
Critically Analyze Three Pieces Of Research

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This essay will critically analyse three pieces of research to give a balanced detailed analysis of learners study habits. It will evaluate the impact of learning methods to determine if traditional teacher led or student led methods have an influence on how students study. Considering the research to discover what students consider to be successful learning, using the three pieces of text. Then conclude if results correlate to students’ predictions, by means of self-reflection, performance and deductions.
Study skills are different methods and techniques that encourage students become effective learners ‘study skills are viewed as academic enablers; they function as critical tools for learning. Study skills encompass a range of coordinated cognitive skills and process that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of students’ learning.’ (Devine, 1987). Accumulating an assortment of learning techniques, strategies and skills over a period of time can improve a student’s ability to learn and recall inspiring success. In agreement Maribeth Gettinger and Jill K Seibert found ‘successful students have been described as “directors” of their own learning, able to determine what content is important and how to learn and retain information’. Many theorists have attempted to discover the techniques that are most advantageous. (Gurung, 2010, Weinstein, and Palmer, 2002). Students have access to a variety of techniques to boost test results and

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