
A Career As A Physician Assistant

Good Essays

Many questions regarding good health, preventive medicine, and the way people practiced precautionary measures to maintain a fit and sustainable life on a daily basis have always crossed my mind since my days in high school. What if people were able to take serious measures to fight the many diseases and illnesses that tend to ravage our communities? What if there was a better way to show and teach people about the importance of practicing preventive medicine? The extent of time I spent doing my undergraduate studies in the biology department often had me think about the preventative methods of diseases and illnesses on a local and global basis, as well as some diseases in particular. My first inclination with biology and why I decided to …show more content…

While the idea of being a physician assistant or a physical therapist isn’t a bad one at all, I always felt that somehow, something was always missing. I was missing an objective. I was missing what I really wanted to do as a physician assistant. The practice of curing and assisting people without exposing how to prevent future outcomes of illnesses and the spread of diseases to them didn’t really sit well with me at all. I began to doubt my potential future career choice as a physician assistant in general. They say variety is the spice of life; although I knew and loved the knowledge of assisting a medical physician, it was the serious lack of variety within that specific field and the limited options of growth that gave me heavy thoughts day in and day out. I wanted a career that would enable me to help a large amount of people, help place a heavy emphasis on prevention and care, and also challenge me continually to motivate and improve myself. Seeing that I no longer had an interest in being a physician assistant as I initially intended, my thoughts and passion quickly gravitated towards the area of public health, particularly …show more content…

We as a class were given a variety of health subjects to choose from to undertake a research project that counted as a huge part of our grades. I picked the study of epidemiology to be the area I would focus on extensively for the next three months of that semester. This obviously meant that I had to read and learn a couple of books to get a clear idea of how I was going to present my idea and findings. As I read through some of these books, I really became intrigued. The aspects of global health issues, biostatistics and health policies to name a few really jolted me into considering this area of study as a potential future career choice, as oppose as to just a research project. I was really fascinated as I read and came across the range of issues that public health officials such as epidemiologists had to solve or were in the process of solving in inventive ways. I obtained a crucial but very methodical understanding of the very issues that is being faced in the world of health care today. Ever since this class came and went, I have been highly focused on public health issues through other classes and

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