
A Blueprint For Environmental Engagement Essay

Good Essays

Jenny Ishammar
Professor Alex Schwartz
Environmental Psychology 40
24 Nov 2014
A Blueprint for Environmental Engagement There is fairly sound evidence out there that points to the devastating repercussions we may face if we carry on exploiting our natural resources at the same pace. Most Americans are familiar with the environmental “crisis” to some extent but evidently not enough to take necessary action to reverse the damage we may have caused. Although people are aware that recycling is good and many might even go to the extent of changing light bulbs and driving hybrid cars, it isn’t quite enough, as many seem to think considering their minor efforts. As the evidence states, playing dice with Mother Nature doesn’t give us the best stakes. As a result there are plenty of educated people and organizations out there trying hard to make a difference, and yet people seem very reluctant to fully engage in environmental causes. This lack of engagement is what I wanted to investigate by looking at it from an angle of how the media are presenting valuable information to the public. The problem is that people seem to not care even when the obvious evidence of the devastation of humans’ lifestyles is presented to them. I personally don’t believe that most humans are inherently ignorant, incapable of cooperation and don’t care much for our planet, even if that is how it is often played out, rather I think that people are not well enough informed of where we stand and the extent of

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