A career in the medical field provides millennials with a sense of financial stability, whereas most other occupations can not. With such a steady career and increasing income, it is comforting to know medical students will have a financially stable lifestyle to look forward to after college. The median annual wage for healthcare occupations in 2015 was almost double the amount of the median wage for all other occupations, with $62,610 (BLS, 2015). With medical practitioner's median wages reaching higher than any other field of work, it's a no brainer that students should choose a job within healthcare. Medical students are able to pay off their student loans faster than other occupations because they have a greater starting income and are …show more content…
However, the benefits of a medical occupation does not just come in the form of money. Finding a job that fits a student's characteristics, interests, and how they want their lifestyle is easy in the healthcare field. Students have a large variety to choose from to find a specialty that benefits them the most. According to the Journal of Academic Medicine, students wanting more family time and regular hours as well as the opportunity to conduct research or procedures tend to choose more high technology or procedure jobs, while students looking to be more involved in patient care and wanting to develop a relationship with their patients tend to choose more primary care careers (Kassler et …show more content…
Healthcare professionals are typically more satisfied with their occupations than other career professionals because of their ability to choose what is important to them. Besides income and variety, medical occupations also involve helping others and saving lives. Medical professionals and students have the chance to make a difference in other people's lives everyday. Because of this, doctors and other healthcare professionals are very highly thought of. Medical doctors usually receive a higher level of respect and trust compared to other types of occupation professionals (Doctorly, 2014). Professionals of any occupation want to be trusted by their clients, but the best relationships of trust and care are built through doctors of all types and their patients. When students get to help heal, treat, and end suffering to patients it gives both them and the patient happiness. Not many jobs can be found where both parties end up happy and satisfied at the end of the day. It makes the statement ‘a job is not work if you love doing it’ real for healthcare
As noted previously when someone needs help or can no longer do certain things on his or her own he or she will contact a home health aide. Home health aides are can assist the chronically ill, cognitively impaired, elderly, convalescent, or disabled without the loss of quality. With their complete range of services and products, which are tailored to fit the client’s lifestyle, he or she can become more involved in the patient’s care and help the patient feel more independent. Some services may be personal care to companionship but regardless of how big or little they are fulfilled with the awareness of proving a safe environment. Offering
The book Diversified Health Occupations, on page 50-51, gives information on things you should have to become a medical assistant. For a medical assistant, the type of facility where they will work and the kind of physician they will be determines their duties. An example would be a pediatric assistant. They will work with a pediatrician. Their role is to take the patient’s vital signs and to prepare the patient for the appointment.
As doctors are put into hospitals to keep patients alive and healthy, Hospital Administrators are put in hospitals to keep the facility alive and healthy. The day- to- day job of a Hospital Administrator is rigorous and detail oriented. He or she was chosen to keep the hospital operating efficiently, within budget while keeping many parties happy at the same time. Hospital Administrators work long and odd hours, possibly
The hardest decision for medical students is narrowing their studies to a specific field. With so many different options, I researched several different fields that appealed most to me. With each field comes entirely new and unique training, but each practice is just as demanding as the next. After the long road of medical school and the selection of a practice is complete, each student must complete a residency. A resident student is a student with a medical degree, who is practicing their specific field under a licensed doctor. Generally, residencies last from 3 to 5 years and usually the final stage before one can practice on their own. Each step along the road to becoming a doctor is more and more competitive and demanding as the last.
Many years ago I chose my studies to begin a career in the medical field. My original goal was to become a Pediatrician. However, at the end of my bachelor’s degree and after many hours spent volunteering at Miami Children’s Hospital, I decided that I wanted a career that would give me more patient provider interaction. I spoke with several doctors, nurses, and other health care providers and decided the best career for me was a Nurse Practitioner. I still have not decided on a specialty but I feel that path will come naturally with
One of the cool parts of the medical field is the diversity. There are so many different choices and careers a person can branch off into. Take a look at the nursing field alone. There are so many specialties within nursing to take. It's really interesting to see how a person can easily customize their medical career to their personality and personal goals.
