Hi. My name is Becky Hoffman. My bachelors is in Business Administration but, after years of working in the insurance industry, I have decided on a career change and would like to become an educator. I am currently pursuing my teaching certification and working towards a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction. I would like to teach middle school social studies, more specifically American History or
The Fifth Business by Robertson Davies is told in the form of a letter written by Ramsay on his retirement from teaching, “a character essential to the action but not a principal” that was affected by or had an effect on the other characters of the play. The life of Dunstan Ramsay is the backdrop and the thread connecting countless subplots and themes, but as his very evident passion for hagiology sets him out to discover the difference between materialism and spirituality, the actual importance of women is brought about in the novel by his interactions since childhood onwards and we see how these women mould, scar and
I am very interested in the position of Learning Coach within USD 497. With experience in both K-12 and higher education, I have a very diverse skillset that reflects my passion to support students, teachers and administrators in the pursuit of improving teaching and learning. As an Instructional Coach (IC) for the Katy Independent School District (KISD) in Katy, Texas and a School Improvement Specialist (SIS) for the Spring Branch Independent School District (SBISD) in Houston, Texas, I experienced great success creating a positive and supportive work environment, guiding collaborative planning teams and refocusing instructional strategies that eventually led to improved test scores and learning outcomes. In both of these positions, I successfully
I have been a lifelong learner and have an extensive academic background and the knowledge of teaching history and social studies. Additionally, I continue take courses in the core subject areas, math, science, and English to expand my knowledge and provide in-depth instruction. I have traveled extensively through military service with several
I am a Human Resources major who plans to pursue a teaching career at the secondary level as a Business and Spanish teacher. I am currently a junior and plan to graduate in the fall of 2017. After graduation, I will seek to obtain my teacher certification and continue to work with KISD as an educator inspiring other students to achieve a higher education.
I hope to be granted and pursue the Education Studies Minor here at Gettysburg College for a handful of reason. Currently, I am a Political Studies major with a concentration in comparative politics and International Relations. While I not only enjoy the Political Science field, I have always had the rooted interest in the education field for many years now. Dating back to senior year of High School, one of the courses I took was a course called “Teachers for Tomorrow” which touched upon the basics of becoming a teaching both in a lecture and in classroom setting. Part of the course was a weekly visit to a local public elementary school in which I was able to work alongside a second grade teacher as her “teacher assistant”. I not only enjoyed this experience with the elementary students, but the class as a whole as well. Additionally, this past summer, I spend four weeks overseas at Arlington Academy of Hope, an elementary school located in the village of Bududa, in eastern Uganda. While at Arlington Academy of Hope, I worked alongside current Arlington County teachers as well as current Arlington County Principles, teaching these elementary students basic math and English, while also visiting satellite schools in the greater Bududa region. I was not only the youngest member of this trip by more than 20
As you will note on my enclosed resume, I hold a Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from Arkansas State University with a 5-12 Principal Endorsement. I also possess a Masters of Education in Social Studies Education, and a Bachelor’s degree in History. I have experience as a Social Studies teacher at South Florence High School; where I have taught Psychology, AP World History, CP World History, and US History. Likewise, I have served on the Florence One School District Social Studies Curriculum Committee in which, I help rewrite, and design the district’s World History curriculum and assessment.
“The Associate in Science in Business Administration for Transfer is designed to provide students with the common core of lower division courses required to transfer and pursue a baccalaureate degree in Business Administration. This includes business degrees with options such as accounting, finance, human resource management, international business, management, operations management, and marketing.”
