Concentrated Knowledge™ for the Busy Executive Vol. 27, No. 9 (3 parts), Part 1, September 2005 • Order # 27-21 FILE: LEADERSHIP ® From Effectiveness to Greatness THE 8TH HABIT THE SUMMARY IN BRIEF For individuals and organizations, effectiveness is no longer merely an option — survival requires it. But to thrive, excel and lead in the Knowledge Worker Age, we must move beyond effectiveness to greatness, which includes fulfillment, passionate execution and significant contribution. Accessing a higher level of human genius and motivation requires a sea change in thinking: a new mind-set and skill set — in short, an additional habit to those featured in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The crucial challenge is to …show more content…
He then spent two years setting up a formal, independent bank to do just that. On Oct. 2, 1983, Grameen Bank was created. Grameen Bank now works in more than 46,000 villages in Bangladesh, has 1,267 branches and more than 12,000 staff members, and has lent more than $4.5 billion, in loans of $12 to $15. A housing loan is $300. At the heart of this empowerment are individuals who chose to become selfreliant, independent entrepreneurs producing goods out of their own homes or neighborhoods to become economically viable and successful. They found their voices. The carrot-and-stick motivational philosophy; and Centralized budgeting, which creates hierarchies and bureaucracies to drive “getting the numbers” — a reactive process that produces “kiss-up” cultures bent on “spending so we won’t lose it next year.” As people consent to be controlled like things, their passivity only fuels leaders’ urge to direct and manage. There’s a simple connection between the controlling, Industrial Age, “thing” paradigm that dominates today’s workplace and the inability of managers and organizations to inspire people’s best contributions in the Knowledge Worker Age: People choose how much of themselves to give to their work, depending on how they’re treated. Their
The speaker of this piece is Daniel Pink, author of several bestselling books pertaining to business and human behavior. Most of Pink’s credibility comes from the vast amount of research he has done about human mannerism and how it affects business. By initiating “a renaissance of self-direction,” corporations, organizations, and more can prosper due to “[crafting] a new operating system” off of which they function (Pink 79, 90). For too long, CEOs and other figures of authority have managed businesses based on the assumption that people will work harder if they are expecting a reward. Pink rejects this assumption and suggests that people are more intrinsically motivated by providing his readers with multitudes of shocking and concrete evidence
Dr. Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are (1)be pro-active, (2) begin with the end in mind, (3) put first
In “Habit” Alain De Botton, the author mentions different ways one could travel without leaving the comfort of their home. The individual will come across the “traveler’s mindset” and see everything in a new light; what was the ordinary will become wonderous and exciting. One’s ordinary home will no longer be dull but quite entertaining. Developing the traveler’s mindset, one will start reversing the process of habituation; seeing the world through the eyes of the new. “Possible Worlds: Why do Children Pretend” Alison Gopnik, has many similarities to De Botton’s writing in subtle ways. Gopnik goes in detail on counterfactuals and the necessity of imagination in order to make possible worlds. Both authors explain the importance in realizing
1. McMillan demonstrates that the only way to fix the American eating habits is to consider the issue of social classes when discussing about the best eating habits that promotes health and fitness.
Is Change possible Can people change? Most people say one can’t change, everyone always stays the same. In the book The power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, he talks about the powers of a habit’s and how one can change these habits. A habit is something someone practices continually, that is hard to give up. My habit is smoking, every time I go somewhere in my car I feel like smoking a cigarette.