Medical office specialists use the knowledge they have in medical terminology, procedures to ser, and to confirm appointments. They also answer phones and emails and maintain medical files in the office. Medical office specialist can work anywhere from physician's office, hospitals and nursing homes. Medical office specialist is like a receptionist and need certifications. Some job titles that maybe apply are: medical coder, medical billing/claims, and medical transcriptionists.
Recently I have decided to change my career choice from being a nurse to being a healthcare administrator. Life has a way of showing you what it thinks is best for you. I had to find out a hard way that nursing really wasn’t what I was supposed to do for the rest of my life. Once I found this out I had to take a step back and look at what I wanted to do, something that I would love to do for the rest of my life. After taking some time and looking around at my options I finally decided on Healthcare Administration. I feel that I would be good at this job and it is something that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life.
Although the percentage of medical school students graduating with debt nationwide has not changed dramatically since 1984, the total amount of debt per graduate has increased, even outpacing inflation, to a mean of $158,000” (Steiner, Pop, You, Hoang, Whitten, Barden, Szmuk, 2012 pg. 171). Leaving medical school with this high level of indebtedness is an important consideration when examining the cost of health care in the US. Inevitably the cost of education that a physician incurs is passed on to those who are patients at that practice.
Hospitalist careers can be difficult to find when you are fresh out of college or are living in an area with a less dense population than other cities. That is why we developed a website that allows our users to find hospitalist jobs easily and with little hassle. With our website, our members can quickly search for jobs all around the United States, either for hospitalist careers or in other medical fields. We do our very best to keep our lists updated at all times so that you never end up applying for jobs that are already taken. We have a list of more than 35 medical specialties available for our valued members, each with their own list of employment prospects
I chose to pursue a career in healthcare because I love to help those that don’t have the luxury as other people have. I am very interested in becoming a Doctor of Nursing Practice in order to help people as greatly as possible. Those who advance in that specific career receive many responsibilities like providing patient care, development policies, and conducting research. I have favored this career because I like helping people who occasionally don’t have the benefits as other people have. There were two events that made me know for sure that I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare like nursing.
The first reason I have chosen to pursue a career in osteopathic medicine deals with having grown up around it all of my life. My father is an osteopathic physician and I have been familiar with osteopathic medicine since I was a young child. I have seen the difference a physician can make in the life of a patient. Whether it was from shadowing physicians in clinics or seeing the “backstage” life of a physician through my dad, medicine is a career I am comfortable with. Like most people, I know a career in medicine means getting to help people every day. However, I am also aware of the much less known aspects of medicine, like the long hours and stress. By growing up around medicine all of my life, not only have I seen the rewarding aspects
Job title is the most important aspect of writing a job description. The career you chose is very significant as well. With so many to choose from, it can be merely put that a career a can chose you. I consider this to be true, I felt like a Healthcare administrator career chose me. For stance, I have worked in nursing homes for many years and what was the number one complaint from my coworkers and me? Poor management. I will be a more serious one, than all my past administration was. First and foremost is the Title of the career healthcare management or health care administrator or for short HCA. You need to require a bachelors degree from an Accredited college in health care. Also entry level upon graduation can be practiced if you have some
gaining a prospective of how medical school will be. The most fascinating area of career
The medical field is one of the most rewarding fields of all time. Like it or not, some people associated with this field are earning big both by good and bad means. Although it is not an easy job as the responsibilities in this area is big. With the proper knowledge and the right skills, one can easily make a decent bit of income. But the question here is about the jobs that can pay you big. If you don’t particularly know the jobs, you are less likely to opt for one. You may have a medical degree, but that’s not the only way to make yourself to money land. So, what are the jobs that can serve you a promising career in the medical field? Let’s find out.