
A Brief Note On Unemployment And Its Effects Essay

Decent Essays

Unemployment is something that affects every group of people. There seem to be groups that are more affected than others though. Many people groups have a higher unemployment rate than the majority group. There are also factors like age and being a veteran may or may not have an affect it as well. The greatest combatant we have to this may be education. It seems that education is one of the most effective ways to unsure employment. Unemployment for Different People Groups in the US Unemployment is one of the most popular topics talked about when relating about the success of a President along with a few other measures that we are not concerned with. What many people know is that there are tendencies for certain ethnicities and races to be unemployed longer or that more of that people group tends to be unemployed and this is an issue that needs to be addressed but rates also vary among those in different age groups, and also even depending on previous occupations. There are a lot of external factors that impact unemployment but the focus is going to be more on internal factors or things that people cannot control. History Ever since there has been jobs there have been people losing them. The industrial revolution is really when the workplace of today started to take form so that is really when the unemployment of today began to take form around the 1850s. Back then there were just so many farmers coming to the city trying to survive so unemployment meant a different

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