Time management is already a problem for every student, it becomes even harder as extra-curricular activities are added and the school day is extended. I believe that the school day should be shortened. There are many reasons why the school day should be shortened. Students have shown better performance in the past when the school day is shortened.
Firstly, if the school day is shortened, teachers can assign more homework since students have more time after school. This will help students with their time management and make them less stressed. It will give students more opportunities to be kids and have fun. Also, they could do more extra curricular activities which could potentially help them make friends. In addition to being less stressed, students could also create better quality work with the amount of time that they have
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The four 21st centuries include creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Creativity can be accomplished outside of school and can come in many forms like art, music, or technology. Collaboration is usually accomplished in school, but in fact, majority of work on group projects has to be done outside of school. But thanks to technology it’s easier to communicate with group members and to stay organized. Finally, there's critical thinking which kind of falls under collaboration and creativity. Critical thinking is like problem-solving so it’s very helpful when dealing with group projects. Many teachers at Punahou try and make questions on homework or tests that revolve around critical thinking. So school isn’t truly needed to develop 21st-century skills.
Consequently, longer school days don’t just affect students, but teachers too. Longer school days lead to more stress, anxiety, less sleep, and worse performance. Overall we shouldn’t extend the school day for the well-being and mental health of the students of
Many people in the U.S. think longer days are necessary, however it makes students more tired and less ready for their day. With shorter days, teachers have more time to plan a higher quality lesson. They can add more things to do, or find a better way of doing those things. Students will have more social time because they go to school for less time. This is good for a student's mental health. On top of that, students will get more rest. Most students can relate to being tired during a class, with the U.S. system. In Finland, students get more rest. This allows students to be more prepared for their day. That is how beneficial shorter days can
Both longer school days and regular (6.5 - 7 hour) school days have benefits and disadvantages. The Readworks article “Time To Think” discusses both pro’s and con’s about both sides of the argument. Such as, longer school days can cut into after school activities like sports and family time. With regular school days teachers might argue they don’t have enough time to teach students the lesson. While comparing both sides of the argument it appeared that longer school days and regular school days both have the kids’ interests in mind and either way the students will still have a good education.
Some people say that extending school hour's is a bad thing for multiple reason's.I strongly disagree because their are many benefit's to extending school hour's to start at a later time.For example, if state's moved schools hour's to a later time their would be increased performance and reduced absences.There would also be a reduced number of student's falling asleep in class's and much more.
There has always been a controversy as to if the school day should start later on in the morning or not. The University of Minnesota study shows that schools who have already changed the beginning of the school day to later have found that only a third of students actually received eight or more hours of sleep while the students who received less than eight hours reported to have more symptoms of depression, higher counts of caffeine, and substance abuse with alcohol and drugs. In “Should the School Day Start Later?” written by Michael Gonchar, Gonchar writes that, “New evidence suggests that a later start to the school day could have all sorts of benefits…” Some of those benefits could include the decrease of tardiness, increase in attendance, test scores and everyday grades, more positive mental health, and even car crash rates. All in all the research and studies over if the school day should start later has been in discussion for years.
Physical issues could occur as well. Hutson writes, “It also puts teenagers at a risk of depression, anxiety, obesity, bad grades, sports injuries, low self-esteem, and serious diseases,” (Hutson 11). From this sentence, the reader can tell that it is a very serious problem if one does not get enough sleep. To conclude, if schools got a later start time it would lessen the opportunity for many conditions, both mental and physical, to
School days need to start later: Starting school days later will cause an extensive impact on everyone, even if it is an hour difference. Research shows that 2/3 of high school students are getting less than seven hours of sleep. Studies suggest that later school starts will benefit the students along with parents. This will benefit the students as well as parents for the reason of the students bodies are not functioning correctly in class, it is causing a lot of stress for everyone as well as helping students have an enjoyable time at school. If School days continue to start at a time of 8:30 am or earlier, we will observe more students along with parents having trouble with their terrible sleeping habits that can lead to food disorders as well as depression.
Schools around the world have problems considering starting times. Many parents and teachers enjoy the time schools begin and are in love the fact that schools get out earlier. I for one, believe that school hours should be pushed back for the benefit of the students. If students and teens were able to go to school later, their learning opportunities and attentiveness would raise significantly.
School is never very exciting for most students, the day is long and most of the time very boring. I believe that the days are too long and should be changed.
If the school board extended the school the day by one and a half hours, there would be many conflicts which schedules. Since students are at school more often, family interaction will decrease. Students will be busy completing assignments, and trying to prepare for the next day instead of spending time with their families. This will cause family relationships to grow weaker and weaker each day. An extended day would also affect sporting events between different school districts. While other school districts are released and hour and a half earlier, we would be released an hour and a half late. This would delay the start time of sporting events. The students who play sports would not arrive home until it was dark. The
Students have afterschool activities, such as soccer, basketball, bowling, dance, etc. Some of those activities start right when school ends and that’s convenient for the student. The student can just go straight to their activity from school with no problem, but if the school board extends the school day there is going to be a problem. The student will either have to miss part of the school day just so they can get to their activity or they’ll just have to not do the activity at all, and that’ll upset the student. That is why we should either keep the school day the same or shorten the school day. Yes, the student may get to their activity at a later time, but what if that is the latest time they could get it to? What if that activities time is the best for that specific student?
Do you think we should have longer school days? We should not have longer school days because although it gives teachers more to talk about problematic areas, it will not help kids, considering the method they use are using to teach is not working. We should not have longer school days, longer school days will intrude students’ time to be active and shorter school days can help with academic achievement.
According to a report from the New York City district, a school that received funds for longer days fared better on standardized tests. This school had seven percent more students scoring at or above grade level in reading, when two other schools had increases of five and six percent. In math, three percent of students scored at or above grade level in a school with a longer day, compared with one percent for a low performing school and an average of one percent for other schools (Brett 1). This information is one example of many studies that illustrate that long school days have a great positive impact on school performance. The main school goals are improving students’ knowledge and building different skills that will help them in the future. Therefore, if longer school days support these educational goals, people should be concerned about improving schools by lengthening the day.
Most important, increasing school hours and days will rob students of their personal time. Longer hours and days will cause extracurricular activities to be shorten for instance sports,clubs,and band. So for sports,and band practice would be shorter so say it gets dark out earlier they will either practice on the game field or have to install lights at the practice field. Both ways will make the electric bill go up. Also something else that longer school time would do is it would mess up student jobs. If school would end at 4:30 for student A and student B’s school ended at 2:30 the boss of the job is more likely to pick student B because they can get off school faster. Family time is another important thing say school doesn't end till later
Having shorter school day could benefit students outside of school. On debate.org struggling students could find tutors after school to work with them. By doing so everyone would be on the same page. Also after school students would have time to join clubs that they’re interested in. If we have a shorter school day students would get their homework done faster at home. An expert opinion says that “Students would get home earlier and get homework done faster. They would have a lot of time for other activities,play sports,or even join an after school
Many students that attend HHS don't do their homework. Most people forget but they also are to tired to finish it. Homework in HHS is 10% of a student's grade. I love to having a high grade but sometimes not being able to finish it due to the fact of being too tired after I get home affect my grade a lot. Providing students a shorter school-day will help them obtain and maintain a good grade. “If the school-days are shorter, won't there be more homework?” No, the way teachers will teach their class will be different, they will have to provide more information in a shorter period of time, but if they do hand out more homework, there is more time to do it. Shorter school-days will give students time to efficiently finish homework so they could