
8th Habit Summary

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Concentrated Knowledge™ for the Busy Executive Vol. 27, No. 9 (3 parts), Part 1, September 2005 • Order # 27-21 FILE: LEADERSHIP ® From Effectiveness to Greatness THE 8TH HABIT THE SUMMARY IN BRIEF For individuals and organizations, effectiveness is no longer merely an option — survival requires it. But to thrive, excel and lead in the Knowledge Worker Age, we must move beyond effectiveness to greatness, which includes fulfillment, passionate execution and significant contribution. Accessing a higher level of human genius and motivation requires a sea change in thinking: a new mind-set and skill set — in short, an additional habit to those featured in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The crucial challenge is to …show more content…

He then spent two years setting up a formal, independent bank to do just that. On Oct. 2, 1983, Grameen Bank was created. Grameen Bank now works in more than 46,000 villages in Bangladesh, has 1,267 branches and more than 12,000 staff members, and has lent more than $4.5 billion, in loans of $12 to $15. A housing loan is $300. At the heart of this empowerment are individuals who chose to become selfreliant, independent entrepreneurs producing goods out of their own homes or neighborhoods to become economically viable and successful. They found their voices. The carrot-and-stick motivational philosophy; and Centralized budgeting, which creates hierarchies and bureaucracies to drive “getting the numbers” — a reactive process that produces “kiss-up” cultures bent on “spending so we won’t lose it next year.” As people consent to be controlled like things, their passivity only fuels leaders’ urge to direct and manage. There’s a simple connection between the controlling, Industrial Age, “thing” paradigm that dominates today’s workplace and the inability of managers and organizations to inspire people’s best contributions in the Knowledge Worker Age: People choose how much of themselves to give to their work, depending on how they’re treated. Their

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