4. 4b-2. At the end of the last semester, I gave a horrible presentation to the class after stayed up all night. My breath was about to stop, and my heart was beating so fast when I was talking. I could not stop thinking that I ruin my presentation, and all the people would laugh at me. Nevertheless, all of my classmates gave me warm applause for that speech. When I read Burg’s quote with my memory, I understand that the scenario I have experienced was not a random one. Most people are not going to laugh at you when you are nervous. In contrast, they will encourage you to overcome it. Therefore, the first step to put Burg’s advice into practices is that I will honestly tell others that I am not a native speaker, and I am very nervous to speak
‘Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself’. This statement made by Scout at the beginning of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird shows that Maycomb is a town in which the fear of change is rife. Lee’s choice of Maycomb as a setting, developed through narrative point of view and characterisation was vital to the text as it helped to develop the theme of prejudice and the consequences which result from the fixed attitudes of an insular town.
In society, people value morality as a human quality. People learn their values from when they are young from various sources. However, who is to say what is necessarily right and wrong? Values and morality can have different meanings, especially if placed in the context of a distorted materialistic society. In Cannery Row, John Steinbeck reminds people about this important theme and how it applies on a bigger scale. The setting of the story is Cannery Row, located in Monterey, California. Steinbeck's choice of setting is significant in that it fully captures the breadth of humanity. On the one hand, it is an area that represents the thriving sardine industry. On the other, it is also an area where the lower classes, including bums and whores could live. In actuality, the story is not really about the sardine industry at all, but is rather a collection of short stories that are all unified about the same theme, the quality and meaning of life. The main plot of this novel is centered on Doc, a marine biologist. It begins when Mack and the boys, Lee Chong, and Dora throw a surprise party for him to show their appreciation and great reverence towards him. By writing about the warm relationships between Doc and the inhabitants of Cannery Row, Steinbeck uses these short stories as his way of talking about life on a bigger scale. In essence, Cannery Row is John Steinbeck's personal philosophy on human importance, his take on what humans should be like, and his
Lucas, S. E. (2012). The art of public speaking (12th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
As Coalition Forces prepare to transition from major combat operations to stability operations within the Philippines, the 3/4 ABCT must determine which cities within the Pangasinan province, its assigned area of operations (AO), to prioritize stability tasks. Specifically, the cities of Bayambang, Dagupan, Lingayen, Malasiqui, San Carlos, and Urdaneta are of particular interest. After careful analysis of each city’s Sewer, Water, Electricity, Academics, Transportation, Medical, and Security (SWEAT-MS) disposition, the recommend priority of effort should go first to Malasiqui, then Urdaneta and Bayambang. Remaining 3-4 ABCT resources should prioritize efforts toward San Carlos, Lingayen, and Dagupan.
Later that day, we all gathered at the chamber, some of us were apprehensive to be on the stage to present our speeches. All too fast it was my turn and I got to say that I actually did a great job. I was a nervous wreck but managed to present my case with a calmness in my voice. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as they listen carefully to what I had to say. Surprisingly, I didn’t fail, though I didn’t get to say all of what I had on my paper since there was a time limit. I still ended at a good part, it even sounded like it was supposed to be the end of my speech.
It is argued by some commentators that having nerves can improve your performance (Lancaster and Janes, 1994). Feelings of nervousness helped me to focus on my presentation however things did not go the way I planned them. I can only
The essay that is the strongest is, Essay B. Essay B is the strongest essay because the writer elaborates and goes into more detail than the writer of Essay A. The writer thinks about describing creativity as a problem that is worth solving. The writer looked at the problem from alternative views, continued the thinking process, and incorporated dialectic thinking. The writer of Essay A doesn’t go into detail or use alternative views. The writer of Essay A does not see describing creativity as a problem.
During class, Professor Mike Miles stated “…that you always revert back to your natural tendencies”. I may have misinterpreted this comment however personally, I must disagree with that statement; as a child into early teenage years, I felt joy out of public speaking, with no cares in the world, whereas now, it is the furthest thing from the truth as I become extremely anxious .
My first point is standing still.I learned that when you move to much it distracts from the message you’re trying to get across. Standing still can even show that what you’re saying is important and that your audience should know it’s important too. I also learned that standing still makes you look confident and feel confident.
In relation to my preparation for the presentation, I practiced multiple times on my own as well as in front of my peers in order to be familiar with my content and be able to present confidently without stuttering. As a result, I felt
O'Hair, D., Rubenstein, H., & Stewart, R. A. (2016). 3/Organization. In A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking (Third ed., pp. 92-121). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, a Macmillan Education Imprint.
I never thought that I was going to have to give another formal speech, but look where I am this very moment. Miss Beverly taught us the keys to giving a good professional speech, which I am sure some of us will use in college, but she did much more than that. She taught us how to face our fears. Even though it was only the fear of stage fright or speaking in front of people, we are all getting ready to face the big fear of the unknown, the fear of reality. So, when you meet this concept of fear in your life, remember all of the fears that God has allowed you to conquer, because he will help you get the victory again. Isaiah 43:1 says, “But now thus says the Lord…Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are
I felt as a silly person when I stand up to read my speech. As I walked toward the podium, I thumped my knee on a chair. It was embarrassing. On top of that, I continued saying “like” and “um,” and I could not stop giggling. I was nervous about being up front. I’ve been practicing this speech frequently, and I still buzzed. It was ten minutes of abscond concerning how people occasionally wish no to accomplish. Did I ever confirm my point? My speech was atrocious; I’m surprised that people didn’t jeer at me. According to my teacher, I should not anguish it, though. Moreover, people get nervous his or her first time speaking in public, consequently she said, with time, I would become a phenomenon at this speech giving the proper material. I
I prepared for my informative speech by practicing several times in front of a mirror at home and timing myself. I worked on keeping my eyes up and trying to memorize my speech to help me keep my eyes out more during the informative speech. I also worked on trying to calm my nerves down, so when I presented my nervousness didn’t show through as much as it did when I gave my shield speech. I would by practicing as much as I did at home, it helped calm my nerves by the time I got up in front of my classmates and gave my informative speech on what girls really mean verse what they say. Although I did practice and it did help calm me down more, I still had my nervousness come out during my informative speech.
The second tip was ‘Avoid Equating Public Speaking to Your Self-Worth.’ Basically, if you’re a successful professional who’s worked hard for where they are in life right now, you