
3 Reflex Arcs Research Paper

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A three-neuron reflex arc consists of a receptor, a sensory (afferent) neuron, and a motor (efferent) neuron. The reflex arc is designed to help keep the body safe, and is the mechanism that permits immediate responses to danger related stimuli. A conduction pathway of a reflex arc consists of the motor neuron innervation of the peripheral nervous system, and at least one association neuron from the central nervous system. After the conduction pathway, an impulse follows. The reflex arc is composed of a sensory receptor, sensory nerve, integrating center, motor nerve, and effector organ.
The sensory receptor detects the presence of a stimulus in the skin, muscle, or other organ. The sensory neuron, which is also the afferent neuron, carries sensory information to the central nervous system. The integrating center is found only in gray matter of the central nervous system in the brain or spinal cord. This is where information is processed, and the motor command to stimulate the effector is initiated. The motor neuron, also called the efferent neuron, carries the motor command to the effector organ. Finally, the effector organ carries out the response to the stimulus, which may be to a muscle, gland or adipose tissue. …show more content…

A simple reflex arc would be you touching a hot pan and automatically pulling your hand away, whereas a more complex reflex arc would be you stepping on a sharp object, you might pull your foot away quickly after you step on the object, then you might fall over depending on what you other leg is doing. Although, the interneuron also would synapse with motor neurons that control the muscles of your other leg to adjust your position so you do not fall. Then the interneurons synapses with other neurons will carry information about what just happened to the cerebellum and the cerebrum so you can become cautious of what happen and take the appropriate action that needs to be

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