
A Code Of Conduct A Coach

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Sports organizations and those athletes that participate in them have become increasingly competitive. This competiveness is not simply derived from an on field perspective. Competiveness can be from an athlete who wants to participate in the Olympics to an overzealous parent who dreams of a free college education in the form of a scholarship for their child. Sports has become more than a game it’s become a business. Because of this there is an increased concern by administrators over the moral and ethical conduct by coaches. The end result is for coaches to develop an ethical model to solve new or familiar problems they may encounter on their team.
For coaches at every level a philosophy or code of ethics is needed to prevent unethical …show more content…

While such rules can be narrow in context, such as no drug use, they can be applied to address more specific actions. The ethical model may also address how the individual and team should conduct themselves on the playing field as well. “When winning becomes more important the people who are play, then the line has been crossed and placing more value on results than effort” (Meredith, 2014).
In order to obtaining a winning culture or successful program an ethical model must be put in place (USSA, 2011). In my opinion an ideal ethical model would contain several of the following themes or elements.
The first elements would be, PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY AND CHARACTER. A coach at any level must possess great character and integrity. In order to be a leader of any organization trust must be established between all participants (USAV, n.d). This trust can only be developed through the actions and decisions made by a coach and their staff. A team ends up both on and off the field being an extended representation of the character and integrity of a coach. A coach cannot ask players to show up on time when they themselves are always late.
The second elements for me would be the RIGHT TO PRIVACY. With the expansion of social media everyone has a certain right to privacy and expression. Players, Coaches, or other involved in a program should be guaranteed an amount of privacy (Thornton, Champion Jr., & Ruddell, 2012). All involved should not be

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