
9/10 Mortgage Speech

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Good morning Kona , I'm concerned that the underwriters aren't going to know my true accessible "cash" net worth based on the forms we signed yesterday. As I'm sure it is with all your clients this is a very important to Carol and I. We planned to put down up to $250k not the $168k noted on the form so the true net loan amount would be $313k and not $394k We need this to come back as soon as possible with a positive outcome. The seller and I would like to close 9/30/17 versus the 10/5 noted on the real estate contract. US bank approx. $161,400 BOA approx. $180,00 Total- approx. $341,400 Merrill's Edge IRA accounts 208 k and 20k At this point my mortgage in process home loan navigator still shows my forms haven't been uploaded. I understood

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