Habit as defined in Webster’s as a: a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance b : an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, 2011). Behavior is the manner of conducting oneself or anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation. In everyday life habits are formed and intertwined with ones behavior. People are often associated with the way they behave
“The Habit Loop” written by Charles Duhigg explores habits being subconsciously emitted within the brain causing actions to happen without thinking about it or even remembering how to do it. Eugene Pauly suffered from viral encephalitis of which left a hole in his brain, leaving his memory to deteriorate over time. Eugene's memory got worse and worse until he could barely remember anything that had happened 20 seconds ago. Although his memory was disappearing, Eugene could still carry out tasks such as eat or use the restroom, but when asked to explain how he does it, he can not tell you. Habits were embedded into his brain letting him survive merely on instinct rather than memory. Eugene could leave the house and walk up and down streets
lIn “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey helps people become more effective when dealing with the significant challenges of life. In details, Stephen Covey provides guidelines for managing time and balancing studies, social life, job, and other priorities. The first three habits are focused on personal victories. They teach how to develop self-mastery and dependence. Those three habits are: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, and Put First Things First. Habits four, five, and six address interdependence, the success in working with others. Habit four: Think Win-Win, habit five: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, and habit six: Synergize. The seventh habit: Sharpen the Saw, talks about building
Stephen R. Covey first wrote the self-help book entitled, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this book has since opened the eyes and hearts to millions of people throughout the world. After discovering the success that so many individuals encountered and still encountering, Dr. Covey decided to write the sequel entitled, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness. This habit is explained as, “Finding your voice, your calling, your soul’s code and inspire others to do the same.” What does that mean exactly and how would one implement that particular habit into the business world? It is simple really, that is if you know what it is that you are working towards, having an end in mind. With some direction, a foundation, and a
“Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa—the hemp plant” (What is marijuana?) Researchers say, “Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America, behind only alcohol and tobacco, and has been used by nearly 100 million Americans” (About Marijuana). “The main mind-altering chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC” (Marijuana). Marijuana is not harmful to the human body; there has never been a known death because of marijuana. Marijuana is also known as; cannabis, weed, and pot. Why is marijuana illegal if it is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco? "The smoking of cannabis, even long-term, is not harmful to health. ... It would be reasonable
In all aspects of life, from the professional world to family interactions, good thinkers help solve problems. For 40 years, John C. Maxwell has studied and analyzed successful people and how they think. He has concluded that the way successful people approach the thought process is a key differentiator. In How Successful People Think, Maxwell discusses the 11 skills that good thinkers exhibit
1. Which parts of your essay do you feel most closely meet the expectations for exemplary writing as described in the essay rubric and why?
For decades, countries have designed their individual accounting standards principle-based, rules-based, tax-oriented, or business-oriented. Globalization has led to the greater needs with regards to harmonizing the standards (Kimmel, 2013). By late 1990’s the dominant standards were the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Thus, both the standard setters namely; FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) and IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) launched a convergence project prior to the IFRS being essentially adopted by several countries. Measures are being taken to reduce likely impacts the frameworks would have on financial statement and reduction of last minute changes (Kimmel, 2013).
The Grameen Project was started in 1977 by the Grameen Bank as part of a delivery-recovery mechanism for impoverished individuals living in Bangladesh. The Grameen Project went against the typical banking philosophy of the time with regards to who received loans and the re-payment structures for loans. The premise of the Grameen Project was that support groups would be beneficial for both the bank and the individual borrowing money, in that all individuals in the group would assume a moral responsibility for each other’s loans from the bank. Anyone borrowing money from the bank had to be a member of a five person support group, in which all members were required to receive training in bank policies and take a test prior to receiving a loan. The members of the five person support group were required to approve loans for their members. The loans were initially offered to two members of the group. Upon the first two members of the group successfully repaying a portion of their loan, two more individuals from the group could receive a loan from the bank. The chairman of the group was usually the last to receive a loan. Every member of the group that received a loan was required to deposit 5% of the loan into a group fund, which would be used to assist a member of the group if a crisis arose. The loans offered by the Grameen Bank, lasted for a year, were paid weekly and based on a 20 percent interest rate. The loans were used primarily by women to start businesses so
To cite the saying that social entrepreneurship is the best way to help people in need, we would like to provide an outstanding example of social enterprise which is Grameen Bank. Grameen Bank was officially founded in 1983 by Muhammad Yunus and it provides small loans, rather than charity, to the poorest of the poor especially women in Bangladesh. This indeed provides an opportunity for the people to transform their lives. In 2006, Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank for their efforts to create economic and social