
911 Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Someone once said, “Terrorism is a significant threat to peace, security, prosperity, and people.” Terrorism is an event that happens where someone intentionally causes harm and or death to many people. All terrorist attacks that happen in the United States are broadcasted everywhere around the world which causes people to feel sad for the person and families affected. For many days after the attack, there are people praying all around the world for the friends and families of the deceased and injured.
A terrorist attack that happened in the United States that took everyone by surprise was the attack on September 11, 2001, by the Islamic group called Al-Qaeda. In the attack, there were three planes that had hit significant buildings in America. The twin towers in New York City, NY were hit first which caused many deaths. There was also a plane that was flown into the Pentagon which is located in Arlington, VA. This event in history has caused much grief with not just the families that lost someone, but also the friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and others.
In New York and …show more content…

In order to buy a plane ticket, I think they should run a more detailed background check, search the person and their luggage to the extreme. Another way that we can help prevent terrorist attacks from happening again is by making more strict gun laws. I do not believe that we should take guns away but we should have stricter laws on who can buy the guns and ammo. If we restrict who can and can not buy guns and ammo we could also cut down on the crime rate in America. Lastly, I believe that we should limit who is able to come into the country. If one is an illegal immigrant they should not be allowed in this country. Since Trump has been our president he believes the US should have a wall up to keep immigrants out. This could reduce the amount of terrorism in our country by not letting immigrants come into the

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