
2008 Argument: Corporate Sponsorship In Schools

Decent Essays

2008 Argument- Corporate Sponsorship in Schools
It’s the big Friday game and it is the last play and you look up to the scoreboard but instead of seeing the score, your eyes directly go to the big golden arc that’s placed smack dab in the middle. That is corporate sponsorship’s main goal: to make you automatically think of them. Corporate sponsorship has become so prevalent in schools that it is becoming the norm. Even bigger of a problem is that nothing is stopping from that occurring. It should be obvious that corporate sponsorship in schools are negative to those involved. However, the sponsorships can have some advantages to them that occur throughout the partnership. Although corporate sponsorship in schools may have some benefits, they …show more content…

There are many negatives to corporate sponsorship yet they do not overshadow the positives of having corporate sponsorship in schools. One major negative to having corporate sponsorship in schools is the distraction from learning that occurs. The students may get easily distracted by bright ads or large lettered posters hanging in the classroom as they try to take an exam or learn a lesson. Personally, I would be unable to focus on the lesson when all I can see is a luminescent golden arc with a bright red background poster hanging right next to it. Apart from distracting students, an ad could in a remote way cause social issues for certain students. For example, a student who does not “fit in” socially because they do not go along with a certain ad could be criticized by their peers because of that reason. Another negative to having corporate sponsorship in schools that is worthy mentioning is the negative influences that an ad can have on students. Such as an ad for a pub or bar towards college students that could be seen by high school students could influence some to participate in underage drinking. Lastly, corporate sponsorship in schools could inadvertently offend or harm the feelings of those who view them, whether it be the students or the staff. Such as a person who is a vegetarian could be offended by an ad for a burger joint. In all, corporate sponsorship in schools surely contain negatives, and there are a multitude of

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