
A Career In Physical Therapy

Decent Essays

I love sports. One of my dreams is to be a physical therapist, athletic trainer, or a sports medicine doctor for the Pittsburgh Steelers. I have been watching football with my dad for as long as I can remember. For my career, I would like to go into the field of physical therapy, athletic trainer, or sports medicine at the University of North Carolina. I chose the University of North Carolina because it has a very good physical therapy program, in addition to being one of my favorite places to go and having some of my family and extended family down in the Carolina area to support me. Correspondingly, my love for sports has drawn me to sport volleyball which is my favorite sport that I am good and push myself to become even better; my main …show more content…

I enjoy this because I love sports, and I am not the type of person that can sit still in a desk all day, and type at a computer for hours. I am a person that likes to be active, enjoys an adrenaline rush, engage in conversations with people, help people, but one thing I love the most is to solve a problem or challenge, whether it is mine or someone elses, and see success after all the hard work that was put through to overcome this challenge. In researching athletic training and physical therapy programs, I learned that in your junior and senior year of college course work would include clinical experience, which allows me to get out of the classroom and into real life situations. As with anything in life, there is no such thing as perfection, so there are pros and cons in every situation. The pros of attending the University of North Carolina are being in a region of the country I enjoy, having nice weather, being in the country, and having family down there with me. On the other hand, the cons of attending the University of North Carolina are there acceptance rate to out of state students and the cost of the education there to out of states students. Likewise, I hope that if I am accepted and able to play volleyball for UNC I will make an impact on people, not just on the team, but on other people on campus, in my classes, or the patients that I will treat and help them get

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