This essay will critically analyse three pieces of research to give a balanced detailed analysis of learners study habits. It will evaluate the impact of learning methods to determine if traditional teacher led or student led methods have an influence on how students study. Considering the research to discover what students consider to be successful learning, using the three pieces of text. Then conclude if results correlate to students’ predictions, by means of self-reflection, performance and deductions.
Study skills are different methods and techniques that encourage students become effective learners ‘study skills are viewed as academic enablers; they function as critical tools for learning. Study skills encompass a range of coordinated cognitive skills and process that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of students’ learning.’ (Devine, 1987). Accumulating an assortment of learning techniques, strategies and skills over a period of time can improve a student’s ability to learn and recall inspiring success. In agreement Maribeth Gettinger and Jill K Seibert found ‘successful students have been described as “directors” of their own learning, able to determine what content is important and how to learn and retain information’. Many theorists have attempted to discover the techniques that are most advantageous. (Gurung, 2010, Weinstein, and Palmer, 2002). Students have access to a variety of techniques to boost test results and
Students who have mixed types of problems than students who had the same type of problems but different questions achieved higher scores on a test. By varying study material, students learn to apply a strategy to a certain type of problem while a different strategy to another problem. This provides proof that the traditional studying methods of studying the same skill repeatedly are not the best method for studying. In addition, college students had to study a list of 40 vocabulary words. College students who studied in two different rooms and another set of college students had to study in the same room for the period the college students studied in different rooms.
Shellenbarger presents five ways to improve your study skills. Through other people’s experiences and studies Shellenbarger is able to support her claim of the helpful tips for getting the most from your studying while appealing to her audience through her organization and relevant references.
This essay will draw upon theory and empirical evidence in order to exhibit a clear understanding of sound study skills. This will be done by explaining each hypothesis, stating who grants support to these hypotheses and applying these in order for students to be able to improve their study methods. Furthermore, in conclusion a stand will be taken in order to identify the most successful study technique.
The relationship between effective studying methods and memory is a proven and well developed theory that is built upon the basis and understanding of cognitive evaluation. Robinowitz and Mcauley (2014) explain that memory strategies for studying is what helps ease the process of learning information and retrieving it from long term memory to bring it to working memory. This topic can teach students different methods of obtaining information that will benefit their studying and memory skills for future educational purposes. In their experiment which targeted the effects of ease of processing on the use of perception strategies, researchers Robinowitz and Mcauley (2014) set out to investigate whether or not these strategies would have an effect on a students’ observation and implementation on learning information. The subjects in this experiment consisted of 120 students at the University of Illinois. Robinowitz and Mcauley tested the participants by using two different trials and three different lists per trial, each consisting of 24 words. Ranked on a scale from easy to difficult, the first list was at an easy level and included words that had a connection with one another which made it easier to follow. The subsequent list was ranked at a
These latter two factors account for only a minor part of overall learning. Study is a complex operation, and educators tend to regard study habits and attitudes as important variables in helping to determine academic success or failure. Efficient learning depends upon the development of efficient study habits and skills (Jammuar K.K., 1973). It means study habits are related to scholastic achievement. According to Thomson, M. E. (1976) for better academic achievement good study habits are essential.
In the study by Kong (2011), cognitive tools, or CTs, were used by the students. These tools are devices that help to guide the student 's cognitive process and assist them in learning the selected course
Every person has an inner need to education. Knowledge which we can gain, allows us to know ourselves. Most of us are asking : how to learn more effective ? It is obvious, there are many different ways to develop our study skills. One example is improve verbal communication – the way we act to other people, to illustrate : it tells a lot about us if we can remember names after first introduction. If we are able to do this, people perceive us like a fair conversationalists. Relationship between student and lecturer is also enormous value in understanding word of mouth. Another skill is academic writing. It is significant in a way, if we could leave on a paper exactly the same thing we insinuate in our brains. Our thoughts, opinions - to
A student’s relationship with studies depend on many factors. They maybe the motivation of an individual, how the student learns, their curriculum, the way the teacher teaches the subject, the availability of resources (e.g. library, internet etc.) and the environment around them. All these factors influence the quality and style of studying.
