A young boy is walking through the mall and sees an advertisement that The Hunger Games is coming out soon in theaters. He has always wanted to see it, and begs his mom for money. This is the kind of excitement that a film editor can bring to the films they make. The final changes in the movie can make or break how well the movie connects to the audience. Becoming a film and video editor is a better career choice for me than an astronomer because of education, job environment, and skills. Film editors must be very tech savvy, for the majority of film editing is accomplished digitally on computers (“How”). However, they do not have to be able to perform complicated tasks such as programming and writing code. Instead, they have an interface …show more content…
I am interested in utilizing technology, however I do not have the desire to create programs or write code. Technical knowledge is also a key factor in astronomy. According to the American Astronomical Society, astronomers must be well rounded in the field of computers; they must know how to write programming, as well as interpret data that is collected from supercomputers that model cosmic jets and black holes (“Careers in Astronomy”). Astronomers must be up to date on the latest space and mathematical technologies to help prove theories through math and logistics (“Careers in Astronomy,” American). Solving algorithms and complicated math problems through the use of computer programming is a undesirable topic to master in the ever changing world of technology. In the book written by Yager and Yager, it says that a film editor’s job is to shape the content of a film, and help the director put what is scripted into action (170). It is the responsibility of the director and film editor to coordinate their work and put together thousands of separately shot scenes into one cohesive and coherent movie (Yager and Yager 170). Teamwork is a valuable skill in the film industry, and having the ability to come together and constructively criticize the work …show more content…
To be a film editor one needs to have a high school diploma or a GED, and then pursue a four year college or university to study broadcasting and film (“How”). There are many schools with reputable film departments where future film editors learn about the whole spectrum of filmmaking, “ pre-production and planning, scriptwriting, cinematography, lighting, set design…” (“How”). It is important to test and explore the required skills before committing to a new career. A solid high school education can introduce career options based on innate interests. Astronomy requires a higher level academic rigour that is meant to weed out the selective few that will become future astronomers. It is important to pursue a rigorous math and science curriculum in school, as they are the main subjects used in astronomy (“Careers in Astronomy,” American). Astronomy majors require more advanced degrees, which differs from the career of film editing. Astronomers must have a PhD to work in observatories, according to Daniel Devost it is, “3 to 6 years of graduate college studies”(qtd. in Cullen). This could accumulate to 10 years of post high school education, which is undesirable because the expenses would be high, with minimal income. Obtaining a college degree after four to five years is a preferable pathway for me because I am more interested in a hands-on experience.\ A
The efficacious nature of films owes its prominent properties to the array of editing techniques. In the aforementioned films , editing techniques stabilizes the movie and
Any successful film, whether a six second Vine, a Twitter attachment, or a multi-million dollar episodic television series demands a unique blend of logic and emotion, of skill and creativity. And experience matters.
I'm often asked why I chose filmmaking as a career. Every time that question surprises me. How could I not? My love of film defines who I am and how I interact with the world. Films are my gateway. They let me see things I otherwise could not, in both the world and myself. And filmmaking is my way of letting people see me.
Editing deals with visual, sound and special effects to make the film flow and assist the theme throughout the movie.
In this essay I will be discussing five key points throughout Post Production history between the 1900s-1960s. Post Production is seen as a vital component in the cinematic industry as it essentially finalises the final products. Techniques that have been developed over the years are incredibly important, but they all have an origin. Although these techniques started out without overwhelming effect, they are now unbelievably crucial to how films are constructed. The five points I wish to discuss go as follows: The Great Train Robbery and Edwin Porter himself, D.W. Griffith and his overwhelming influence on editing, The Jazz Singer, the Kuleshov Effect and finally, 2001: A Space Odyssey. As well as discussing these key factors, this essay will take into consideration secondary material.
Tools such as synchronous sound recorders and lightweight 16mm cameras allowed filmmakers to convey more complex narratives. Over time, such recording and editing capabilities continued to evolve. As a result, distinct styles and methods emerged that would not have been otherwise feasible. Broadening the toolset available to filmmakers, the ever-evolving technology afforded documentarians the ability to better capture their ‘reality’.
