INDERPAL SINGH STUDENT ID S2938018 INTRODUCTION Recently completed a degree and graduated from University? Found a new job and now confused on whether to join a Trade Union or not? Are you aware of the advantages that arise from being part of this elite group? For some the word Trade Union is unheard off. Well a Trade Union member has additional benefits which non trade union members don’t have. The first main benefit is Unions help protect employees from unjust dismissal through collective bargaining agreements (Union ORG, 2015). Non Members can be fired at will for almost any reason where to fire a union member there must be a solid reason. Another major benefit of being part of a Union is having the collective power to go on strike (Union ORG, 2015). Unions are there to voice the opinion of the workforce. In recent years workers have declined the opportunity to become a member of Trade Unions. Trade Union members in their main job has fallen from 43% to 18% for employees who were males and 35% to 18% for females (ABS, 2013). Today the discussion is that University Graduates should join a Union after getting their first job to secure their future. SUPPORTING POINTS Trade Unions offer security, security for your well being and the security of providing for your family. There have been many cases where employees have been fired for unjust reason. The management cannot demote your from your position without having
An advantage of being a union member is that the union helps in setting the standard for higher wages, better benefits and improved working conditions for workers through a collective bargaining agreement contract. Workers work together with their union steward who negotiates workplace matters with their employer. When a tentative agreement is met, the bargaining unit, that was nominated by a few of the coworkers, vote for or against the contract. Some of the things negotiated on in the contract are salary, benefits, grievance procedures, dues collection and time
Unions were formed for a good reason, to fight back and get their rights they deserved. It was to make sure no one person was fighting alone. The Union was a good way for the workers to have a strong voice. Striking was the easiest way to try to make the company weak. The Great Strike of
The Labor Unions protect their workers in many different ways people do not know. The Unions make it possible for their members to receive adequate pay better benefits, have left of absences, and have vacation time when you ask and not take the punishment for it. Once you are in the union books it is hard to be fired from it. There is a downside of it, you can be laid off which is not being fired.
Always when you have something good there has to be a negative side that follows alongside. The union helps the employees with getting thing they feel are hard to receive without proper representation. The negative is when it comes to how hard it is to terminate an individual’s employment even if that person is way below par on their respected job requirements. The union has an obligation to give the member or employee the benefit of the doubt and back them on all matters pertaining to management vs.
There are two kinds of employer union workers, any union worker attends to make double the money and have better medical coverage and other benefits that are offer to them. They also have the privilege to go are strike to be heard for more money and benefits and will not wait as long as non union. The non union workers don't make as much money and some have benefits and some don't they have to struggle to make a great amount of money then union worker. And if they go on strike there are not heard as fast as if you were in a union they have to wait so time maybe even years so that they can get the raise they want and better
According to Pamela Prah, another reason workers are not seeking involvement in unions is that they are afraid of losing their jobs. In her article about the future of labor unions, Prah quotes Carol Pier, a labor rights and trade researcher for the Human Rights Watch, as saying, “U.S. labor laws contain weak penalties, are riddled with loopholes and are not effectively enforced.” This means that employers who fire workers for joining unions could either get away with it or only have to face a weak penalty. There has been a recent controversy over wrongful termination involving the retail giant, Walmart. Walmart is known for openly avoiding union organization and they have been accused of strategically firing union members throughout the country (Vrba). Walmart denies firing workers because of union involvement but the case will eventually go to court (Vrba). In cases such as this, workers could unjustly lose their jobs and so this prevents workers from acting and joining a union.
Unions were created with the everyday worker in mind, an opposite to the previous mindset where the employer ruled his employee and the employee had no recourse. Unions helped pave the way for many of the current rights we have in place for American workers today; such as the length of the workday and weekly hours, child labor laws, minimum salary requirements, workers compensation and safe working conditions. With so much advancement in the American workforce because of Unions, it is interesting that there is a steady decline in Union membership in America. There are many factors that contribute to the decline, such as change in workforce, outsourcing jobs, right to work states, economic interests and political
The role of management and unions in society today is to protect the employee. The management team needs to make sure she/he is treating the employee fairly, needs to provide a good work environment. If management fails to do a good job and the employee feels discriminated, treated unfairly, feels discontent for different reason, management does not want the union to get involved, they feel respect for unions and will do whatever it takes to make their team happy. This is why so many companies have employee parties, employee recognitions, etc.
You can stir up the pot when there is something going wrong. Union workers cannot be easily fired. As a union worker you have the ability to speak up about how you feel on a situation if it is unjust and not fair. Union employees make an average of 30% more than nonunion workers. Unions help employees
The role of unions and their importance has changed over the years. A mixture of poor wages, high unemployment, non-existent benefits and insignificant professional stability amongst the more youthful era makes a ready demographic for restoration. The younger era is the slightest unionized section of our general public today by a long shot. Unions are important in today’s society because checks and balances are necessary entities in business and government, so if CEOs are just focusing on themselves and profits, unions are a necessary check to all that corporate power. Today and in the future, labor unions will continue to play an important role in our country 's work force and the quality of life for working families.
The labor union movement over the years has shaped the way individuals work and live for both the nicest and unpleasant. Some would think the unions influence has created a power struggle between management and union leaders. In today’s time, some citizens insist the existence of unions are a must to aid in employee freedom, while others view the labor unions as just another problem in the line of progress. The purpose of labor unions was for employed workers to come together and collectively agree on fundamental workplace objectives. The rise of the union came about after the Civil War- responding to the industrial economy. Surprisingly at the least unions became popular within the 1930-50’s and began to slowly decrease,
Labor unions have been around ever since the industrial revolution in Europe when working conditions in factories were very low. The concepts introduced in this time by the labor unions have become ingrained in our culture here in America. While workers benefit when they join a union by being able to fight for higher wages and better working conditions, these benefits that the unions get often “come at the expense of consumers, nonunion workers, the jobless, taxpayers, and owners of corporations” (Reynolds). Unions, while once playing a very beneficial role in history, are no longer all that necessary and may even be hurting all those outside of the union workers that they help.
Labor unions are an organized association of employees who come together who would all like to better the relationship with their employer. They have power to impact things such as wages, job training and other work related issues. So why would employees want to start and organize a union? Well, one reason employees would want to start a union it’s usually because employees are dissatisfied with something in their job and they would like to fix it. The ‘things’ they would like to fix could range from something as basic as wages and to job security (Hunter 1).
Being a part of a working union comes with a lot of benefits, for example, most workers that belong to a union have a better set wage than those who do not. Also, “Some 93% of unionized workers were entitled to medical benefits compared to 69% of their nonunion peers” (The pros of Joining a Labor Union). Union workers are not easily fired, they have a lot
After speaking with several employers I found out the pros and cons of unions from an employer’s perspective as well as the major differences between unionized and union-free environments. Beginning with the pros of unions, employers felt that majority of the employees in unions are happy with their positions in their organization. They discovered that with unions in place, unhappy employees can get help and get their problems or frustrations taken care of. It has been discovered that most union workers are unlikely to leave their positions within an organization. Labor unions also tend to ensure that workers don’t have a reason to underperform or not perform at all. Timely pay increases and competitive benefit packages also help to ensure that majority of employees belonging to unions will perform to the best of their ability. Unions also help ensure that there is no discrimination based on gender, race, age, sexual preference, religion or any other grounds.