GIS Analyst is a journey- level professional class requiring the application of a body of GIS theory and principles. The GIS Analyst completes standard professional level work assignments or projects. The position’s duties require interacting with multiple internal and/or external units or individuals to meet work requirements and objectives. The incumbent must have sufficient job content knowledge in the functional area to ensure standards are met. (“Unified Port of San Diego,” 2013) GIS Analyst makes $55,000-$75,000 annually. GIS Analyst general purpose is to plan, organize, coordinate, and participate in development of the geographic information system, participate in long term development of mapping and end user service objectives. GIS Analyst must know concepts and analytical techniques of GIS, along with computerized mapping, etc., GIS database administration, management principles, methods and techniques, knowledge of tools and applications, principles and practice of analysis and design, hardware and software applications, contract administration, and basic principles and practices for training and supervision. GIS Analyst need to have the ability to plan, organize, integrate, monitor, and maintain GIS; develop effective customer service; understand and analyze requirements, train others, organize and plan, work collaboratively, communicate effectively and establish working relationships. Have a degree from a 4 year college and university with a GIS major or
1. ) With new technology such as Satellites scanning the surface of the earth, cartographers can use geographic information science or (GIS) to help them make more detailed and accurate maps. This has allowed scientists to get very precise and complex information from all of the data coming from the satellite orbiting around the earth at all different distances and angles. Another use for all of the Satellites is remote sensing, this allows satellite images to be scanned in thin lines any time a satellite could scan a small area or a pixel. With this we can look at very small features of earth from space and removals send it back down to earth for Analysis. A scientist can use this tech for making very accurate maps about features such as population
Definition: A Information Security Analyst encrypts data transmissions and erects firewalls to conceal confidential information as it is being transmitted and keeps out tainted digital transfers. He/She also develops plans to safeguard computer files against accidental or unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure and to meet emergency data processing needs. (Occupational Handbook)
Harm reduction is a concept that refers to policies, programs, and practices that aim to reduce the harms associated with the use of psychoactive drugs in people unable or unwilling to stop (Syme, Browne, Varcoe, & Josewski, 2011). Methadone has been increasingly utilized as a means of addressing and reducing the health, social, and fiscal harms associated with opiate addiction (Kerr, Marsh, Li, Montaner, & Wood, 2005). During my clinical rotation at Rosthern Hospital, I learned that this small town rural hospital has a successful methadone program to treat opioid addiction. When a person thinks of small town Saskatchewan, their first though is not usually intravenous (IV) drug use, but after working at Rosthern Hospital for a few shifts, I began to realize the town and the surrounding communities may have an addictions problem. At the hospital, the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and support staff have all decided to collaborated and developed a harm-reduction methadone program for their patients. Not only is this program successful because it addresses the needs of the community, but it is also controversial. Using Carper’s (1978) “Five Ways of Knowing” I examined the methadone program and its patients, the positive and negatives, as well as a patient’s own personal experience being in the methadone program.
Americans frequently discuss the difference of success for some places and the decline for other. One of the main reasons are the growing opportunities for the well-educated college population and the exclusion for the less skilled workforce. Another primary cause of the divergence of the economy in the United States is that cities until nowadays have a traditional economy and they did not shift to knowledge or human capital economy. However, on the opposite side, many cities took advantage of the human capital and invested their forces to be a high-tech market. The book, “The New Geography of Jobs” of Enrico Moretti is a perfect tool that explains the reasons why this might happen. The book focuses in to explain why the “Great Divergence”
4. Analyzing geographic information: involves seeking patterns, relationships and connections, noting such things as similarities, trends and differences over space and time
If I was interested in pursuing a career in geography I feel I would be most drawn to Human geography in the specific field of cultural geographer. A cultural geographer’s job is study culture in relation to geography. They examine attributes such as language, ethnicity and religion and how they relate to the location. The degree and education requirements span from a bachelors to a Ph.D. depending on who you want to work for. Most government workers only need a bachelor’s degree, however if you plan on working for a private organization you may need experience and a Masters degree in Geography or in geographic information systems. The amount a cultural geographer in Colorado makes per year ranges from 49,480 to 101,410 z year depending on
The RFP states that the purpose of the GIS project is to have a consultant to assess what GIS services are working for the city and what sorts of recommendations can help improve GIS services for the city’s departments. In addition, the City of Wellington has an Enterprise GIS system and conducting a needs assessment can help provide recommendations on how to share and create databases and GIS data among other city departments. Also, it is important to note that the RFP states that the consultant must bring in people who can help with outside developing outside services and products for the needs assessment. For example, the consultant might need one of his team members to create an application for providing open GIS data for all citizens in the city. Overall, this GIS project can help all the city departments to conduct a GIS analysis efficiently and thus the needs assessment can help the city improve on its six focus
The thing that pushed me into geography was the 4th grade geobee, but the thing that really made me pursue my goal was my passion for geography and the people who pushed me to pursue that passion. With that being said, the geobee in fourth grade did play a role in my love for the topic because out of the blue I competed with 4th-8th graders for the school geo bee and surprisingly I finished second, kickstarting my geo career. Although once again that is not the only thing that lead me to this. Without support from my mom and dad in practicing my questions and the constant and helpful barrage of questions and encouragement from my grandad I would not have had the drive or knowledge to go to the state level.