It has always been one of the largest parts of my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve learned to manage it, make it work for me, and how to work with it best for my needs. I’ve been shaped by the media I and the people around me consume, and I’ve worked to try and make media with technology that would please those people. From my youngest and most formative moments, to this very day, I have existed in this kind of world. Because of this, I’ve been planning to go to film school for some time to broaden my horizons. I hope to gain experience and meet interesting people to work with. Working at a professional level has always been a dream of mine, whether that be by myself or with others as part of a studio. At the end of the day I want to do the highest quality work according to my ability, and to know that my work has entertained
Post-production is overlapping with production.The digital non-linear system replaced linear taped-based process reducing the cost of editing. The parallel process not only saves editing time but also develops the
When I was five, my kindergarten teacher asked me to draw what I wanted to be when I grew up. At the time I made one of the natural choices for a five year old and drew an astronaut. It's more than likely that I didn't even think twice about it at the time. Until recently, I didn’t even recall this assignment. Like most kids, I had a lot of imagining left to do before settling on a path. My objective quickly moved from astronaut, to veterinarian, to dancer, and on and on ad infinitum. At one point I became determined to become an ‘aviating archaeologist’, a term I coined after reading a book about Amelia Earhart. Sufficed to say, I had a fairly healthy range of childhood dreams, but somehow I always came back to the stars.
My entire life I have wanted to do something different. When I was seven years old I wanted to be famous and become a singer/actress. My cousin and I would hold “shows” for our neighbors and sing to them. When I was nine years old I wanted to work with children and be a pediatric neurologist, only because my best friend wanted to do that. And then when I was twelve years old I wanted to be a radiologist because that’s what my mom was. And then at fifteen years old I learned how messed up the criminal justice system was, because of a family friend who had to fight to get custody of her own daughter and never did because her ex had too much money, and knew I wanted to do something to make an attempt at make a difference in it. From the time I was fifteen, to about seventeen, I juggled between wanting to study to become a lawyer and working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and then finally I decided on wanted to work for the FBI and try to make it better by locking up on criminal at a time.
The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing is a documentary about the art of film editing and the immensity of the job an editor is given. The reasoning of the film is to show the impact editing truly has on movies and our emotional attachment towards them. This documentary shows clips from different films to prove to it’s viewers the substantial effect editing has. Directors and editors speak out about the significance of editing, something not many viewers know nor think about.
My college major will be astronomy. Astronomy is the study of the universe beyond the Earth, such as the stars, planets, and other celestial objects. Astronomy pushes the limits of our technology, which leads to the development of new instruments and processes processes. Astronomy is considered to be an important because of the “space age”, where many new developments in technology and new ideas were introduced.
My entire life I have been fascinated with film and commercials. As a kid, I would stop what I was doing to watch a commercial. This has not changed through the years. My goal in life is to work in the film industry and work with video. This may have developed from my brother’s short term love for the video arts. Like most little brothers I followed in his footsteps through a lot of things and most of them would not stick. As I grew older I developed my own different ideals and likes. But, video just stuck with me. Even if film production doesn’t work out I have always had a childlike excitement for fighting fires. Being the person to save the day is something that everybody wants to do, but not everyone peruses this dangerous career.
I decided to go with a career in astronomy. An astronomer is a scientist who tries to understand the wonders of the Universe as well the wonders beyond our universe. Astronomers also study the stars, planets, and other galaxies (“Careers in Astronomy | IAU”). I chose a career in astronomy because I have always been fascinated by space and how the universe works. It is extremely important to understand education or training requirements, skills or talents needed, the salary and benefits offered, and the duties for a particular career when making the decision.
Previously, editing used to be a challenge for most filmmakers. Often, they relied on manual methods when filming to add effects to the films. Incorporating visual effects to the film was a demanding task that