Clara was born on December 25,1821. She was born in Massachusetts and had six siblings and was the youngest out of all of them.When Clara got older she worked for he brother as a bookkeeper and a clerk to get practice to become a teacher. When she had enough practice she became a teacher for many years. She loved teacher so much she started her own school in Bordentown, New Jersey. The she moved to washington D.C to find warmer weather. She worked in an Penitent office but her slavery options were too strong so she went home. She did a lot of charity
Clarissa Harlowe Barton was born on December 25, 1821, in Oxford, Massachusetts. Clara’s mother, Sarah Stone Barton was a very independent woman known for her thriftiness. She lived from 1783-1851. Clara’s Father, Captain Stephen Barton was a businessman and Captain of a local army. He lived from 1774-1862. Clara had 4 siblings, Sarah Barton Vassall, Captain David Barton, Stephen Barton, and Dorothea Barton.
Clarissa Harlowe Barton was known as Clara Barton. Clara Barton was born on December 25th 1821 in Oxford, Massachusetts. The story teller, Tim Lowery, talks about Clara’s bravery and determination for her nursing profession. Clara was a nurse in the Civil War during the years 1861 through 1865. The Civil War began in Charleston, South Carolina on April 12,1861. Clara Barton’s determination and hard work provided a great impact for nurses around the world.
Clara Hervaux wants to go back to New Orleans and celebrate Halloween with Marcel at Club Desire. But things are complicated now that the movie star is the target of some crazy fan who’s been threatening her. How can she ditch the bodyguards that follow her around? Is it safe to go there alone? Will she be able to keep her escapades at the club as a secret? Or will she disappoint her favorite ghost and fail to spend Halloween night with him this year?
Born in Virginia as Martha Dandridge to Colonel John Dandridge and Frances Dandridge, Martha grew up on a tobacco plantation called Chestnut Grove. She was the eldest of her siblings and referred as Patsy. Since she was the eldest, her mother made sure Martha began to learn how to act like a lady early. Martha and her sister, although not custom, were taught by a tutor for a while since the tutor was already teaching their brothers. The tutor taught her addition and subtraction, reading and spelling. Martha did not like school but she would learn how important spelling, addition and subtraction were in the future. Her mother taught her how to sew and cook, as all girls of that time were taught. Martha was very close to her father, who helped her get out of trouble that her adventurous side got her into and granted many of her wants unlike her strict mother, who wanted her to act like a lady. She had a horse named
The day was December 25, 1821. Stephen Barton and Sarah Barton were expecting the new arrival of Clarissa Harlowe Barton, but what they didn't know was that their little girl would be an extraordinary woman, who was going to change the lives of many people. Teacher, humanitarian and the founder of the American Red Cross, Clara Barton is one of the most honorable women in American history.
At a young age Clara brown was kind to other people. Clara was born a slave somewhere around 1800. Young clara was born in Virginia. Clara would give money to people in need. She would also help slaves .For example,she would help getting something important that they needed.
In the year 1811 a young beautiful women was born who is going to impact the United States her name was Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe. Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in Litchfield Connecticut June 14, 1811. Her parents were Roxana and Lyman Beecher. Roxana Foote Stowe was a granddaughter of a Revolutionary War officer General Ward who had served under George Washington. Roxana was literate, artistic and entertained herself in the reading of mathematics and scientific treaties for pleasure she loved to educate herself. She was very intelligent she read books and learned French. Roxana was very busy as a minister’s wife she ran a boarding house; she did household chores cared for all of her children. She lived in a two-story house .Roxana would have people coming all the time in her house from the academy and
Clarissa “Clara” Barton was on born on December 25, 1821 in North Oxford, Massachusetts to Stephen and Sarah Barton. Barton’s father was a businessman and a community leader who fought in the French and Indian war. When Barton was younger, her father told her stories about war. When Barton was a bit older her brother David got an illness, but Barton nursed him back to health by using leeches and getting her own medicine. When Barton was young, she was shy and was sent to a private boarding school, but returned because of her shyness. Barton was also taught how to ride horseback.
She first started teaching in 1839 with most of her students the same age as herself. Clara Barton was a teacher at a very young age. She was a teacher when most girls have not even graduated high school. Clara Barton even held the one job, of the few, that woman were allowed to have. She did not stay home, but went to a school to teach people her own age.
“For my soldiers I will stay. For I am one of them as well and by their side I will remain.” I wonder if Clara Barton spoke to herself in that very same way…Get your eyes ready to take a journey through the life of one of the great women who aided our soldiers; far back before we were born. Clarrisa Harlowe Barton, later known as Clara, was born on Christmas day in 1821. She was the fifth and youngest child of Sarah Stone and Stephen Barton in Oxford, Massachusetts. Her father was well known because of the local Universalist church. She remembered the church as austere, with tall box pews and high narrow seats (Goodwin, 1).
Bessie was born April 15, 1894 in Chattanooga, Tennessee to a part time Baptist preacher, William Smith, and his wife Laura. The family was large and poor. Soon after she was born her father died. Laura lived until Bessie was only nine years old. The remaining children had to learn to take care of themselves. Her sister Viola then raised her. But it was her oldest brother,
Harriet Beecher was born in Litchfield Connecticut. She was really influence with church Due to major role that religion plays on her family. Her father Reverend Lyman Beecher was a minister and a moral reformer at the time which beyond doubt influence her to be the person who she is. She was raised along with seven siblings, Catharine, William, Edward, Mary, George and Henry they always stick together thru everything that they had to go through, and pushed themselves to reach important achievements. In 1832 Lyam Beecher started to run The
“Was this the penalty of disobedience? This the stroke of a vindictive and invisible hand? Is it a fresh proof that the Divine Ruler interferes in human affairs, mediates an end, selects, and commissions his agents, and enforces by unequivocal sanctions, submission to his will? Or, was it merely the irregular expansion of fluid that imparts warmth to our heart and our blood, caused by the fatigue of the preceding day, or flowing, by established laws, from the condition of his thoughts (21)?
Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in Linchfiled, 1811 and died in 1896. She came from a family of seven brothers and three girls and her as the sixth child. Her sister’s names were Catharine Esther Beecher, Mary Foote Beecher Perkins, and Isabella Holmes Beecher Hooker and her brother’s names
Clarissa Harlow Barton was born on December 25th of 1821, in North Oxford, Massachusetts which was located 50 miles West of Boston. Her parents were Stephen and Sarah Barton and her four siblings were Dorothea,Stephen, David, and Sally. Her and her siblings grew up in a middle-class household and earned enough money that her