
52 Days Of Domestic Violence Flu In America Summary

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After reading Gywnn article “52 Days of Domestic Violence Flu in America” his main argument is that domestic violence is under represented and is not our primary focus. He argues that domestic violence should be taken more into consideration since there are more individuals being affected by it. Gywnn gives an example of how the news main concern as health issue in America is the flu and he gives the stats on how there are 176 cases but only one casualty. In the other hand he expands on how there has not been a lot of attention on how the men who committed the mass killing of 68 people across America in the last 52 days have history of violence against women. Gywnn argues that domestic violence is a pandemic as there has been more violence by men against women, men and children has killed more people in the last 52 days …show more content…

I believe this is the best fit because it consists of four levels of systemic social context that can have an impact in an individual behavior. Macrosystem is composed of broad cultural values and belief systems that may influence their choices. The exosystem is composed of groups and institutions such as school, work peers, and church that connects the family to larger environment. Microsystem is the family unit itself. Finally, ontogenetic factors refer to an individual personal development. As we read in the beginning of the semester violence can be learned by watching a family member (Microsystem) do it, in the environment (exosystem), and religion (exosystem). It also support Barak main argument on how violence should be looked as a pathway because is something that happens throughout someone life that motivates an individual to be violent. The ecological perspective is in line with the systems theory focus on the complex and interrelated network of systems that influence behavior, including violent

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