At the affiliated hospital of Guangxi Medical University, I shadowed Dr. Chen, an orthopedic surgeon, and learned a lot about surgery after observed multiple operations, such as tumor removal, discectomy, etc. I became familiar with surgery procedures and various surgery instruments, like electrosurgery, C arm... I also learned that teamwork was crucial to perform a successful surgery; Surgeons, assistants, nurse and anesthetist needed to work together to treat the patient. Following Dr. Chen to in/out patient of the department of orthopedics and to consultation at other departments (neurology, ICU...), I gained a deeper understanding of the career in the medical field and might consider being a surgeon in the
A typical day starts at 7 am, where he meets with the with department head/chief surgeon of the clinic, fellows, and residents for rounds where they discuss: past and upcoming surgical cases, patient status from prior surgeries, relevant lab results and imaging, clinical operations, and continuing patient care. He then organizes his schedule based on his patient’s needs and condition, his operating room (OR) schedule, and his naval obligations.
Orthopedic Surgeons usually work in three types of practices. One type of practice that an Orthopedic Surgeon works in, is that they work as solo practitioners. When orthopedic Surgeons are solo practitioners, they often run their own office and treat their own patients, however they often work with, and around other Orthopedic Surgeons within an Orthopedic office. Another type of practice an Orthopedic surgeon will work in, is within an Orthopedic group. An orthopedic group is a group of orthopedic surgeons that work together in treating patients, either with a hospital, or private practice office. The last practice an Orthopedic Surgeon can work in is an multi-specialty group. A multi specialty group, is a group of medical professionals with different degrees that work together in treating a patient. This type of practice can take place within multiple different
I have chosen osteopathic medicine as my professional choice in becoming a physician, because I have a passion for the healthcare field and learning, I want to be able to help others and give back to the community and I believe that medicine is evolving towards an osteopathic approach which takes into account the body as a whole. Passion is the driver behind any good physician. I am always looking to learn and improve upon my performance in whatever I am doing. Whether it was undergraduate coursework, medical shadowing, EMT training, or community service I put forth my fullest effort into the task at hand. Every moment in medicine and life in general is a valuable learning experience. Osteopathic medicine will force me outside of my comfort zone and many mistakes will be made along the way, but I look forward to tackling the challenges ahead of me and in the end it will allow me to become the best physician possible.
Although, in the medical field you need to have education during and after high school. An Osteopathic Physician needs to first attend an osteopathic medical school. It’s also good to have a 4-year bachelor's degree and include subjects for Math and English. You must also have to pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). Medical Schools look for applicants who are well rounded in activities and demonstrate leadership abilities. They also must take 4 years of medical school along with specialized instruction in osteopathic practices, including manipulative medicine. At the end of the 4 years students are award Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree and last step which is to complete a 1-year internship, which involves rotating through
Many people shy away from careers in medicine when they realize that they will be faced with many years of rigorous and expensive schooling. What does it really take to become an orthopedic surgeon and is this future built atop the heaping mound of
A medical practice that I have highly considered is general surgery. Both my grandfather and uncle are general surgeons, so the idea of following in their footsteps interested me greatly. Also, the idea of combining science and art, as doctors do, has always fascinated me and called me to this profession since a very young age. Like any doctor, the road to becoming a general surgeon is vigorous. “Surgery is a career for the committed. Much of your life is dictated by the demands of the operating room. The training is long and demanding. But for those who love it, a
Having a career is important to me and I will try my best to become whatever I want to be. In this following essay, I will explain how I plan on achieving my goal and aspiration of becoming a sports medicine physician. My career choice is to be a sports medicine physician. I chose this career because it offers everything I like into one job. This job has science, medicine and sports. I’ve always been athletic and loved sports and I’ve always had a passion for science. Sports medicine physician gives me the opportunity to help athletes get better and become the best that they can be. I also chose this job because I feel that it will be exciting with a new challenge every day.
There are many many careers to choose from in this world. Not all are for me though. There are three careers that I would consider doing. The most unlikely one is to play football professionally. Second is be a sports PT. Lastly I would like to be a banker.
I am apply to Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) because I have fallen in love with and learning environment this college has. I learned about MCPHS at a college fair in my junior year. So I signed up for the notifications and instantly I was sent an email talking about college and an open house coming up so I signed up and went. At the open house I learned everything I needed to fall in love with MCPHS. I had a nice tour guide who explained everything and explained what I needed to do and about the programs in this college which is when I found out about Osteopathic Medicine, my chosen pathway.
Knowledge and experience are key to life as well as a career in orthopedic surgery. The educational path to becoming an orthopedic surgeon is long and difficult because it requires a high scholastic aptitude, mechanical ability, a high degree of manual dexterity, and excellent three-dimensional visualization skills (Career in Orthopaedics). Naturally one would expect such characteristics for such a prestigious career in the medical field. The educational path to becoming an orthopedic surgeon starts in high school. “An aspiring orthopedic should start preparing in high school with AP and international baccalaureate courses in science and math, plus related extracurricular activities such as volunteering at a medical center or blood drive” (Brick). The end of high school marks the beginning of eight challenging and competitive years amongst the brightest students around to be admitted to medical school and then succeed and graduate medical school.
It will not be too long before I walk across the stage and graduate. I have had continuous thoughts about where I will be attending college and what my career will be and where I will live. I am a senior and can honestly say I am not one-hundred percent certain on what job I would like, where I will live, or what college I am going to. There is only one thing I am certain about, I know I want to go into the medical field.
Being a Physical Therapist has been one of my long-term goals since I was in High school. I came across physical therapy as a child when I would visit my cousin who acquired multiple therapies. Seeing how he improved throughout the years gave me great joy and was intrigued about the therapy aspect. If accepted into a DPT program, I will be committed and manage my time wisely for the program so that I know I will succeed in school and as well as a Therapist.
Every day, someone, somewhere in the world, is trusting a doctor with their very life. Right now, there is someone who is depending upon a medical professional to cure them of a certain ailment. People trust doctors. They depend on them to safely take their hearts outside of their bodies and then replace them with a new heart. They count on them to snap a dislocated bone back into place without causing any damage. People even trust doctors to deal with the inner workings of their minds, and potentially cure mental illnesses. Whether they are cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, or psychiatrists, doctors are professionals who have been extensively trained in their fields. Therefore, why would anyone doubt their abilities to objectively and effectively
This research paper includes: a day in the life of a cardiothoracic surgeons life. What cardiothoracic surgeons do. The reason cardiothoracic surgeons are important and what the future holds for cardiothoracic surgeons.
Not only do Orthopedic Surgeons do the right thing for their patients, they also do it in a very rewarding and meaningful way. It starts with how I can reach a diagnosis through physical examination most of the time. I love the objectivity of pre-surgical planning, the hardware puzzles, and the excitement of a new challenge. I also love the sense of optimism when I enter an Orthopedic Surgery OR. But more importantly, I cherish that our hands can change the physical world according to how we believe it should