The operations of DHS are helping now because before 9/11 I personally think we let our guard down concerning if other countries might attack us. But since 9/11 DHS has strengthened our security and has become more watchful of who enters our country such as through Airport Security and Border Patrol. Yes, I do believe there could be more room for improvement, there is always going to be room for improvement concerning our safety because there's no such thing as being fully secure when we have other countries or people out there with harmful attention towards the U. S.
9/11 had many people devastated. Many people lost many loved ones do to the 9/11 attack on the day of September 11, 2001. 3,000 people were killed during the attacks of New york and Washington D.C., including more than 400 police officers and firefighters. If you may not know what 9/11 is it is the day when American Boeing Airlines loaded with 20,000 gallons of fuel crashed into the World Trade Center. The crash left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th to the 110th floor. About 18 minutes after the first crash on the north side of the Trade Center, the second Boeing plane hit the south side of the building on the 60th floor. The collision of the two planes made a massive explosion that showered debri.The people that were involved
During the attack of 9/11 Arijana Barun was on a plane from Zürich to Chicago. Like the other passengers on her plane she was very frightened and scared when the intercom came on and the pilot said, “The plane will be turning around due to an unexpected event in America.” She did not find out what had happened until four hours later when the plane landed in Zürich national airport. Two police officers entered her plane and said, “There have been attacks in America on the twin towers and they are no longer standing.” Entering the airport there were many T.V.’s portraying the same video, twin towers collapsing one after another. Talking to the people around them Arijana Barun and the other passengers on her plane discovered there was not only
Did you know that almost 3,000 people died on 9/11? People hijacked four planes and crashed them into the Pentagon, both World Trade Center buildings and into a field in Pennsylvania. 9/11 was a historical event because of what happened before, during and after.
The England international star had been robbed by armed burglars while he was enjoying a night at his Manchester home with his young family. The couple had been left traumatized since then.
So It was a sad moment for the people that lost their lives that day the day of September 9,2001 or a shorter word 9/11. The people that hit the two Twin Towers and the Pentagon and one was going for the White House but there was a fight in the plane that was going to the White House. But the plane was crashing in a field at Pennsylvania. So, every year at 9/11 they will have a memory for the people that died that day from the two Twin Towers. So, if you will try to go too see the twin towers they are not there because of the 9/11 they did not try to rebuild it so they just put water in the outside and there is trees too. So if you try to go there in the night you will see the light in the middle where it was.
What, not who, is to be blamed for 9/11? It’s very clear that the primary cause of 9/11 was the planes, hijacked by Al-Qaeda terrorists, crashing into the buildings. However, it’s also commonly known that the twin towers stood for a memorable a hundred and two minutes before crashing down from the view the manhattan skyline. So how were so many lives lost when there was so much time to escape the buildings? Many have searched for answers, and have come to conspiratorial conclusions, biased and without relatable evidence. However after reviewing the information on the attacks, one thesis stands above the rest of them; the lack of communication was responsible for the greatest loss of life. Though there are many other great points to be made
I have read the abc news article for the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. I disagree with how they interpreted 9/11 after 15 years, because there is so much more that can mentioned in details. The new generations that are coming into this world need to know more than just how many people died in 9/11 and how we are honoring them. We need to know about how much 9/11 affected our nation as a whole. As well as all the after effects 9/11 had on America, and all of the other nations. In fact, there should be details about the persons that were behind it, and how much we have grown, or how we can keep moving forward. All of this information should written there, because this was one the most historical moments
Paragraph 1: The two media sources i am using is Television and the Internet on 9/11 disasters. The television and The Internet will help me because i can use like CNN news or History channel and i can also research on the 9/11 attack. The disaster and the devastation and the fatality on 9/11. Journalist are reliable because without they help i wouldn't tell you about the 9/11 disaster. When did this disaster occurred? On September 11,2001 8:45 A.M. on a clear Tuesday morning. Where did this disaster occurred? The World Trade Center in New York City near the Twin Tower. Another one happened in Pentagon outside of Washington D.C. and Also in Pennsylvania.
On Thursday I asked a close family friend questions about important United States history events such as 9/11, Obama’s inauguration, Hurricane Katrina, the Recession, Pluto not being a planet anymore, and the fall of Facebook and Myspace. Many other US events were mentioned, but those five were the ones she remembered the most. Along with her opinions I also spoke or discussed my opinions about police brutality that’s currently happening and the current debates between who’s going to be the next president of the United States. We also spoke of which events were most important and impacted the US more than the other options. On that last topic we had different opinions on which were more beneficial. All of the historical events were beneficial and impacted the United States in some way and molded the actions of Americans in one way or another.
The topic of the interview used for the interview was 9/11. 9/11 was used because 9/11 was a big point in American History and it is always an interesting to get peoples opinions about 9/11 because there are so many different stories that people have about what they experienced that day. The interviewee was Carolyn Alexander and she was interviewed because even though she lived on the west coast when 9/11 happened, she was still impacted in multiple ways. Carolyn was impacted because she was just as surprised as everybody else when she found out about 9/11.
“While strongly condemning any attempt to abuse the person of Muhammad, or an insult to our holy places and prejudice against the faith we reject and strongly condemn the use of force to terrorize innocent people and the killing of innocent people” (Benghazi 11). A quote, said by Libyan Prime Minister, Mustafa Abushagar, as a result to the attack on a United States Embassy in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. This attack is considered an act of terror on the United States and as a result, four Americans were killed. Set in a post 9/11 setting, this event is one of the most controversial. Some people believe Hilary Clinton, former Secretary of State, did not do enough with security at international embassies, while others believe that she did everything she could and was supposed to. The bombing of the US
Terrorist organizations from the past did not have much exposure compare to terrorist organizations now who have diverse media outlets. The different types of media coverage's include the internet , social media, news, and YouTube videos. Terrorist have an advantage with these media outlets, they can recruit members to join the fight against those who are against Islam. These individual can receive training from these terrorist organization. Training can include how to make a bomb, fight tactics, or planning terrorist attack. They play to and for an audience, and solicit audience participation (Hoffman 2006, 173). These terrorist organization want as much media exposure as to bring terror to those who oppose them. By these terrorist attack
Individuals who use terror techniques as a way to intimidate U.S. citizens about the justice of war may be terrorist themselves. Many terrorist weather apart of a larger organization or acting as a lonewolf are intent on attacking liberalism because they view it as a rival doctrine. I wonder then should leveralism be constrained in responding to such attacks as September 11, 2001. In the aftermath of the worst attack on U.S soil since Pearl Harbor, many Americans of my generation have held the view that this attack has changed our world forever. I believe that this is certainly true for local and state police agencies and their chiefs. It has become increasingly clear that several federal agencies, such as the U.S. Secret Service and the FBI,
President George W. Bush delivered a televised address from the Oval Office at approximately 7 p.m. on the day that shook America , declaring, “Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.”(“9/11 ATTACKS”) In a reference to the eventual U.S. military response he declared, “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.”(“9/11 ATTACKS”)Operation Enduring Freedom, the American-led international effort to oust the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and destroy Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network based there, began on October 7th. Within two months,
On the morning of September 11, 2001, an Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda carried out a series of four attacks on the United States. The most well-known attack is when two commercial airline planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. Many innocent lives were lost and families were torn apart. While many Americans were determined to show their resilience towards the attacks, this is a day many Americans will never forget. Although the attacks happened sixteen years ago, Americans are still dealing with the impacts these attacks have had on life in America. The 9/11 attacks have had several long-lasting effects on everyday life in America, some of which include an increase in airport security, a change in national security, and an increase the fear of terrorism.