ethical dilemmas in my lifetime, so I know that there is no such thing as an ethical dilemma that only affects one person. I also know that some ethical dilemmas are easier to resolve than others are. The easy ones are the ones in which we can make decisions on the spot. For example, if a cashier gives me too much change, I can immediately make a decision to either return the money or keep it. Based on Kant’s, categorical imperative there are two criteria for determining moral right and wrong. First, there is universalizability, which states, “the person’s
A code of ethics is a set of written principles regarding conduct and behavior created by the organization to serve as a guide. The purpose of ethical codes is to give its employees, management, and any interested party a reference point that adheres to company policy, standards, and ethical beliefs. The code is made visible to the public to ensure professional integrity, quality, and to prevent misguided conduct. Regardless of the organization or governing body a code serves as a go-to guide because ethical issues can stem from anywhere at any given time. The Code of Ethics for Nurses is so dynamic because as technology changes, so does the code to ensure that updated knowledge is provided to healthcare workers as they address new ethical
The word “ethics” comes from Greek ethikas meaning character. Today, we use ethics to describe the normative standard of behavior. The history of philosophical ethics has been broken up into five rational methods: Virtue, Traditional, Modern, and Post-Modern Ethics. Within these periods, the philosophy of ethics changed along with the changes being made within society.
Ethical behavior is often seen as amoral when used for persuasive purposes. This is possible because persuasion may be used in unethical situations as well as ethical situations. Either way, it depends upon the person who is trying to persuade others. Adolf Hitler is an excellent example of someone who persuaded millions of people to behave unethically. On the other hand, Mother Teresa used persuasion for ethical reasons by caring for the sick and the orphaned, and because of this has impacted an entire world.