I have taught students ranging from five years old to nineteen years of age. Hence, being an educator, I have learned that learning is always shifting, therefore I must keep improving with the incessant changes. As a little girl, I have always dreamt of being a teacher and I have carried out that dream. My career journey started as a substitute teacher, a floater between classrooms, an assistant teacher, a teacher, a center supervisor, and an educational supervisor. I presently work as an Educational consultant for Danya International LLC. As an Educational Consultant, I able to review and aid with the learning environment of teachers and educational management in a school
My major is professional development. I enjoy engaging and building rapport with people and understanding their values to make a difference to better their environment. In education I have learned to encourage others, explore and use interactive activities to demonstrate various ways to experience diversity. Interdisciplinary studies allows me to analyze, educate, and integrate cultural in a diverse communities. This semester I am taking an introduction to interdisciplinary studies, an interpersonal skills in leadership, analytical and information literacy, interdisciplinary critical thinking, and a capstone internship partnership courses, which helps me professionally. My capstone internship is, in counseling, at an elementary school. I like volunteering and working with community outreach programs. Education is a complex problem I will identify how to improve academic struggles in academics and peer victimization. My educational and career goals are in teaching elementary k-6 and work in my community to improve awareness in developing partnership. I didn’t met the requirements to pursue a teaching a degree, therefore, I changed my degree path to interdisciplinary studies. My career goal is to foster new ideas through networking, continue my career path in teaching, and receive a Master’s in Education.
So you want to be an elementary school teacher? It’s a challenging career, requiring patience and social skills, as you have to be able to wrangle a room filled with rambunctious children. Once you get through the tough stuff, the career is filled with immeasurable rewards. Being an elementary school teacher is not just going into a classroom and teaching kids how to add numbers, where something is on a map, or how to write. This career is far deeper than that, you will build a relationship with each and every student and ultimately build the foundation of the students’ future education. Elementary school teachers guide their students through a crucial period in their lives. This career is a good choice for people who want to make a
The area I am most interested is elementary education and certified in bilingual education. When I moved to this beautiful country without knowing anything about the culture or the language, my teachers were those who supported me and taught me the language. They helped me to integrate into this peculiar country. My teachers are the ones who inspired me to study and become a bilingual teacher. One of my goals is to help the students integrate into this culture and teach them the language with the same love and affection my teachers did. My planned pathway to become a teacher would be graduating Cumberland County College with an associate’s degree in education. After graduating, I plan to transfer to Stockton University to earn my bachelor degree in bilingual education. I would like to start working as a teacher assistant, and gain more experience that will help me when I become a teacher.
Business and Management is a course I believe that I have the qualities and skills to create a successful career in this area. Ever since I can remember, I recall always wanting to organise everyone and give them certain tasks to do. In fact, even when I was just playing with my friends. I remember how I used to organise all the plays and concerts that we did. I have been inspired by my own Father a director of a successful business organization which has been managed by him over years and also supporting him is a team of well qualified marketers who really know how to move the margins of the companies supply and demand of goods worldwide. This is a field which we encounter in our everyday life which involves with the buying, selling,
At present I am teaching Year 11 General Careers and Enterprise, Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 Humanities and Social sciences at Dalyellup College. I have previously held teaching positions at Jurien Bay District High School and the Schools of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE) teaching a range of classes including lower school Humanities, English, Health, as well as, ATAR Modern History. These teaching roles have provided me with opportunities to work with students across a range of year levels and contexts, as well as experience in both planning
When reviewing the past few years of my life and looking ahead to my future goals, I realized that I need to further my education and Lehigh University has an excellent program in order to achieve it. As an undergraduate student, I studied the workings of government and the philosophy behind the different views that have influenced history and continue up to this present moment. After receiving my Bachelor of Arts, I moved to South Korea to teach in a private academy, and in that setting, I realized just how vital it is to educate the younger generations and empower them to work within their cultural settings. Thus, I have realized the need for properly trained educators that can pass on their knowledge to the younger generation to contribute a positive change to the world, through experience, encouragement, and
Alexander the Great. Possibly one of the greatest leaders and one of the greatest conquerors of all time, Alexander the Great was an amazing historical figure, but he, like most all great leaders, was inspired by a teacher. His teacher was the Greek philosopher, Aristotle. Without him, who knows if Alexander would have been given the title of “the Great”. Like Aristotle, I want to be a teacher. More specifically, I want to be a middle school history teacher. I want to have a positive effect on the up and coming generations. I know that to become a teacher, I must obtain my Bachelors Degree in Education. My plan is to go to a four year college or university and major in secondary education while minoring in coaching.To get there, I am already