
4-Day School Week

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It’s no secret that high school students abhor Mondays. The weekend is never long enough, and often students don’t feel refreshed by Monday morning. However, some schools across America are giving students an extra day to their weekend – Mondays. Districts are giving students 3 day weekends while giving teachers Monday to plan and attend meetings and workshops to improve their classroom experience. All schools should switch to a 4-day school week because it gives students more time for private studying and refreshing, as well as allowing teachers time to improve their teaching skills and incorporate new things like technology into their lessons. Having Mondays off means students get an extra day at home to study, do homework, and relax. Students …show more content…

Jeanne Burgin, a 5th grade teacher, said of the 4-day schedule, “Give me this time because I need it. I can use an iPad, but my students use it better than me. I have a family and my own kids. I don’t want to be in here at midnight or weekends learning to use this thing” (“Small, Rural Schools” 3). Teachers appreciate this time off because it gives them a chance to grade student’s papers, catch up on lesson plans, and get more rest before working. Many districts are allotting the Monday off as a day for teacher workshops and meetings, so teachers will miss less class time because they won’t have to leave to go to meetings during the school …show more content…

Teachers have more time to prep and get more in touch with their students learning styles, like learning to use technology. Students can use their day off to catch up on schoolwork, work, or relax so they are more refreshed and attentive while at school. While some feel that it isn’t in students’ best interest, the extremely positive reaction from students, parents, and teachers is enough to drown out naysayers. 4-week days allow breathing room and personal time for both students and teachers that simply does not exist on a 5-day schedule, and greatly benefits

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