1I manipulate millions of people with the power that I help create and I also control the fate of all the land a people in a one hundred mile radius. Who am I? 2I am a nuclear engineer. 3-4I will be a nuclear engineer because of the money I will make, the lives I can make an impact on, and I will work with some of the most powerfull stuff we have discovered her on Earth. 5If you have a different job in mind that you really want to do then don’t read this paper for you just might change your mind and if I don’t then don’t even try to persuade me to do something else, for I shall be a nuclear engineer. There are a lot of benefits that come with my job. They include, paid for vacations, paid for insurance, and a free pension plan. You could
When the first atomic bomb was detonated in Alamogordo New Mexico on June 16, 1945, all the scientists involved in the Manhattan Project understood the great destructive power of radio-active isotopes. Although the atomic bomb was a very destructive force our world would not be as good without it. Because of the government funding involved in the project coupled with the need for an atom bomb, much research that otherwise may not have occurred took place in the US. The Manhattan project opened the door to nuclear advancements and applications.
If you were to ask me what a nuclear equipment operation technician does, I probably couldn't give you a stutter-free answer but the first thing I would think of would be the movie The Hills Have Eyes. If you haven’t seen it, you’re clearly missing out. It's basically about a group of bloodthirsty mutants who live in a barren atomic zone and eat people; perhaps it's not your cup of tea but its one for the books. My dads cousins friends friend it's a nuclear equipment operation technician. I don't know his name so I will name him Bob. Apparently he’s paid around $70,000 a year, which isn’t much if you need to use a whole heap of brainpower. They basically operate equipment used for the release and usage of nuclear energy to aid in scientist’s
One of them is vacation days, which I like because I love going on vacations, sick day, and paid holidays. The job also have health insurance for them and their families. The job can also pay for some of the college if they go back to get a higher degree and the job offer they with vehicles like boats, car, or trucks, they need to use so they can get their job done. (“working condition”1)
William does a phenomenal job at getting straight to the point with facts and the opposition of his claim. He states “It’s not easy being a supporter of nuclear energy these days. The events in Japan have confirmed many of the critics’’ worst predictions.” This statement shows the audience the opposition and his view in just one sentence. William tucker used many statistics, facts, and arguments, to “wow” his audience. He makes an interesting point that I restated earlier, that stood out to me the most, “Uranium fuel rods sit in a reactor core for five years. During that time six ounces of their weight—six ounces!—will be completely transformed into energy. But the energy produced by that transformation will be enough to power a city the size of San Francisco for five years.” This quote is one of his many ways of
Everyone must make a decision for what they want to do or accomplish in their life. As I stand now, I have no set plan for my future. I am not sure what I want do, but I do have a few ideas. My ideas are to possibly enroll in the Air Force Academy, enlist in the Navy so I can sign up for the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate Program (NUPOC), or simply go to college somewhere.
My job gave a 401k plan, a retirement savings plan, and pension which is a different savings plan. The life insurance plan promised each person depending on how much I wanted per person. Then there’s community discount like coupons at grocery stores for 40% off my entire purchase or a free week of spa treatment. As much as I like these benefits, the job is a dangerous job that requires intense focus and
W asks, Can technology "embody specific forms of power and authority" (19). He reviews the ideas of Kropotikin, Morris Hayes, Lillienthal, Boorstein and Mumford on his way to answering his question. For example, Hayes states that "deployment of nuclear power facilities must lead society toward authoritarianism" because of safety concerns (19-20). W believes "that technical systems of various kinds are deeply interwoven in the conditions of modern politics [and further, that the] physical arrangements of industrial production, warfare, communications, and the like have fundamentally changed the exercise of power and the experience of citizenship" (20). Indeed, "human ends are powerfully transformed as they are adapted to technical means" (21).
There are also benefits for employees as well, such as, avoiding long-term absences which result in the employee having a difficult time returning to the workforce; maintaining a stable income, job skills, and self-esteem. (Management of Occupational Health and Safety, 2011, 327)
Engineers hold a valuable place in our society. They lay the groundwork for and create artifacts based on the foundation of knowledge that science grants. In our culture, however, it is not uncommon for people to be confused about the role that engineers play. Often times, engineers are portrayed as being skilled and knowledgeable, but lack a sense of moral responsibility for their creations. This mentality is shown in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, in which, the inventor, Victor Frankenstein attempts to defy the natural laws of life and death without first considering the consequences. This phenomenon is not just present in works of fiction. The man who designed the atom bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, said to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,
While dangers are still at hand with the use of nuclear energy, it is a necessity to “maintain the standard of living… without overwhelming the earth with pollution” (Tucker 228). Thus says William Tucker, opening up his article on the importance of nuclear energy. Tucker begins with the dangers of nuclear energy, but provides examples of why it is necessary. Tucker proclaims the efficiency of nuclear energy compared to other sources of energy, renewable and nonrenewable alike. One example he provides is that "replacing just one of the two 1,000-megawatt reactors at Indian Point in Westchester County, N.Y., would require lining the Hudson River from New York to Albany with 45-story windmills one-quarter mile apart," displaying the space needed--
For instance, if his job does not offer the benefit of paid sick days, Manny knows that any days he takes off for being sick will result in the loss of pay for that day. Or if his job does not offer health insurance, Manny would have to find insurance elsewhere. Normally, health insurance offered by the employer is less expensive than health insurance that could be found by an individual. If a job pays well but offers no benefits, employees may end up losing money over time. The most common types of benefits are insurance and savings and retirement
The world as we know today is dependent on energy. The options we have currently enable us to produce energy economically but at a cost to the environment. As fossil fuel source will be diminishing over time, other alternatives will be needed. An alternative that is presently utilized is nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is currently the most efficacious energy source. Every time the word ‘nuclear’ is mentioned, the first thought that people have is the devastating effects of nuclear energy. Granting it does come with its drawbacks; this form of energy emits far less pollution than conventional power plants. Even though certain disadvantages of nuclear energy are devastating, the advantages contain even greater rewards.
Countries have different availabilities of types of energy and in order to reach its energy requirements a country needs to use an energy mix to meet its energy needs. An energy mix could be composed of fossil fuels such as coal oil and gas renewable resources such as hydro geothermal and solar or even nuclear energy. In Japans energy mix in 2013 only 1% was nuclear energy however a plan has been set so that by 2030 20% to 22% of japans nuclear mix would be nuclear energy (World-nuclear-news.org, 2015). In Korea’s energy mix from 2014 13% of Korea’s energy mix is nuclear energy and Korea also has a goal to increase its nuclear power usage by 2035 to go up to 29% (Eia.gov, 2015). This means that Korea and Japan both want to increase the
Employee benefits are a tool used by businesses to attract potential applicants, improve employee satisfaction, reduce turnover and maintain competition. Benefits that most employers offer include, but are not limited to, medical and dental coverage, time away from work, retirement, and additional assistance during life changing events. The majority of employers in the United States offer benefits to their employees and include an annual enrollment yearly to select benefits and make any needed changes.
According to the Nuclear Energy Institute China is the biggest market for the nuclear plants, technology and equipment. They are producing 19 gigawatts and it is planned to increase this number to 58 gigawatts until 2020 and approximately 150 gigawatts until 2030 (Nuclear Energy Institute, 2015, p. 1). Nowadays the nuclear energy plays a small role in Chinese energy industry. According to the IEAE it was 2.39% of the total production in 2014 – 130580 gWh (IAEA - PRIS, 2015c).