Decisions impact everything, even if it’s not your decision, it could still impact what you do. If it is something you don’t like, you can make the decision to argue. The other person can make the decision to argue back. Then, you two will make the final decision. Your decisions will affect people’s emotions. There are millions of decisions being made that affect people in all different ways, but 9/11 and drunk driving are very memorable events, that have been, or are all over the news. 9/11 is a very sad, and emotional day, in which we remember and honor thousands of innocent people, who were struck by the plane, that crashed into the Twin Towers. The people in that plane were terrorists. These terrorists had decided to come to the United
9/11 was a very tragic seen because over 8,000 people died on september 11, 2001. It was a tragic day for america, some people were lead to believe that George w. bush did it but no one knows for sutan.
Throughout the years there are events that stay with you, and the date September 11, 2001 is one of them. The plane hijackings, attack on the Twin Towers, and plane crashes that took place on 9/11 were tragic. Though being born that year and not being able to witness the event, I feel as though it changed me in some way. This action of terrorism effected the U.S. in many ways, that would help prevent terrorism in the long run. Which would give the new generation ideas to help prevent terrorism. Despite the years that have gone by, 9/11 will always be a travesty that will be remembered.
9/11 is a tragic day burned into american history forever. The horrifying scene in Manhattan, NY which killed 2,600 has been described as something out of a movie. The footage of the attack is overwhelming, and the effects it had on the world, are even more so. Being part of the generation that was born just before 9/11, most of our emotions attached to the event are not very sensitive, in fact to many it is seen almost as a joke at times, since even today vines and memes about the twin towers are everywhere. On the other hand, it also created hate and islamophobia in some, distrust towards our own government in others, and even a stronger sense of patriotism.
September 11th, 2001 started off as an ordinary day in the United States, but ended up being a day in history that will be remembered forever. September 11th will always be a day that everyone will always remember, and that they will never forget. Early in the September 11th morning, around 8:00 am, four American airliners, American Airlines, were hijacked by a terrorist group named Al Qaeda. The hijackers headed toward the United States, and were ready to attack, very quickly. Two of the planes that were hijacked hit the World Trade Center, located in New York City, making the Twin Towers crash to the ground, killing 3,000 people, and injuring 10,000 people (“9/11 Attacks”). The company that owned 9/11 was
The attack of 9/11 was not just an attack on the United States of America but the entire world. Not just the twins tower were attacked, but also the pentagon was attacked. These people just went on another hard day of work, doing their important jobs. The sad thing was that
On September 11, 2001, the United States of America faced its biggest attack in history, two commercial airlines flew into the World Trade Center in New York City, and another plane flew into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. But during these attacks, our Command-in-Chief George W. Bush was not protecting himself from harm, he was in Sarasota, Florida reading about goats. The people of America question is Bush and his staff should be held accountable for these attacks. As Bush did not act as any other president would, he continued to read “The Pet Goat” instead of making an attempt to protect himself, as if nothing was happening. But on the other hand, there are reason to believe that President Bush was not informed about the warnings and threat and that he was practically blindfolded until the time off the attack, and that the attack was planned and
On the 11th of September, 2001, America was under attack. 19 men hijacked four domestic American passenger planes, with the intention of crashing them into several iconic American landmarks. Two of the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, reducing them to rubble. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth plane, en route to Washington D.C, crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers attempted to overthrow the hijackers. Almost 3000 people died that day as a result of the attacks. September 11th is a day permanently ingrained into the minds of millions of Americans and one of the, if not the largest scar on the face of modern American history. Suspicions arose only a few days after the attack regarding who was responsible and blame quickly fell on the jihadist terrorist group known as Al-Qaeda, primarily based in Afghanistan.
September 11, 2001 is a day that no American will ever forget, a day that left a huge impact on the lives of many Americans, a day that has changed America and the world forever. On this day, known as 9/11, America had suffered its first attack on
come, and it will be taught in history lessons in schools for a very long time. It
September 11 was the day of the day of the tragic ending of millions of lives, the world trade towers, and the pentagon. It was also the day America realized how vulnerable they actually were. When September 11 happened America was surprised to find out how easily they could get hurt by terrorist. Americans government felt the need to act fast in improving so they could prevent an accident like September 11 from ever happening again. No everyone was pleased with America’s decision, a lot of people criticist America for the actions they took.
The day 9/11 occurred on September, 11, 2001. The attacks in New York were not the only bad things that happened on this day. There had been four planes who had someone hijack the plane and two of those planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Then another plane crashed into the pentagon in Washington D.C which is the US military building. When one of the planes crashed into one of the Twin Towers a few minutes later it was followed by another crash in the other Twin Towers building.
“The September 11 attacks changed many aspects of American life and governmental policies” (September 11 Terrorist Attacks on the United States). It all started on September 11, 2001 in New York. 9/11 made history with its tremendous destruction and deaths. Many people were killed in the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, additionally those who jumped down from stories above and the hundreds who asphyxiated in the massive smoke that had spread from New York to Washington D.C.. Many Americans from that day on have sorrow and barren feelings from losing their loved ones. Many people do not realize how strongly their opinions have affected not only the country but other countries additionally.
With the horrific event of September 11, 2001 with four airplanes that got hijacked and had people taken hostages. With the United States unable to harm innocent people that were on the planes. With two of the airplanes crashing into the twin towers, the third airplane was crashed into the pentagon, and the fourth airplane crashed into a field because of the people res. Nearly three hundred people were killed within that day. It was one of the largest loss of life from a foreign attack on American soil. With the after mass of the tragedy of losing many lives in September 11, 2001 millions of people and volunteers felt that they should assist with the mass tragedy that happened that day.
September 11, 2001, every American 's nightmare. Remembered as one of the most horrendous and inconceivable hours every American underwent. Even today, the events that took place on this day affected every person in this world. Our way of life, our citizen was under attack. Thousand of lives were awfully ended by the attack. Although Al-Qaeda hated America, evidence prove it was a revenge to the American people and not a Holy war. While these attacks will be in our hearts forever, the outcomes are felt in various ways as well.
September 11th, 2001, a day that will live in the hearts of all Americans. On this tragic day approximately three thousand people, men and women lost their lives in a horrendous attack on this nation by Islamic extremists. It was on this fateful day at the ripe age of six, that a spark lit inside me; a spark that would change my life. I was drawn to the television, wanting to know every detail of these attacks; realizing that the world was not what I had known it. I knew after the attacks occurred, that one day I would be President of the United States; this was my goal, for a better tomorrow.