204 Cert.1 - Know how to recognise signs of abuse. 1.1a - Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse Hitting, slapping, pushing or kicking, forcing people to eat or take medication, leaving people to sit in urine or faeces. 1.1b - Define the following types of abuse: Sexual abuse Unwanted advances, indecent exposure or harassment, rough washing or touching of the genital area, rape, being forced to watch or participate in sexual acts. 1.1c - Define the following types of abuse: Emotional/psychological abuse Intimidation, not being included, being ignored, threats, bullying, humiliating and blaming. These include discrimination that relates to age, race, gender, sexuality, culture, religion etc. 1.1d - Define the …show more content…
2.1 - . Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused. The actions to take constitute the employee’s responsibilities in responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse. Always follow policies and procedures and report to the appropriate person(s), record the facts on appropriate paperwork, listen do not judge, stay calm and collected, and do not tamper with evidence. 2.2 - . Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused. The key things you MUST do if an individual discloses abuse to you: Assume the individual is telling the truth. Speak to them in a calm and sensitive way. Listen carefully and make sure you record what was said including date, time and place. Reassure the individual and tell them that you have to pass this information on. Always follow your policies and procedures. If the individual needs medical attention, call the emergency services or call a doctor as appropriate and inform your supervisor / manager immediately or another available senior person. If this is a criminal matter, for example, an alleged assault, rape or indecent exposure, you will need to call the police and if in any doubt consult your policies and procedures or contact your supervisor / manager immediately or another available senior person. 2.3 - Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved. In most circumstances you may
1. Pursuant to Texas Law under what circumstances will both ArchiteXX’s educators and medical personal be required to report incidents of suspected abuse? 2. Under Texas Law, would ArchiteXX’s employee’s failure to report create criminal liability for ArchiteXX’s? 3. Under Texas Law, would ArchiteXX’s employees be immune to prosecution in incidents of reports made in good faith?
Respect their privacy, offer to assist with their personal care by asking if they would like help and what they might think they will need help with mainly. If other people are around, always keep the doors closed and reassure that you keep their confidentiality. Always maintain good interpersonal skills by being calm and confident in your actions, not being jumpy and make general conversation about the day ahead or what the weather is like outside to remain friendly and pleasant. Offer different
Q4 Summarise the relevant laws and procedures on which your own actions in Part 3, and the actions taken here by the Social Services and Police would be based. (P3)
3. You must assume personal responsibility. 4. You must decide what action to take. 5.
Describe the actions to take in response to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed (including self-harm) or bullied, or may be at risk of harm, abuse or bullying.
Physical abuse - This is use of physical force that can result in injury. This could be due to being slapped, punched, kicked, scratched, biting, and strangling.
‘If I suspect abuse through noticing a sign of physical abuse or change in the behaviour of an individual, I will make sure that I ask the individual what has happened telling the individual the changes that I have noticed. If it is in my place of work and the name of the person that abused the individual is known, whether staff or another service user, I must also record and report this. I will listen to the individual carefully; it is up to them to tell me, I would not ask them any questions about this as this is not part of my job role and would stay calm.I will make sure that I record what the individual tells me using the individual’s own words. I will make sure that I reassure the individual and explain that their safety is the most important and that it is my duty of care to tell the manager. I will make sure that I let my manager know what has happened immediately and pass
b. Claim: Something needs to be done immediately to end the violence and inappropriate discipline being inflicted on our citizens. The harsh discipline we are discovering is being used more and more often should not be tolerated.
3 The mandatory reporting considerations are that if there is a sign of child abuse, domestic violence,
Abuse in dictionary.com, abuse means: “to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way.” While in the dictionary definition may seem small and simple, but there are many ways that can happen that can be mistreated in a very harmful way, multiple ways to injure as well as multiple ways of being offensive.
3.3 When a vulnerable adult reports apparent abuse, listen carefully and follow the following guidelines:- o Allow the adult to speak without interruption. o Do not trivialise or exaggerate the issue.
15. How should the company resolve a claim for assault, battery and false imprisonment arising out of an altercation with one of the company’s employees and how can the company protect itself against such claims in the future?
Do nothing that you think may potentially destroy or lose evidence (and discourage anyone else from doing this – if you witness them doing this, record what you see and report it to managers).