
Christianity Conflict

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Christian is written in as a protagonist, focal point of the story, Christianity, though Christian is not found to be predominantly complicated, his life or journey is and this journey is filled with complications.
Christian as a character is more likely to fade away and be replaced with the reader, he is every one, he inspires the reader. When a reader can liken themselves to a character to the point that they become the character it makes that character unforgettable.
Christian is not described as conflicted on the outside, he is more simple, at the beginning, with his intelligence reinforced with knowledge learns from his mistakes, and his humble willingness to learn and share what he has learned can be equated to most readers. Christian’s inner belief system, his need to reach his goal no matter the cost, the urgency, the will to sacrifice his family, this became his affliction, his obsession, his inner conflict. This inner conflict is emphasized by Christian dreaming what happens, it is internal, it is personal, it is the pilgrimage to salvation.
Within this inner conflict there is an inner evil, he leaves his family behind without a mention, as though he …show more content…

The character Christian also becomes complicated when it is understood that he is in fact just one aspect of human life, though a very complicated aspect, the need to find our way back to God or the search for the Truth, the Religious Truth based in the Christian Faith. It is his search for this truth, salvation, that defines, describe exactly the nature, of Christian. You cannot forget Christian because he is more than Christian, he is Christianity, he is everyone, he is the journey back to

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