
A Brief Look at Oscar Romero

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Oscar Romero was an amazing man. Even though his life was cut short, he was able to make an impact on the society that he lived in. Oscar Romero died a hero and an advocate for the people of El Salvador, specifically the city of Agulaires. Leading up to his death, Romero’s spiritual journey evolved. Romero was elected Archbishop because few saw Romero as a threat. He was very intelligent, and would hardly take his head out of a book. When Romero was elected he became good friends with Rutilio Grande. Grande was a priest of Agularies. His mission was to help the poor. After aggravating the government, Grande was killed, along with a young boy and an older man. This event greatly affected Romero’s spiritual journey. Romero stated,
I took off [Rutilio Grande’s] socks, all soaked in blood. I helped prepare his body for burial. When I heard the news, I felt as if I was being lifted into the air and suddenly dropped to the ground. I was so bewildered I don’t even know how I got to the church. And now I wonder how I was able to get through everything that everything that happened that day. I loved him. That’s why I kept a small piece of cloth with his blood on it. (Page 26).
This passage is a critical moment in Romero’s spiritual journey. He has seen the people of his city die, but it was not personal. Losing someone so close to him, he changed his attitude for the remainder of his life. Another important moment in Romero’s spiritual journey was when he was kidnapped and was

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