On September 11th, 2001, The US experienced the worst terrorist attack ever planned and executed on our country’s soil. The attacks affected all Americans who watched and were victims of the horrifying event. Our airport security definitely evolved in many ways, along with everyday lives of the citizens in our country. One of the tons of people to watch the attack as it happened was my mother. “I was at home, in the country in McLouth Kansas, watching Good Morning America,” my mom remarked. She was talking to her good friend Cindy Akasaki on the phone, having a nice morning conversation. Cindy abruptly told my mom she had to leave. Why? The twin towers had been hit by a plane. “I watched the very beginning of it as it unfolded.” That was a
September 11, 2001 (herein referred to as 9/11) was a day in American history, which will be remembered as the most horrific attack on American soil. This attack, carried out by nineteen Islamic extremists, was associated with al-Qaeda, and involved the hijacking of four airplanes. Two of those airplanes were hijacked and flown directly into the World Trade Center in New York City, New York. The third plane’s target was the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and the fourth plane was brought down in Pennsylvania where it is believed the passengers aboard fought the hijackers. This horrific day in history cost over 3,000 people their lives, and was labeled the worst attack on American soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II.
September 11, 2001 is a day that America will never forget. Most Americans were starting their day, drinking their favorite morning goodness, and getting ready for the day, when a plane flew into the World Trade Center on the television. Just after eight o’clock American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into World Trade Center’s North Tower, and all eyes tuned into New York City to see the catastrophic event. Twenty minutes later during the live news broadcast, United Airlines Flight 175 collided with the World Trade Center’s South Tower. The carnage did not stop there, shortly after nine-thirty American Airlines Flight 77 struck the western face of the Pentagon, and thirty minutes later, United Airlines Flight 93 came down in a field near Shanksville,
On the aftermath of the 9/11 Terror attacks by Al-Qaeda, The US declares "total war on the evil forces" and invades Afghanistan, but Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda remain elusive and undefeated. In this course of action, public pressure is mounting and there is a need for a concrete enemy that can be Militarily defeated. Within this pretext the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein enters into the equation as the "Axis of Evil" instead of the real enemy - Al Qaeda, and is announced as the main Military target by the US government.
9/11 was one of the most important events that has ever taken place in American history. Almost everybody’s lives were affected one way or another because of the terrorists attacks that took place that day. After the news got around that the first plane had hit one of the towers, there were thoughts going around that it was only an accident. A person that was working within the North Tower said “I just assumed it was a terrible accident.” Some people that were lucky enough to escape the towers have also been interviewed. The survivors that have been interviewed have told stories that the people in the towers were not panicking, instead they did their best to stay calm because they knew it would help them find a way out. I have decided to interview my mom, Angie Grant, about her thoughts and feelings on the events of 9/11.
The 9/11 attacks opened the avenue for a scrutiny of the performance and ability of the intelligence community to detect any threats to the safety of the United States. The media, politicians, reformists and other interested parties would not comprehend how such an attack would happen without the knowledge of the intelligence community. However, it is important to consider the fact that the attack was one of its kind and could not be approached with the resources and expertise used in other initiative such as the cold war. Therefore, the need to restructure the intelligence community arose from the view that it was still operating in the mindset and spirit of the cold war even in the modern era that had seen a revolutionary change of warfare
September 11, 2001 is a day that no American will ever forget. That day has left a mark on each an everyone of us. That day is commonly known as ‘9/11’ and was the longest day in New York City. Everyone needs to know the dangers of each day, no matter if you see if coming or not. No one on that day know what life changing experience they would go through. Shortly after arriving to work in September 11, 2001, the attacks took place. Flights 11, 77, 93, and 175 were hijacked early in the morning and the crashed occurred shortly after. Not only were the Twin Towers hit that day, but the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania were hit. There are many survivors who shared their incredible stories. They addressed what was going throughout their minds
There have been many tragedies in the throughout the years of the world, like Hiroshima or 9/11 for example. We hope to learn from these tragedies to hopefully have a safer and more efficient future.
