I am applying for sports courses as I have an interest in a range of sports and am looking to go into a career where I can make the most of this interest. Through my years at school I have always taken any opportunity to participate in any sport open to me, though my chosen sport is now rowing, where I have competed internationally.
I also used to compete at national level in judo. From my experiences of these sports, and because I spend so much time training with my team mates we all feel quite close to each other and it encourages a friendly, competitive atmosphere. I enjoy this as being competitive ultimately leads to better results and I feel these flows over into my school life as well. The main reason I like rowing are the mental
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This meant I was working with children who had a range of abilities, which gave me experience in how to set up different levels of exercises for one group and also helped me with my time management and organisation skills.
In my current course I have learned a wide range of sporting related knowledge. I have also been placed in various environments through work experience which has enabled me to pick up skills I would not have otherwise. I am currently doing voluntary work experience in a leisure centre which has enabled me to be in contact with many different people, and this has developed my social skills beyond what they would have been otherwise.
Additionally I am also studying an Active IQ Level 2 Fitness Instructing course, in this course I learn even more about how to work with minority groups, such as disabled and older people. This was one of my main motivations for studying this course, though it also is helping me towards my eventual goal of being a successful personal trainer.
Whilst at university I hope to gain more knowledge and qualifications which will support me in progressing into a successful career in the sporting industry. I eventually want to get into personal training or high level coaching, so that I can give back into the world of sport which has provided me with so many life changing opportunities and experiences. I also hope to continue
Immigration issues are not issues only encountered here in the United States, but are also issues faced throughout the world. There have been numerous of debates on the issues of immigration in the United States. The most controversial was the passing of a new bill in Arizona. Governor Jan Brewer passed into Arizona legislature the SB1070, which became very controversial because of the demands that this law was enforcing. This controversial bill gives any Arizona law enforcement personnel full authority to stop any people who they think have reasonable suspicion of living in the United States illegally. It also gives
I am currently studying A-levels in Government and Politics, History and Biology. Studying Biology has helped further my understanding of the human body and human responses to high pressure and stressful situations, which is knowledge that I will be able to apply to my coaching. I am also doing an Extended Project Qualification, where
Sport Agents help collegiate athletes transition to amateur athletes. On behalf of the Professional Athletes’ Association, agents can only be considered certified if they are approved through them. The association must agree on each agent. As a part of guidelines to become a Sports Agent some things may include having a background check and agreeing to all the rules of the association. HR professionals are increasingly performing background screenings on job applicants and employees for information on criminal records, résumé falsehoods, drug use, and other data (HR Focus, 2007). Some professional leagues such as the NBA or NFL have certain rules when it comes to managing athletes’ funds. Special to the American Banker notes, “The agents, who often get power of attorney over their client's finances, take an estimated 3% to 5% of their players' salaries in financial management fees” (pg.1).
athletes in an effort to prevent injuries. They work in amateur and professional sports. Once injuries occur, the athletic trainer is required to evaluate the problem and get the athlete the proper medical treatment. He or she also makes sure that athletes are physically ready and able to play after an injury. Athletic trainers set up physical conditioning programs for athletes, work with equipment managers to make sure that playing and training areas are in working order, and also work with physicians in developing and implementing a rehabilitation program for injured players. Athletic trainers work in offices, treatment
I have chosen to study athletic training because it allows me to still participate and be involved in sports as well as be able to help athletes recover from injuries while gaining valuable clinical experience for physical therapy. Growing up I have always had a love for sports but I have not been graced with the abilities to become a professional athlete. With my love for sports as a youth I watched a lot on television with my father and I would see athletes get injured and medical personnel rush out to their aid. When I found out they were athletic trainers and physical therapists, I knew that is what I wanted to do when I grew up. All throughout high school I was involved in sports and unfortunately had an injury or two. Although our school did not have an athletic trainer, I went to many different specialists and
Many people are more active today than they were many years ago. Injury prevention and diagnosis plays a big role in today’s society. Preventing an injury is important for many athletes all over the world, and for people that are physically active. Preventing injuries can benefit an athlete in the long run. Athletic trainers help athletes and physically active people stay healthy for what they do on a daily basis.
As we begin to grow up and come to the end of our high school career we must start to begin to start thinking about what type of career we want to be in. It is very important that a person picks the right type of career for them. Otherwise you will be unhappy with what you are doing and will not enjoy it at all. I am not entirely sure what I want my career to be but I have a pretty good idea as to what type of job it will be. I would like to go into the field of a physical therapist and sports medicine, I fell I will enjoy this more than any other type of career just because I already have a lot of interest in it.
Sports are a popular pastime among all ages and types of people. People not only participate in them for fun, but also for money, physical fitness, rush of competition, and for many other personal reasons. Playing sports is especially common among young people in schools. Athletics are great and enjoyable for many reasons, but there can be a point where sports participation can go too far and become negative for children and adults. Sports specialization for young people is an increasing trend that results in sports having a negative impact on individuals and society.
Studying for a degree in Sport and Exercise Science would not only offer the potential to be at the cutting edge of sports and exercise development, but I expect my learning would raise interesting principles I could apply to my own training and competition, whilst also acting as a stepping stone towards my ambition of working alongside elite sports teams as a head of athletic
When I was deciding what I wanted to choose for my major, I thought about things that I love doing. One thing in life that I have passion for is sports, whether it be playing sports or helping others develop their skills for their sport. My long term goal for a career, I want to be an Athletic Director for a college. In order to become an Athletic Director there are certain step that someone needs to do in college to try and have the best chance at getting their dream job. Athletic Director is not a career that a person just graduated from college and gets hired by a school, they must work their way up from an entry level job and slowly moves their way up.
Instead of feeling pressure to conform as a student at the University of Georgia, I have found that being in college has made me value the importance of a higher education more so than I ever had before. During high school, my primary goal was to play well enough to receive a football scholarship. At that time, my focus was not on academics. However, since I've arrived at the University of Georgia, my entire concept of the value of a college degree has slowly changed. Rather than seeing just football in my future, I can now picture myself as a football player with a college degree. Consequently, instead of having a negative impact on my personal growth, college has helped me broaden as a person.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person will make in their life. Most people try to pick the career with the best financial gain and something they would like to do for the rest of their life. Foremost it is wise to see what the job entails. Sport Management is perfect for those who enjoy helping and working with people, especially when dealing with sports. The next part of the decision-making process is looking through the various schooling and training required. Lastly, take into consideration the advantages and disadvantages. Usually with great salaries comes a big responsibility with high stress. “The sports industry in the U.S. is a $200-billion-dollar-plus powerhouse, with superstar
Sports and religion are things that can go together in many ways. Sports were founded on religion and were kept strong by religion. Now sport is taking over as religion almost in today's world. Sports can promote things that are not necessarily right according to God but we participate anyway. While how the mind and body are connected give another way of how sport is. Finally, we see that sports in a modern context have changed greatly and are ritual heavy one would almost say idolic. Religion and sports are both here to stay and they really are a way something that can unite everyone.
There is a lot of things that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks of this course. I have learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my; self concept, attitudes and feelings. I have also learned about social influence, group dynamics and relationships. I learned about myself and how to describe the way that I am and the way that I think.
My sports career started before I was in kindergarten. My family and I were sitting at the dinner table. Excited, I asked my family if they could teach me how to play the game of football. Since they had agreed, I ate my food as quick as I could and put my shoes on to go outside. Then, the rest of my family came outside to our big front yard. I had not realized it at the time, but this was about to be the most important moment in my sports career.