When talking about life achievements, people recognize a well known person who’s accomplished many of the big things in life such as saving a child from drowning or donating millions of dollars to charity. But people ignore huge ‘inner’ accomplishments that relate to just being simply happy in life. William Robert a.k.a Bill, hasn’t yet saved a child, nor does he donate millions of dollars to charity; however many people in his life can conclude that he is one of the most loving people they've ever met.
To the world, Bill is no more than an ordinary human. But to Bill’s close family and friends, Bill is an extraordinary human. Joe, Bills room mate and best friend since college, says “Bill’s biggest accomplishment is learning to love the people
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Jane Robert, Bill’s mother, died due to a heart attack from the stress of her beloved husband. “Because such a wise heart couldn't bare losing its soulmate, it went along with it” says Bill’s sister Kate Fleming. “Losing our parents the same week was very hard on us; but Bill took it the worst because our parents were the only two people who inspired bill to be positive at times even when he was more down than usual”.
While Joe was taking care of Bill, Joe saw how deeply his friend was struggling with his self identity and the realization of the cruel world. Bill had nothing to offer but deep hatred for the people around him. When he would come home from work everyday, he would shut down the world with the blinds and the door that lead to loneliness and sadness under the blankets in his bed. There was no hope left from Bill, at least his family and friends thought
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His attitude towards life helped me get through many of my difficulties” says Joe. “But one of the greatest things Bill has done for me was working nonstop hours after after when I was trying to find a job, and he did so with no complaining what so ever. In fact, he was so happy to help me. He truly has changed to someone everyone loves. The world needs more people like Bill because Bill knows how to love everyone around him so deeply”.
When things were going fantastic for Bill, he experienced another traumatic event. Losing his greatest companion, Kelly (Bill’s dog), Bill experienced yet another heartbreak from someone he deeply cared for. Although Bill was heartbroken, this time he understood that life goes on whether or not he wants it to. He chose to celebrate the great times he had with Kelly from those long walks or those long hours of just napping together. This time, Bill wasn’t sitting in his bedroom alone and sad. He was out hiking on his favorite trail celebrating and talking about the great memories he had with Kelly and he shared this moment with
It was a shock for him to come to England. After the episode at the train station, Bill is talks to a hooligan from Manchester United's crew. It ends up with Bill taking with Mick and his united-crew for a football match. Bill was very surprised by the way the others in the group behaved. Quickly, Bill becomes aware that this isn’t just about football, but about smashing the other team firms. Bill is quickly taken care of by the atmosphere by being a part of the
I’m sure Bill doesn’t like
| Growth in maturity is shown as both Billy and Old Bill show signs of growth as they help each other. Billy's growth is demonstrated as he becomes a 'different' individual from the beginning of the narrative poem showing positive thinking “sure there's hope in the world...even for hobos like us".
In 1968 Bill began working for the Carnegie library in Homestead. This was the one job he loved the more then firefighting. At the time of his death, he had worked there almost 28 years. Bill started his library career out by assisting with gymnastic classes, and soon became an instructor for swimming lesions, teaching both adults and children. This is where we believe he gained a compassionate spot in his heart for children. During his career he encountered many children and teens but while teaching a gymnastic class to a child that was deaf, Bill quickly found himself in a challenging position. Being as compassionate for people as he was he made the decision to learn sign langue so that he could communicate with this child, and instruct her
He demonstrated to me, every single day, the importance of honest, hard work and dedication. Through perseverance and great effort, my family was eventually able to realize our dream. Working
Finally, Bill and Bud are loving people who most people find likeable. They guided J.R. throughout his "broken" life, when they first met J.R., he stammered, " I was nobody" (3) and Bill and Bud took him under their care like loving fathers. For example, while J.R. worked at a bookstore, Bill and Bid would supply him with works of literature. "He brought the books into the stockroom and quickly ripped the cover off each one. It seemed to cause him pain, like ripping off a bandage" (4). Bill and Bud suffered though several hard tasks that caused them emotional pain, because they loved books and thought of it as a miracle. Through this action, Bill and Bud showed their affection towards J.R... Additionally, in support that Bill and Bud are loving people, they both made
Richard Schmitt helps with the church, went into the air force, and has been a role model to many. Schmitt has influenced my family, the church family, and many other families. According to Sandra Dobmeier a Disabled American Veteran Volunteer, “Your efforts as a volunteer bring smiles to the faces of those helped, and their smiles make all of your efforts worthwhile”
When Bill for the first time walks over to feed Kitty he acts completely disrespectfully towards the Stones. He lays some of Harriet's prescription pills down in his pocket and he merrily drinks some of their whisky. When he returns home he gets the feeling of having left something back. He has this feeling because he knows it is wrong to sneak around in other people's apartment and behave like it is one's own he is therefore nervous for his action that might be tracked back to him. He omits telling his wife about it, but the question is also if there really is anything to tell? He
While I was reading pages 27 - 28, it made me remember certain events that occurred in my life similar to Joe Rantz. When I was around the age of four, my sister the age of three, and my cousin the age of nine we lost a dear beloved family member but unlike Joe Rantz who lost his mother we lost our grandmother. The worst feeling in life is losing someone who you're close to, who cared for you many times, and who you basically grew up with. Us three girls grew up with our grandmother taking care of us even if she herself had a job. While our parents were at work trying to provide us with the best life can give us. A night before thanksgiving dinner my grandmother wasn't feeling the best, so she took herself to bed. Her family worried sick insisted
Andrew Williams, an unbelievable man, was born and raised in Madison, served his country, and great brother and father to all.
Anyone that came in contact with him, could tell that was his biggest and most honorable trait. He knew when enough was enough, he knew when to leave the bar, and he also knew when his granddaughters wanted attention and affection from him. Growing up across the street from my grandpa, I was able to watch and observe him go through many stages of life. He was my biggest trainer of moderation, self-discipline, and love. He may not have always stopped when others thought he should and he may not have spent as much time with us as we thought we deserved, but he knew the right things to do for himself or other. I was so easily influenced as a child, that I was affected by the right and wrong things I would see happening. While my grandpa didn’t always do the right thing, he always showed me how it was wrong and what I could do to make it
Bill's fantasy of being like the Stone's may be shown by his actions of taking a bottle of Harriet's pills (14), and drinking and eating their food, with no qualms of invade his neighbors privacy (16). On page 15, Bill ""had the feeling that he left something" as he was closing the door to the Stone's apartment. It is likely that he felt he was leaving behind the false persona of who and how he wanted to live like.
Over the last 17 years Jerry Collins has been one of the most influential people in my life, he has been a major mentor and roll model for me. He was very kind and loving to everybody he met. He welcomed everyone with smile as bright as the stars above.
Bill actions in the apartment show how much he wishes to live like the Stone's. As soon as he got in the Stones apartment he takes some of their personal things that would be of no use to him for example Harriet’s medication. “He found a container of pills and read the label Harriet Stones one each day as directed and slipped it into his pocket”(137). Also he makes himself comfortable in their apartment as if he lives there. He drinks from their drinks and he wears both Jim and Harriet’s clothes. He believes that by wearing their clothes he will become or live the life of the Stone's. There are several occasions where Bill looks himself in the mirror while he is wearing Jim’s clothes this shows bill might be imagining himself as Jim Stones. ‘He opened the closet and selected a Hawaiian shirt. He shed his own
I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you.