The attacks of 9/11 affected the United States by increasing discrimination, endangering the health of many Americans, hurting the economy and changing foreign and security policies.
The September 11th attacks have had a profound effect on American history. Often referred to as “9/11”, these attacks were comprised of a group of organized terrorists known as Al-Qaeda. This extreme Islamic group assaulted several landmarks in New York City, Washington D.C, and the state of Pennsylvania. In New York City, two airliner jets were hijacked with passengers aboard and slammed into the World Trade Center. “The next attack resulted in a plane colliding into the Pentagon, government building; the last attack was in Pennsylvania when a plane crashed into a field. In total, 3,000 people died on September 11th, 2001” (History.com Staff). The September 11th-attacks have affected airport security by the new training of flight attendants, the formation of the Transportation Security Administration and new technical advances to keep up with increased terror threats.
Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001 was a day that no one will forget. I decided to write it out what happened to my family that very day in my mom’s perspective to make it easier to understand. My mom was in Pleasant Hill, CA and decided to skip that day of work because my older sister was sick. Madeleine, my eldest sister, was two at the time. Early in the morning a family friend of ours, Janet, called my mom asking if she saw what was happening. Janet said,” Jeanne the twin towers are on the ground, turn on the news!” My mom was so tired from staying up all night because of Madeleine that when she heard what happened she didn’t belive it. She quickly turned on the news and it replayed the airplanes hiting the twin towers and falling.
The terrorist attacks of September 11, altered American 's perceptions of the role in the world by strongly supporting the increased spending on national security and counterterrorism. Also, Americans have become more aware of how and where to engage in the world. As a result of the attacks, the US now has a defense that totals to nearly half the global total and has military dominance over scene, air, and space. The US also has the capability to dispatch massive military power anywhere in the world making them the system shaper. You may ask yourself just have a bad or do you check on September 11, 2001 was that led to this chaos and security becoming abnormally tight you may ask yourself just have a bad do you check on September 11, 2001
The tragic events of 9/11, have drastically added to the myriad of recognized risk types and threats as well as the security recommended and required to counter those threats. The Security Manager must be aware of current threat trends, as well as mitigation strategies for the risks identified by the stakeholders. The mitigation strategies vary depending on the type of asset, location, threats and level of risk. These risks can include the spectrum of natural events and disasters, human-caused events as well as the secondary events spawned by primary events. This paper will examine special event security, its purpose, and when such security is recommended.
The attacks of 9/11 was an act of terrorism that happened in New York. Two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, one into the Pentagon in Virginia, and another one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania intended to strike in Washington D.C. Three thousand civilian lives were lost that day. It was said by Al-Qaeda group, Osama Bin Laden that the purpose of 9/11 terror was to take revenge for the United States. The typical morning which turned out the historical tragedy terror in the world, created victims by the terror, that have disturbed the peace everyone in the world. It was the start of revenge from United States to Al-Qaeda.
On September 11, 2001, there was a horrific terrorist attack on the Twin Towers - Also known as the World Trade Center - that left a disgusting and traumatic gash on American soil. Not until 2014 did we finally realize that this open wound needed to be healed, not just mentally, but physically as well. We soon began rebuilding ‘Ground Zero’, marking a turning point and steering from the sadness and depression the bewildering experience abandoned us with. Within the rebuilding of ‘Ground Zero’ symbolism can be found in the antenna, the slanted windows, and the surrounding grounds as a way to remember the attack and acknowledge the scar it left behind.
The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks cause America and the whole world to change in a great way. The people in the United State would say, that the changes cause by the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 made United State be less free. This terrorist attacks have cause America to be less dependent on overseas fuel. The United State has spent over $52.6-billion to make sure that the United State is safe and is better guarded from any further terrorist attacks. The sad reality is that the United State is so far in debt that back in 2001 the United State was about $16.7 trillion. The September 11, 2001 cause the states buildings to increase the security, people have to have a valid ID to come into most State Buildings. If the person is