On September 9, 2011 the Nation took a hue turn. Just thinking that morning you send your loved ones off to work or school and not seeing them again. One the day of the attack there were many emotions going on because you didn’t know where they were going to hit next. If your children were in school you couldn’t get them because they didn’t know if you were set up, so they did everything to protect the safety. At the time of 9/11 I was only four years old, I don’t remember much. All I could remember is way are all the adults glued to the television and crying. Ever since September 9,2011 the freedom and security has
It was a sunny day here in New Jersey, I was getting ready to go see the Twin towers memorial the next day."Julie! Come down here please we need to talk!"said my mother.
Its was June of 2008, and the rain was coming down harder than ever. We were at a wedding reception in Des Moines, Iowa. Why were we even here when there are annoying beeping sounds all over, from the phones. We all started dancing and having fun until… my dad, Michael received a call from a friend. Wide eye stare as he frantically looks around the room. Then he whispers something into my mom, Hillary’s ear and she panicked. My sister, Lauren and I were having the best time dancing and playing around the room when my mom grabs my hand and says…
9/11 changed how we all viewed the world. The safety that was once felt is no longer taken for granted. That day changed how we think, how we act, and may even cause us to pause before going out. Since that day millions have been spent on ensuring such an event does not happen again. In addition, an entire new department of the federal government was created to watch and centralize security in the United States, the Department of Homeland Security. All done in the name of security. While an event of the magnitude of 9/11 has not repeated itself, others similar to it have. The attacks at Fort Hood, Boston Marathon, and recent school shootings remind us all that there are still individuals out there seeking to cause harm. This means that
The wind chime hung from the roof of the abandoned house , it swayed calmly and slowly against the wind , everything seemed peaceful . We - my father and I - sat on the porch of the rundown house that only we knew about . It was dark and I wasn’t the biggest fan of the night , the night is unpredictable but yet so beautiful .
The claims that are presented in this report may very well be the Haunting pieces of puzzle that shake millions of patriotic Americans down to their very roots. This is information that has been overlooked and tucked away into the deep corners of the American Pride that resides in the hearts of millions of Americans. There is multitudes of evidence that contradict the credibility of the 9/11 Official Commission Report. There are significant gaps within the Commission Report, which contradict the FACTUAL events that took place on the day of September 11th, 2001. Please be advised that the information that you are going to view is very significant. I offer no conclusions, I only wish to present this information, and let the reader draw
The 9/11 attacks were the worst acts of terrorism on American soil to date. That were designed in order to instill panic and fear on the American psyche. Their were plenty of cases of post traumatic stress symptoms (PTSD) that include, the feeling that the event is happening again. A Lot of people in the United states did not feel safe at home anymore because of how easily the terrorist organization attacked the twin towers and the world trade center in the 9/11 attacks. The attack on the world trade center on September 11, 2001, changed New York City forever. The twin towers, which had become one of the symbols of the city and were a workplace for more than 30,000 people, were destroyed. As one journalist put it the city was like a twilight zone, or a ghost town days after the incident. Some of the new thing that changed since the attacks of 9/11 were that our surveillance state was a fraction of its current size and not to mention the amount of more security at airports has raised exponentially since the attacks. America’s involvement in the war on terror , promoted by the 9/11 terrorist attacks resulted in a dramatic change in our nation’s attitudes and concerns about safety, vigilance, and privacy. Unlike the social effect of 9/11 the death of Osama Bin Laden was the opposite, people were rejoiced rather than suffering
Scarlett awoke to the sound of her alarm and a pounding at the door, "Turn that blasted thing off!" her aunt Beatrice bellowed from the other side. Groggily, Scarlett sat up and groped around her side table for the alarm clock. She shut it off and sat in place for a few seconds to collect her bearings. Scarlett swayed slightly as she stood from the bed and walked slowly towards her door, noting the fact that her aunt was gone, she headed to the bathroom. Doing routine things like; peeing, brushing her teeth, and combing her hair into two pigtails at the sides of her head. She then headed back to her room and dressed for school in her white tank top and red hoodie. Grabbing her ipod, headphones, and school bag she sat down at the front door
September 11, 2001 began as any ordinary day for Elvia Hogan as she left her home and headed for work. She recalled the sun shining and the sky a bright blue as she entered the counseling office at Hunter High School. As she approached her desk, she opened her computer to find the unbelievable image of an airplane in the top of one of the World Trade Center buildings. Phones were ringing, as the counselors began watching the news to follow what was happening when suddenly, a second plane flew into the neighboring tower.
Suena was walking home and she felt like she was being followed, but she thought it was because of the horror movie she watched the night before. It was about a twenty minute walk for Surena to get home and she often enjoyed but that day she didn’t enjoy it. When she got home there was a note on her fridge from her mother saying she’ll be back in a couple of hours and that there was leftovers in the fridge. She still had that icky feeling that someone was watching her, she kept saying in her head that it was just the horror movie scaring her. Her dog Belle was eating the couch again, when her mom got home she’d be mad. Surena went up stairs to her bedroom and forgot to lock the door that day, when her mother warned her many times before to
Jean the attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center did not happen on September 1, 2011, rather it was September 11, 2001. I clearly remember the day as I was able to see the smoke filled sky from my windows in New York City. Our televisions and radios were not working so most of us did not know what was going on. My husband was late for work because he was waiting for his brother; so they were both late which saved their lives as the train station they were supposed to get off on blew up at the time they were supposed to get there. He made it almost all the way to work when the trains stopped running and he had to walk for hours back home he called me crying as he saw people’s limbs, hands feet with shoes all over the street. Also
Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001 was a day that no one will forget. I decided to write it out what happened to my family that very day in my mom’s perspective to make it easier to understand. My mom was in Pleasant Hill, CA and decided to skip that day of work because my older sister was sick. Madeleine, my eldest sister, was two at the time. Early in the morning a family friend of ours, Janet, called my mom asking if she saw what was happening. Janet said,” Jeanne the twin towers are on the ground, turn on the news!” My mom was so tired from staying up all night because of Madeleine that when she heard what happened she didn’t belive it. She quickly turned on the news and it replayed the airplanes hiting the twin towers and falling.
In a little town in New Jersey, laughter filled throughout the house, 2 sisters playing patty cake together unable to play any other game since they've been conjoined at the stomach since their birth. Their names are Sydney and Sonal, the only way to tell the 2 apart is that one wears glasses and that is Sonal and Sydney doesn't. They’ve always been each other's best friend, one day they made a promise to each other.
Brett and Devyn first met in middle school in the 7th grade and from then on went to school together all the way up to their Senior year of high school. They had been really good friends up to this point, but Brett had a crush on Devyn for years. During football season, they really became close. One Friday night in November, it was really cold at the game. They had been hanging out all night with each other and their friends. Brett, being the gentleman that he was, was worried that she was cold and insisted on her wearing his jacket to stay warm. In the last quarter, this guy kept hitting on Devyn. She was not interested, but he was very persistent. Brett came over to her, grabbed her hand and acted like her boyfriend so that the guy would
The morning of 9/11 I wasn’t going to go to work because I had an allergy appointment,
To start off, our country has come so far since September 11th, but right after caused a state of confusion with the entire nation. While it has only been 12 years since it has happened, it had caused my husband’s family to move away from their home in Oak Lawn. During that whole week after there was a bunch