They will be able to identify the different rock layers, geographical features on a map, and effects of weather on erosion. Students will make measurements and observe the effects of various weather systems on the geological landscape. They will also develop solutions to prevent against the dangers of natural disasters.
From an early age, I acquired a keen interest in geography. AN example of my love of the subject is when I visit Wales many times a year, every time becoming overwhelmed with the pure beauty of the landscape along with the physical and human processes that have interacted to make it the place it is presently. During my school years I studied geography, building up a foundation of knowledge. Along with this, my personal experiences with the natural world like hiking up dolgoch falls and visiting the centre of alternative technology (CAT) in Wales has given me a more insightful understanding of geography, engaging me with the desire and determination to learn more.
Initially, I was skeptical in believing that analyst did more than what Hollywood depicted them to. However, after completing extensive research on this occupation, I found that analyst do more than just sit behind a computer gathering data. Working for the government, especially a sensitive field dealing with government intelligence, it’s no surprise the requirements for a job with the CIA are at the level which they are at. According to the CIA government page, the minimum requirements to be an intelligence collection analyst are a bachelor’s degree in a variety of majors like political science, international studies, national security, history, or remote sensing, just to name a few. A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale with anything above a 3.0 being highly recommended. Aside from academia, excellent analytical and problem- solving skills, well developed interpersonal skills, excellent briefing skills and an ability to convey complex information in a clear concise manner are highly recommended as well. With the top schools offering top notch political science degrees being Harvard, MIT, Duke University, University of California- San Diego and the University of Michigan, its easy to see why the pay scale would match such experience. The average range of salary for a CIA analyst is between $50,864- $99,296 and such amounts vary according to experience level. Aside from the thrill of working for the government, analysts receive health insurance, paid holidays and possible tuition assistance in some
First of all I would like to thank you for meeting with me last Thursday.
It is thought by archaeologists that the first people to settle on the Australian continent came from South-East Asia between 40,000 and 60,000 years ago (45). Over time these settlers occupied the continent with approximately 600 tribes and shared the belief of the Ancestral Beings, created the law during the Dreaming (45). Each tribe had their own identity and language and regularly moved in small nomadic groups within their tribal territory, living off the land to survive (45).
Much of my passion for Geography is derived from the fact that it depicts relevance to all aspects of society. It is dynamic in a sense that my perception and understanding is constantly evolving with the growth in understanding and perception. What intrigues my further pursuit of geography is how Geography unlike other subjects has direct links to both human and physical attributes. By further pursuing geography at a higher education level, I wish to enrich my understanding of the wider significance of issues being faced and how it affects society on a local and global level. It is important to identify and understand the interconnecting aspects of the world around us and apply such knowledge towards a more sustainable future. Geography
Racism was extremely prominent throughout the 1900s and for some, is still an issue today. It is the discrimination of blacks and the idea of making them feel less than or inferior, that causes social injustices. In the past, court systems have bent the law if it meant that blacks would get punished, even if they were in complete innocence. Since then, social justice has been promoted in an attempt to display equality to all colors. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the theme of social justice is revealed through the didacticism and bravery of Atticus Finch.