At the beginning of 6th grade in cross country I was really slow like 9 or 10 minute miles one of the slowest on the team and every time I went to a meet I would finish around last or dead last but even then all my teammates and coaches would cheer me on at the end and from that I would kick it in at the end and I would wheeze and wheeze when I passed the finish line and even though I got last everybody still congratulated me and it made me feel good about what I did even if I did run a 16 minute mile and a half. The people that made me especially feel good was coach Renberg and Coach Stern They would be the most encouraging at the end of races they would cheer and yell “Come on Michael the finish is right around the corner” and “Go you got
In physical education we were put to do the mile I was always second to last if not last I wasnt made fun of but I didnt really good about myself. As the years went on I was still fat couldn’t do anything until sophomore year of high school is where it all changed. I remember it quite clearly as if it was yesterday I was sitting in my math class when one of classmates had large number pinned to his bag and a uniform on that hadn’t seen before. That's when I got curious and asked what sport was all this for he then explained it was for cross country and that I should join it would be fun. It turns out that the season was about to end so it was to late to join so I had to wait for next year so I did. I went my junior in the summer since that's when they practiced and ran for the first time. After this first run I thought I was going to literally die and didn't want to this any more and to top it off all the guy runners who I thought that were slow beat one by one. This is where I decided I wasn't going to be last or lose a race to anyone. I practiced the whole year and did track top it off. Now the summer of my senior year was very motivational since I got up early ran and did this everyday till school started to be the best of my high school. Well the season would begin and I was breaking my school records and receiving medals from invitationals and
The Long Walk was the forced removal of the Navajo people, which began in January 1864 in the Arizona and New Mexico states. It was hardly recognized by Americans at the time because of the Civil War and the slavery issues that were so much more important in the North and South part of the country. The Long Walk is the Navajo Nation’s own “Trail of Tears”. More than 8,500 Navajo men, women, and children were forced to relocate to an internment camp in New Mexico called the Bosque Redondo Reservation. The Navajo and some Apache were gathered from Arizona and New Mexico and had to walk between 375-498 miles depending on which route they took (Remley, pg 230).
I want to accomplish this goal in my twenties before I have a family. I want to backpack around Europe to become closer to nature and appreciate the different cultures. I want to explore beyond small-town Iowa.
I wasn’t always a runner. Some kids are born into the running cult, but not me. We have a treadmill in our basement that my parents occasionally use when they got on a health kick, but neither of them pushed me to be a runner. During the summer of sixth grade, my mother was talking to our neighbor in our driveway. While they were standing on the blistering pavement, the subject of Cross Country came up. My neighbor’s son was on the high school team and it was doing a
Boston marathon and 9/11 attacks is the key victim of the crime and terrorism in United State of America. I believe that in each crime and terrorism mostly committed by the illegal immigrant such as murder, robbery, rape and drug deal. During the 9/11, the terrorists were entered into United State as an illegal because of weakness of boarders and immigration security. Based on the U.S government survey it is conducted that criminal and terrorist first enter as illegal immigrant in the country and they develop their plan. It is very serious issue for each country to prevent crime and terrorism in the country. There are many people have to lose their life because of crime and terrorism attacks. I strongly suggest to the U.S. government to increase
When I first joined cross country I was not fast nor a runner. I was one of the slowest people on the team, but I wanted to get faster and I was determined to improve. Some days we would do a hills workout and I would get to the top of the longest hill and think, “I could just run back to Armstrong right now and be done”. But then, I thought about how if I did another hill, I would get better and some time during a race when there was a big hill I would look at it like it’s nothing. I could go up the hill easily and pass a couple girls. So I would do another hill. Then the next time we did hills I rememberd how many I did the last time and pushed myself to do one more. Through that cross country showed me that I could be faster and tougher than I thought I was if I put in the effort and want it
Standing at five feet and nine inches and weighing in at 220 pounds, I was not the typical runner. I was quick on my feet, but at long distances I started huffing and puffing so much I thought I could blow a house down. Since I was a child, I had always been overweight. I was heckled and made fun of, but I stayed strong. It wasn’t until high school, though, that I realized I had a problem. I was obese, and it was no ones fault but my own. I needed to change, and one day I did just that. I got off the couch, put down the food, and I started running. I ran and ran, not stopping for the pain or heavy breathing. I was exhausted, but not because of the run but because of my lifestyle. I needed to change my life, and I started
As 2016 begins, make a resolution this year to ensure that your dog gets a daily walk. Whether you take your dog for a walk every day, or hire a dog walker to help assist you with walking your dog a few times a week. The important thing is that your dog gets out and gets walking on a daily basis. Here are a few benefits your dog will experience if you keep your resolution this year to take them on a daily walk.
Do I want to join the team or not, do I want to join the team or not. That's what was going through my mind when my mom brought cross country up for the first time. I was going to try out for the soccer team at Middle School South, but I was got sick before the second day of try outs, so I my answer just had to be yes.
I am riding my bicycle through the polder. Lots of things are happening around me. A gull is eating flies right out of the air. A hare spots me and lowers himself trying to look like a bunch of something else. Plovers are chasing away a buzzard. Godwits are shouting against a crow. Frogs are croaking in different tones while drowsing on water plants. Fish are having fun with each other putting up their dorsal fins on and off. Ducks are leaving the bicycle path because they see me coming. I quit the dyke because there are too many flies above the bicycle path. Being no gull, I do not appreciate them as a snack or meal when they fly in my mouth. A sedge warbler resembling a nuthatch is making a lot of noise. Far too much noise for such a little
Life is challenging; it has ups and downs and curveballs. Sometimes we get tired of working when nothing seems to get better. When faced with a challenge, we have one option: go for it. We can’t control whether we will succeed, but we definitely won’t make it if we don’t try or if we quit. Many people don’t have the grit to keep trying in the face of failure.
According to ESPN online, New Jersey, United States, is now providing the option for 3-minute rounds in women’s boxing. What has sparked such a decision? It’s all in the name of equality of the sexes in boxing.
I have recently become very passionate about the sport of running. In the past every sport I’ve tried, I’ve never been the best at. I've played almost every sport imaginable, from dancing, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, competitive cheerleading, horseback riding, lacrosse, swimming, and now to running cross country and track. I've always just been the one on the team who did nothing and was in all honesty just there to observe. Don't get me wrong I've always tried as hard as I could, but never succeeded. My junior year of high school one of my friends came to me and asked if I would join the cross country team. I looked at her as if she were actually going insane. At the time I could barely run a half mile, and probably would have cried at the idea of running five
12) Describe a project you could engage in with your students to address an issue important in your community.
It was summer vacation and imp in bed, so lazy to get up and do nothing. Everyday since school ended vie been in bed I only get up to eat and to go to the bathroom. Going to eat, is so stressful, I feel like I ran a marathon when I get down stairs. Every kid on the bloc is having fun either at the beach or just being out side on the street. I look out side and all of them look like dogs with their tongues out. Hopefully everyday of summer is like this so I can nothing to do!