
A Career In Healthcare Occupations

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A career in the medical field provides millennials with a sense of financial stability, whereas most other occupations can not. With such a steady career and increasing income, it is comforting to know medical students will have a financially stable lifestyle to look forward to after college. The median annual wage for healthcare occupations in 2015 was almost double the amount of the median wage for all other occupations, with $62,610 (BLS, 2015). With medical practitioner's median wages reaching higher than any other field of work, it's a no brainer that students should choose a job within healthcare. Medical students are able to pay off their student loans faster than other occupations because they have a greater starting income and are …show more content…

However, the benefits of a medical occupation does not just come in the form of money. Finding a job that fits a student's characteristics, interests, and how they want their lifestyle is easy in the healthcare field. Students have a large variety to choose from to find a specialty that benefits them the most. According to the Journal of Academic Medicine, students wanting more family time and regular hours as well as the opportunity to conduct research or procedures tend to choose more high technology or procedure jobs, while students looking to be more involved in patient care and wanting to develop a relationship with their patients tend to choose more primary care careers (Kassler et …show more content…

Healthcare professionals are typically more satisfied with their occupations than other career professionals because of their ability to choose what is important to them. Besides income and variety, medical occupations also involve helping others and saving lives. Medical professionals and students have the chance to make a difference in other people's lives everyday. Because of this, doctors and other healthcare professionals are very highly thought of. Medical doctors usually receive a higher level of respect and trust compared to other types of occupation professionals (Doctorly, 2014). Professionals of any occupation want to be trusted by their clients, but the best relationships of trust and care are built through doctors of all types and their patients. When students get to help heal, treat, and end suffering to patients it gives both them and the patient happiness. Not many jobs can be found where both parties end up happy and satisfied at the end of the day. It makes the statement ‘a job is not work if you love doing it’ real for healthcare

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