
360 Peer Review

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While reflecting on my time at the Chief Petty Officer’s Academy (CPOA), three elements of learning most impacted my persona and changed me as a leader. These elements of learning include both class room presentations and personal interactions with fellow attendees. The three elements of learning that will be discussed in this paper are 360 peer review report, understanding generational gaps, and recognition that everyone has different experiences within the mess. Each element has changed how I view the Coast Guard and will shape my future interactions with others. The first element of learning that impacted me was that of the 360 peer review. I feared and most anticipated this section because I value the constructive feedback I knew it would give. I sent the survey to a mix of people, but more favored members in which I was in a supervisor role while they were experiencing a personal hardship. Therefore I was unsure of the response I would receive, but valued the input I receive. It was great to know that I …show more content…

This presentation was interesting to me because I have done my own studies on the subject in order to become a better leader and father. The most interesting aspect of the conversation was the input from others in the class. It was nice to know that others were feeling the same way that I was when attempting to relate to the up and coming generation. My roommate put it best to me in the form of an analogy; a professional coach in sports does not ask their players to conform to their rule, they conform to what works for the players. This analogy helped me understand that I need to be more open to changing to my crew, other than requiring my crew to change to my style. The end goal is to complete the mission, just like a sports team if to win the game. We must work together and achieve the same goal. I found this same concept valuable when working within the Chiefs

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