
3 Compound Qualities

Satisfactory Essays

I am worth taking up space in the compound because I have 3 skills and 3 qualities that would help benefit the compound. My skills are sewing, gardening, and babysitting. My qualities are that I am patient, caring, and creative. Adding me to the compound would be a great investment for the future. Sewing is a great passion of mine, I can make blankets, pillows, clothes, and more. You can give me any material and I will make something useful. One time I sewed together a small bag made entirely out of Capri sun pouches. I can provide all of these blankets and clothes for the people to keep them warm through the winter and the chilly summer nights. Also, another skill I have is Gardening, not only do I love it, I'm awesome at it! When I first learned how to garden I grew tomatoes. Everyone else in the gardening class wanted to grow something more extravagant like an enormous apple tree, or spicy jalapenos, but once I got through all of the boring stuff and finally started growing the tomatoes I learned to love it. After a couple months, I decided to start growing a gorgeous green garden. The garden …show more content…

I am really patient with kids, adults, and iPhones. (I think we all know how irritable our iPhones can be). I remember this one time I was on my phone trying to tell Siri directions, and she would never tell me whether to take a left, right, or keep going straight, but once I stopped what I was doing and took the time and patience to fix the voice control it started to work again. I incorporated this lesson that my phone taught me into my babysitting, and tried to be more patient with the kids. Since I am really good with kids, I would be a great help in any of the daycares. In my neighborhood, I am the most sought-after babysitter. I also am CPR certified; I learned from the best teacher in Lewisville, which means if a child goes down I would be able to save their

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