
A Career In Forensics

Decent Essays

Education is very important in any careers but most of all mathematics is the top notch. forensic analyst uses scientific techniques to solve criminal cases. They use traditional methods such as fingerprinting, blood analyst, forensic dentistry.

A career as a forensic analyst requires an undergraduate agree in mathematics, chemistry, or a related natural science field. After you finished any of these course you may or can starting in the department at any given time. Another shorter option is continue your education in graduate school earning a MSFS degree a 2yr program. The math required is a college algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calluses, statistics. Its nearly impossible to analyze forensic evidence scientifically without math. One of the main things in crime scene investigators do is collect measure and document evidence. …show more content…

Each pieces of evidence must be handled and shorted with care according to established produces. The working conditions most of the forensic analyst time will be sent inside a laboratory conducting test on key pieces of evidence at times an analyst will also be required to visit crime scenes in order to collect and secure evidence. The schedule of a analyst will vary depending on the specific needs of the criminal investigations that are taking place. During high profile cases a forensic analyst can expect to put in long stressful

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