
28 Days

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Gold and Brandt (2005) define alcoholism in The American Journal of Psychiatry as a “primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. Often progressive and fatal, it is characterized by periodic or continuous impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions of thinking, most notably denial” (p. 1038). In the movie 28 Days, the main character, Gwen Cummings must face the consequences of her drinking habit and the effect it has on her sister Lily. The movie addresses many of the problems and feelings that addicts face as they enter treatment, as well as following Gwen through several different phases …show more content…

The relationship between an addict and his or her social worker is important. It should be based on trust with the understanding that recovery and sobriety is the number one outcome. An important first step for a social worker to take in order to help the client is to perform an assessment. An assessment provides a better understanding of the client’s situation and needs and should focus on three main tasks. The first task is to use a theoretical framework to gather all of the relevant information and to make an evaluation to determine its meaning. Next, they are to evaluate the functioning ability of their client with a focus on their strengths and to determine the best available resources for them. Third, they work with the client to define and prioritize the issues to be addressed. Along with gathering information from the client, it is important to obtain information from his or her family, friends, health professionals, and medical records if available (Berg-Weger, 2013, p. 273-74). After these steps are taken, the social worker can determine and offer several options to their client. Some of the resources available include inpatient or outpatient rehab facilities, family and group therapy sessions, AA meetings, and sponsorship. A social worker …show more content…

In 28 Days, Gwen is forced to enter rehab much to her dismay. Upon first entering the facility, she has a horrible attitude toward the other addicts in her therapy group and the facility director. It is not until faced with the possibility of jail time that she starts to take her situation and sobriety seriously and engage in the group therapy sessions. I found the therapy sessions to be a fairly accurate portrayal of what takes place during real-life sessions. There is a main counselor leading the group through his or her struggle with addiction and the feelings associated with using drugs and alcohol. According to Ann Ukachi Madukwe, “basic counseling is a relationship between two people that leads to reconstruction, healing restoration, growth and change” (p. 181). Although we are shown group sessions, instead of one-on-one, I feel as though the approach is the same in the movie. Madukwe goes on to further state that “counseling methods involve but are not limited to; active listening, processing, responding and teaching” (p. 181). All four methods are seen in the movie during group sessions. Each person gets an afternoon to talk about how they became an addict, the struggles that they have endured because of it, and the counselor along with the other members of therapy have a chance to respond. These can be emotional not only on the person reliving their experiences but, also, for the others

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