Gold and Brandt (2005) define alcoholism in The American Journal of Psychiatry as a “primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. Often progressive and fatal, it is characterized by periodic or continuous impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions of thinking, most notably denial” (p. 1038). In the movie 28 Days, the main character, Gwen Cummings must face the consequences of her drinking habit and the effect it has on her sister Lily. The movie addresses many of the problems and feelings that addicts face as they enter treatment, as well as following Gwen through several different phases …show more content…
The relationship between an addict and his or her social worker is important. It should be based on trust with the understanding that recovery and sobriety is the number one outcome. An important first step for a social worker to take in order to help the client is to perform an assessment. An assessment provides a better understanding of the client’s situation and needs and should focus on three main tasks. The first task is to use a theoretical framework to gather all of the relevant information and to make an evaluation to determine its meaning. Next, they are to evaluate the functioning ability of their client with a focus on their strengths and to determine the best available resources for them. Third, they work with the client to define and prioritize the issues to be addressed. Along with gathering information from the client, it is important to obtain information from his or her family, friends, health professionals, and medical records if available (Berg-Weger, 2013, p. 273-74). After these steps are taken, the social worker can determine and offer several options to their client. Some of the resources available include inpatient or outpatient rehab facilities, family and group therapy sessions, AA meetings, and sponsorship. A social worker …show more content…
In 28 Days, Gwen is forced to enter rehab much to her dismay. Upon first entering the facility, she has a horrible attitude toward the other addicts in her therapy group and the facility director. It is not until faced with the possibility of jail time that she starts to take her situation and sobriety seriously and engage in the group therapy sessions. I found the therapy sessions to be a fairly accurate portrayal of what takes place during real-life sessions. There is a main counselor leading the group through his or her struggle with addiction and the feelings associated with using drugs and alcohol. According to Ann Ukachi Madukwe, “basic counseling is a relationship between two people that leads to reconstruction, healing restoration, growth and change” (p. 181). Although we are shown group sessions, instead of one-on-one, I feel as though the approach is the same in the movie. Madukwe goes on to further state that “counseling methods involve but are not limited to; active listening, processing, responding and teaching” (p. 181). All four methods are seen in the movie during group sessions. Each person gets an afternoon to talk about how they became an addict, the struggles that they have endured because of it, and the counselor along with the other members of therapy have a chance to respond. These can be emotional not only on the person reliving their experiences but, also, for the others
At the beginning of my training, I was hesitant to work with people struggling with addiction. However, at this point, I am excited to begin working with this population. The raw honesty presented in the group setting along with the anger at the possibility of losing a safe place created a dynamic I wanted to further explore. Research supports that individuals attending group therapy in a 12 step program format succeed if they have the proper support and motivation (Cite). The group dynamic demonstrated that recovery takes time and self-discovery, similar to other situations dealt with in therapy. Subsequently, by using my sense of self and humor with clients struggling with addiction, I can help them in their journey. Furthermore, the client needs to identify accountability at their own pace in the process and not when others dictate. This knowledge and the personalization of addiction will aid me in the future support of my
Drug addiction and alcoholism have a devastating effect on not only the addicts who suffers from these illnesses, but also on friends, family and workmates who interact with these addicts on a regular basis. When the addict finally succumbs to their addiction, the only way out is usually through the help of a professional and reputable inpatient addiction treatment center.
Drug and chemical abuse affect many families and that particular family that lives through a loved one who is an addict and the priority is to get help for the individual. In any intervention that involves drug addicts, a family's disposition is very important. Full recovery of any drug addict involves the restoration of the person's life as well as ensuring that those who are around the addict have the best ability when it comes to helping with abstinence which is a long-term goal. Abusers are often in denial or even believe that they are totally in control of their use of drugs
When communicating with people affected by these issues, the nurse should supportive, understanding, and nonjudgmental. They can be referred to rehab programs by the nurse. The nurse may also refer them to social workers who can help them get housing if they are homeless. The nurse should also follow up with them to check on their progress. The nurse can visit schools to educate adolescents about the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
The program is conducted around shared experiences, strength and hope, through individuals who are recovering from their addictions.