Studying skills will help you be more successful as well, there is also to much studying. To much studying can cause stress, and dense learning habits, also pushing your self to hard may ruin learning skills and cause your self to feel bad, or not as intelligent. Study skills for tests, quizzes, and exams is very important. Evenly spreading out study time will increase memory of the subjects you learn. Taking frequent breaks will make studying less stressful. Using flash cards, web sites, computers, or just a pencil and paper are all great ways to study. Having an answer sheet to refer to, and look over when your done will also help study and learning skills because it can help you see what you did wrong and need to fix. Having a study group or club before big tests, like exams or diplomas, will help you have more fun with your friends when studying.
Personal learning styles are highly complex and unique to specific individuals. It is often difficult to pinpoint an exact learning style. Though there are different categories, we often fine tune them to our own abilities. By examining our traits and tendencies we create a clearer understanding of how we process and learn information. With careful review, I have developed a specific analysis of my learning characteristics, including an evaluation of skill levels. Based on what I have recently learned and know from experience, I have also devised a structured plan for improvement of time management and study skills.
A range of different and useful topics have been discussed since the start of Pathways to lifelong learning, some of which I found to be of particular help. The college expectations which we learned towards the beginning of the course was especially helpful to learning how to become a critical thinker, something that was not very touched upon throughout my time in high school. I now use Bloom’s Taxonomy when beginning to prepare for an important paper or presentation. In addition to the first chapter, I had also found great help in the second chapter on the skills needed to succeed in school. In the past, I used rehearsal as my main strategy to memorize for any upcoming tests or exams, however that often resulted in either retrieval failure or ineffective encoding. I now use chunking and elaboration as my main strategies to studying as I find it most effective when studying and retrieving information, especially when I am needing to memorize and learn a big amount of material.
This research work would not have been made possible without he whole hearted support, assistance and guidance of some people who have attended and extended their effort to us. However, we, the researchers wish to express our profound gratitude.
According to Ilda (2011) on her post to the website to Get Real Philippines!, Filipinos in general have the desire to be on a permanent state of euphoria or at least with being supposed to be a happy-go-lucky society no matter what circumstances they are in. Happy-go-lucky is a characteristic of a person in which he is optimistic on things around him, takes things lightly, and often smiles.
Our study is about “The Perception of the High School Students of Palawan Hope Christian School SY 2012-2013 regarding the usage of ebook”. An electronic book (variously, e-book, ebook, digital book) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices.
In the featured article “A Stanford Researcher’s 15 minute Study hack Lifts B+ Students into the A’s,” the author, J. Anderson, talks about trying to find new ways to improve a student’s performance at school and think strategically about thinking and study habits. One solution that has been offered to bring up student’s grades is the theory of metacognition and strategies of how that student studies. When studying, a lot of students are guilty of jumping directly into the material, why they are using that material, and lack of planning to learn well. It is said that this decreases their ability to get good grades and learn new material quickly and accurately. Students can actually be taught how to strategize their thinking and studying skills. Researchers say that prompts (how to perform a task) are more helpful than reminder that a task has to be performed. Another important way to improve your grade is reflecting on your own performance. Reflection will help you to use the right strategy to achieve the goal. What is different about the approach that is described in the article is that it not only tells you what you need to do, but also how to make it your habit. The steps are simple. Before the exam, students should reflect on its importance and their own preparedness. The second step is thinking about what the exam may cover (notes, academic assistance, etc.). It appears that students who took these steps not only performed better, but also felt less stress and more control over their performance. Another approach to improving grades is developing metacognitive skills. For example, writing skills can improve as a result of not only direct instruction, but also as a result of learning to evaluate the quality of your own work, which would be a metacognitive competence. All in all, one becomes a better learner not only by learning, but also by learning about learning.