For at least 30 years now, elephants have been endangered. During July 2016 a group called 500 Elephants started up to help save the elephants. 500 Elephants has been a huge help to the elephant community.
500 Elephants's goal is to bring 500 elephants to
Nkhotakota (nik-HOH-ta-koh-ta) Wildlife Reserve by the end of summer 2017. They do this by, shooting the elephants with a tranquilizer dart. The tranQuilizer doesn't hurt them in any way, it justs knocks them out. Then they use a crane to put them in a big truck, where it is taken to a new, safer home. The reason the elephants are endangered are because of poachers. The poachers shoot down the elephants. Once the elephant is safe to walk up to, they saw off the tusks and leave. They saw
I think the argument that control of the recording industry by a few multinational conglomerates inevitably leads to cultural homogenization and the ascendance of profit over music is true. “Cultural homogenization is the worrisome outcome of virtually all the world’s influential recording being controlled by a few profit-oriented giants” (Baran, 165). How can a major label spend millions of dollars on one major talent who can immediately provide goods to the public rather than a great artist who is truly inspired by events that occurred in their lives. Think about this—Mariah Carey’s label spends about $80 million on her because she can achieve “instant goods”, while Chance the Rapper is executing music well and is not assigned to a label.
The author of this article, Michael D. Lemonick, discusses how some animals aren't able to be kept humanely in captivity. This article mainly focuses on elephants that are kept in captivity. Normally elephants roam up to, if not more than, 30 miles a day and they socialize with up to 20 other elephants a day. While in captivity, elephants are not experiencing their lives the way they should. If an elephant is in an exhibit that is too small for them, they can develop serious health issues such as, foot problems, arthritis, and even premature deaths. Most zoos aren't equipped to take care of elephants like they should. Lemonick discusses zoos across the country that have stopped exhibiting elephants altogether, due to severe issues seen in elephants.
Every 14 minutes one elephant is poached for its tusks. Hopefully we can keep these elephants alive. Poachers in Africa illegally kill elephants to sell in the black market.
Elephant poaching better or worse we can see that some people believe it was better in the past then it is in the present. For example when In the 1800’s 44,000 elephants were killed each year to meet the demands
Animals are supposed to be treated with respect. Examples of disrespect include entertainment such as Sea World and circuses. But instead of living harmoniously with them. Humans have tampered with their way of life. The deadly combination of habitat destruction and poaching has eliminated numerous species. Both parties are aware of the aftermath. However only one party is capable of making a change. Time is running out and it dosn't look good. If a change dosn't occur soon, the few remaining wild Elephants will become extinct.
One might ask oneself these following questions: Why are African elephants significant to the ecosystem? Why are African elephants essential to humans? The African elephant’s current conservation status is vulnerable. The key concerns of the decline African elephant's population are habitat loss and poaching due to human activity. An African elephant is dominant of its environment and provides a serious impact on the ecology by removing trees, trampling grasses, churning up water, and making mud wallows. Also, they are important to the African culture.
Keeping animals in a man made and man run site can make this impossible for these animals. Dr. Hone also states,”some of these collapses have been sudden, dramatic and unexpected or were simply discovered very late in the day.” Dr. Hone is expressing that when species go extinct, scientists do not realize it quick enough to do anything about it. If for some reason, elephants went extinct in the wild, we wouldn’t have a problem. If we see a species start to go extinct, we can also know how to help them and what with from the study of these animals as I explained in the second paragraph. In the Zoo, the animals will be fed correctly and will not be hunted by other
It's a widely known fact that poaching has been detrimental to the welfare and very existence of elephants. Despite countless efforts to thwart poaching and ivory trade missions, the number of elephant deaths at the hands of poachers is still critically high. IB Times reported in 2015 that due to poaching, a staggering 35,000 African elephants are killed each year—that translates to nearly 100 elephants
800,000 seems like a huge number until it becomes clear that it used to be several million (“Basic Facts About Elephants”). Most would never guess that these numbers are those of the elephant population. Everyday the population gets smaller and smaller, and humans are the reason why, but also the only way to get those numbers back up. The elephant population has decreased immensely and could vanish if steps are not taken, humans are the only hope for seizing the poaching, ivory trade, and habitat takeover.
Poaching has been increasing for many years. The number of poaching cases throughout the decades have been increasing. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, the ivory demand grew drastically making poaching for ivory increase throughout these years (Stiles, 309). CITES recommended to use a system called Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) in which helped monitor the illegal killing of elephants (Stiles, 312). Also, to try and qualify the number of those elephants killed by poachers (Scriber). The system has been working well that now monitors between 30 and 40 percent of the elephant population
The prophecy of the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48 is said to be one of the most difficult portion of scripture. Many commentators have proposed varying views and approaches. It has even been reported that the Jews do not allow anyone to read it until they are 30 years of age.[footnoteRef:1]Despite this difficulty, it is a vital portion of scripture necessary to the understanding of the Messiah and the principle of salvation. Accordingly, this discussion will examine both the literal and figurative interpretations of this vision to show their strengths and weaknesses in light of the New Testament and the coming of Jesus Christ the messiah. [1: Matthew Henry, Commentary on Ezekiel 40, Accessed on April 8, 2016]
1. We will begin by warming up with a short tagging game. The students have a small coned area to run around in. In this area students have to try tag other students knees while not being tagged on their own. This causes them to move their legs a lot and think about which one to move depending on the situation. (5-7 mins)
Elephants are one of the worst treated animals in zoos and circuses. Their life spans are dramatically shorter than elephants who live in the wild. Out of 321 elephants that are/were being held captive, at least half of them were dead by the age of 23, while elephants living in the wild can live up to 60 years. “[T]he decades long effort by zoos to preserve and protect elephants is failing, exacerbated by substandard conditions and denial of mounting scientific evidence that most elephants do not thrive in captivity,” (Seattle Times). Dr. Bekoff, the former University of Colorado professor, found an investigation that the Seattle Times had done and found that in the last 50 years
If Illegal poaching keeps killing Elpehants at the rate thats is going expeerts predict that within the next decade elephants will be an extinct species .
Just imagine life without any elephants, wiped out just like the dinosaurs. In the early 1980’s, there were more than a million reported elephants in Africa. Tragically, during that decade, 600,000 elephants were destroyed for ivory products. Today, conceivably no more than 400,000 elephants remain across the continent. Elephants are facing a very real threat of extinction; In fact, the African elephants are listed on the