The members in the group were very inviting and open with their mission. The programs presentation was very interesting and helpful to each person in attendant. Although the meeting lasted one hour and thirty minutes it seems to help each individual deal with their addiction at little better. The leader of the meeting was Kathy; the meeting had about 15 attendants. The members where very active in following the guidelines and standards of the meeting, these guidelines and standards help the members accept their addictions and the process of healing. The 12 steps to recovery and sobriety include honesty, faith, surrender, soul searching, integrity, acceptance, humility, willingness, forgiveness, maintenance, making contact and service. These steps are a part of the healing and recovery process with any addiction behavior. Honesty, integrity and faith are three of the most important factor in the 12 step program. When a person has an addiction it requires them to truly assess where they are with the addition and to seek a higher power for strength (Medical News Today,
Plan - The counselor Interventions until next review: Client is to continue current level of treatment to fulfill the court requirement. Counselor will work closely with the probation officer to help the client to complete his treatment successfully. Counselor will continue to motivate and educate to address alcohol use disorder and support remission and long-term
Gwen has a Substance Use Disorder (SUD), specifically Alcohol Use Disorder; she is addicted to alcohol. Gwen’s diagnosis accurately represents the DSM-5 criteria for a severe case of Alcohol Use Disorder (APA, 2013), based on evidence suggesting that she experienced at least 6 out of 11 types of symptoms. Expected to be a bridesmaid in Lily’s wedding, Gwen fails to meet these obligations by showing up late due to drinking and partying the night before. She exhibits a strong craving to drink alcohol, when she is shown drinking in the morning and has a bottle in hand at all times. This also suggests that Gwen has a high tolerance for
Contact between an addictions counsellor and a client is usually initiated by the client referring him/her self, an outside agency refers them, family physician or the addictions counsellor initiates contact through outreach or other agencies. Assessment can be seen as the beginning of treatment and it becomes an opportunity to encourage the client to begin to move towards change. The initial assessment involves a mutual investigation and exploration between the client
Intake is an important first step in developing a helping relationship with clients. Hepworth et al. (2013) note that as social workers, we must conduct multidimensional assessments of the problem in order to “identify the systems that play a significant role in the difficulty,” and also be able to “identifying relevant resources that can be tapped or must be developed” in order for treatment to occur. Conversely, if these assessments lack important information, clinicians will be missing pieces of important information that are needed to begin a helping relationship. Assessments must be thorough and ask precise questions in order to procure effective treatment solutions.
She meets with each of them each day individually. The main focuses of individual therapy include helping her clients transition into recovery, increasing mood and outlook on life, and developing strategies for not using. A group therapy session is held with all of her clients each day, and focuses on sharing problems and issues and building unity within the group. She also has larger group sessions with all the clients at the facility, sometimes focusing on a specific issue. Christine also says she holds a family session with each client and the members of their family at least once during their stay at the rehabilitation center. Family sessions allow the addict and the members of the family to talk about past issues and to develop goals for the future. A lot of time is spent each day documenting each client’s treatment. Records are kept of notes from each treatment sessions, treatment plans, and progress reports.
Substance abuse complicates almost every aspect of care for the person with a mental disorder. When drugs enter the brain, they can interrupt the work and actually change how the brain performs its jobs; these changes are what lead to compulsive drug use. Drug abuse plays a major role when concerning mental health. It is very difficult for these individuals to engage in treatment. Diagnosis for a treatment is difficult because it takes time to disengage the interacting effects of substance abuse and the mental illness. It may also be difficult for substance abusers to be accommodated at home and it may not be tolerated in the community of residents of rehabilitation programs. The author states, that they end up losing their support systems
As a little kid, we all had an imagination that no one could understand other than ourselves. Believing in imaginary friends or monsters led us to believe in make belief creatures or anything shown on TV. Therefore, there is always something lurking in the night that scares you, whether it was an illusion or real. To some people, your fears may be made up, but others may join you and say they are horrified. It may all be in your head; however, it will seem real and frighten you. The horror film, 28 Days Later, directed by Danny Boyle in the early 2000s is a story about an apocalypse led by a rage infection turning those who are human into killers. Furthermore, this will leave moviegoers wondering if this could really happen. Although viewers may believe in infections spreading throughout the world, killing off those who are infected, 28 Days Later, presents an apocalypse as being very frightening; however, will it horrify those who don’t believe in zombies.
In social work practice, client assessments are important because they allow social workers to gather information from clients. This information helps the acting social worker better understand clients presenting problems. The assessment also helps social workers evaluate a client’s progress and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions used. In this paper, a multidimensional assessment will be performed on a client I have been working with at my internship placement, Urban Ministries of Durham. Once all relevant information is presented, and intervention and treatment plan will be discussed.
During the treatment and assessment of drug or alcohol users, social workers must put their own morals and opinions aside in order to properly assess those who are afflicted by addiction (Boyle et al, 2009). Subsequently it is important for social workers to know themselves as individuals and professionals when facilitating those they are trying to help. The social workers’ approach to the client can help determine the foundation for intervention techniques. However, in order for a social worker to fully understand the client who suffers from substance abuse, it is important to know the neurological effects that the client endures in order to ultimately gain a better understanding of treatment methods.