A day in 3015…
A average day in 3015 consists of the usual. I start my day by waking up to my families house robot Emma. I get dressed and I go downstairs to get the breakfast that my mother has prepared. After eating eggs and steak I head out to my hoverboard and hover off to school for my short day of learning. Once at school I socialize with my friends before the bell. The bell rings and Mr. Fluff invites us into the classroom. Mr. Fluff tells us that we will be learning to build a flying car today. Once we have gotten our instructions we put on the learning helmets designed by Johnny, our classmate. The school day comes to a conclusion after 47 minutes of learning. We have no homework and are able to go home. Once home I go to bed because
The SAN policy controls whether a newly discovered disk is brought online or stays offline, and whether it turns out to be read/write or if it remains read-only.
Minute 319 is an amendment to the 1944 treaty between the United States and Mexico that regulates the Colorado River. The amendment was made possible thanks to the efforts of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Minute 319 was implemented as a humanitarian
I don’t remember if I give you my CITI certificate in person but here is the link: Also, may I know how many extra credits I have done? I know I did one recently called the visual perception experiment on Thursday, November 9 (3pm).
Wild horses of Asstatuge live in Maryland. Asstatuge is an Island so the horses are shown in water. The horses on Asstatug Island survive from each other. Asstatuge's horses are herds of horses so they do not have an owner. That's why they are called wild horses because there don't have an owner.
In the beginning, JROTC was established in 1916 when Congress passed the National Defense Act. The main purpose of JROTC was to motivate young men and women to be better citizens. This all started in Norwich Vermont. Not much has changed since then. Their mission before is still the same as their mission now.
Smith, Stew. “MOS 31B - Army Military Police.” The balance, Stew smith, 24 Apr. 2017, www.thebalance.com/31b-military-police-3345998
Unit 10 was a closure for the previous four units in the process of inventing Canada. This unit based on the earliest resources on Canadian history and on the first nations whom lived in this country. This resources were about pre-Cartier and his explorations. Some nations, for example the people who lived in St. Lawrence valley – whom did not have a specific name to be called at- and historians still lacking enough evidence on their existence or what happened with them. These people who are identified as St. Lawrence Iroquoians were lived in the contact area which means the conquerors reached them first. The Iroquoians were exposed to all the dangers Europeans carried into the native lands, different types of diseases they were not immune
JROTC, also known as Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, is a program that is offered in high school, which gives students an introduction to the U.S. Army. The main mission of this program is to motivate young people to become better citizens. This program teaches self-discipline, confidence, and pride in a job well done. It offers many challenges and opportunities which is surely able to increase one’s life skills and leadership skills, such as sharpening your communication skills, strengthen your self-esteem, and improving your physical fitness. Throughout its century-long history, multiple things had changed, while other things stayed the same, but the ROTC program will continue to remain as a promising existence for years to come.
African-Americans in the South after the Civil War were new to the concept of freedom, yet that very small two syllable word meant a lot to them. Slaves were not considered as a piece of property that could be used and abused by their slaveholders anymore. Slaves families were separated by the effects of slavery, so the freed slaves immediately tried to reunite with their families. News finally reached Texas about slaves being freed on June 19th, 1865, also called Juneteenth. Juneteenth is considered one of the oldest known celebrations that commemorated the end of slavery in the United States. The news of the Emancipation Proclamation did not reach Texas until about two years after its public awareness because there was little Union
If you have had these test/procedures perform elsewhere please notify me Tichina Hayes at 901-261-2000 so we can update our records. If you have not had the test/procedure please call 901-261-7301 to make arrangements. I look forward to working with you and your doctor to ensure you receive the best care possible.
In today’s society, a good quality education is an important and valuable necessity. As a college student at Lone Star College, my college experience has greatly influenced me in an enormous amount of ways. By attending college, I have not only had a chance to receive a quality education and degree, but also an opportunity to socialize and interact with various people from different cultures. In addition, the professors on campus have been extremely helpful towards teaching me to succeed in both inside and outside the class room. Furthermore, my college experience at Lone Star has greatly influenced and encouraged me to be successful and achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.
Being a senior at GVSU with a Biomedical Science major, I have taken many interesting courses in the fields of biology, BMS, and chemistry. Having a huge interest in science I have enjoyed absorbing knowledge from all of these courses. However, there is one class that really stuck out to me as being one of my favorites, and that class was BMS 301 Introduction to Research. One of the things that made this class my favorite was the professor Dr. Sylvester. He did a great job in presenting the material. For example, he would write out the section of notes on the white board then give us some time to copy down the notes. He would then take time explaining the information on the board giving us a better understanding of the material. Whether that
As an educator I want to provide the proper learning enchantments for my students. Students should enjoy math and understand that math comes from God’s words; the Bible. Psalm 90:12 says “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom”. .I want to engage students in hands-on differentiated actives, engaging lessons, and teaching up to date with technology and manipulatives. I don’t want to be known as a teacher that conducts boring lessons with only lecture and note taking from a textbook. What a neat concept through away
According to Charles Zastrow, back on history it was difficult to meet the needs of people with cognitive disability. Furthermore, people with mental illness were seen as they were possess by the demons in which people use exorcism to cure the illness. The lack of knowledge people used cruel punishment to cure people with mental health problems. In 1601 the Poor Law give financial support to poor people who were unemployed but also those with disability. These was the first attempt to help people with disability. Zastrow claims that, during the 19th century the first program to help people with disability was develop in United States. The rehabilitative services provided for persons with mental and physical problems are “vocational evaluation,
In the United States, starting salaries for teachers who have completed a four-year degree are far lower compared to many other professions, which also require a four-year degree. In most states, teachers must undergo testing and other rigorous certification requirements, but they are given the same consideration or status as beginning professionals in other areas. Although attractive incentives are offered, the compensation does not compare to the long hours of work and schooling required for a teaching career.