A college degree: a symbol of long-lasting prosperity. After my secret closet’s prayer time with God, I woke up to what God wanted. I learned that I was on the wrong side of prosperity; my side of the street, not God’s divine side. The modern society causes us to put together our own plans. We think our plans will lead us toward our success, but God has His own plan, and when we stop and think about it, His Plan leads to real successful achievement. The enemy makes us think, if we don’t get success the way the world tells us, nothing else matters. For instance, one evening, as I sat at my computer because I couldn’t find work, I told the Lord I felt like a failure. The Spirit of the Lord told me to identify what I thought …show more content…
My friend, our world defines a successor as a person whose who owns lots of financial riches, or an individual whose life is connected to personal power. The loud sparkle of the powerful spotlight means the person has embraced fame; however, as we take our college education journey without Christ, He may allow us to get a lot of money and fame, but if our heart is not centered upon putting Him first, or helping other people, we will miss the whole concept of what having a career success really means. I learned that the wise college student defines his or her career success to their success in Jesus Christ. I am reminded of a King whose name is Solomon. He reigned over Gibeon, a place in Palestine. King Solomon was best known for releasing his own desire first, just to gain divine wisdom from God. One night after King Solomon fell asleep. God visited him in a dream and asked him what he wanted from Him. Can you imagine God, visiting you in a dream, and asking you what do you want? If you’re like me, you might say something similar to a college degree that will unlock a six figure job, or lots of money. These materialistic amenities did not excite King Solomon. In fact, he told God that he wanted “An
When life gets good, glory can get in the way of things. Even as I finish this book, I wonder whom I will meet and help because of this. However, God’s Will for the last twenty-one chapters has everything to do with Him and little to do with me.
In the essay “College Value Goes Deeper Than the Degree” author Eric Hoover claims a college education is important to one 's well-being so they can get a job and be productive in other parts of life. Promoters of higher education have long emphasized how beneficial college’s value and its purpose. Many believe the notion that colleges teach students are life skills to apply anywhere, they also work hard to earn a degree and learn specific marketable skills which they can use to get a good job. Though obtaining a college education and a degree is helpful in countless of ways, it is not necessary to pursue a college degree in world where a college degree is seen different now, people without turn out fine, the growing average of debt that students who attend college have to pay off and people without a degree can obtain many jobs that do not require college degrees.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (qtd. in Quotes About Education” n.p.) “ Times have changed, higher education such as college is what most people need in order to have a successful career. Those who acquire higher education after high school tend to have a more successful career than those who do not acquire a higher education.
Education plays a very significant role when it comes to completing the identity that you would want to be in the future. It’s a cloth that we wear in order to make an appeal to everyone we meet on a daily basis. It serves as our identity that will carry your name in any establishment you may go. Education is considered as a vital component to say that you’re a rational being who’s capable of competing with the ever-widening and toilsome challenges along the road as we grow up. It introduces us into different aspects of what we call life in order to hone us and shape us into the best person that we could become. But what makes a person educated? What makes a person successful? Does education really make one person successful? Is the correlation
Defining God’s plan is hard to do, because it is different for everybody. Some people question if a plan actually exists, because why would anybody be put on this Earth just to die? I have found that because I was brought up in a western Christian society, I have always just believed that everybody was put here for a purpose and we just need to trust in that. Portier describes these as the “deep questions about the human condition” (Portier, 17). Reflecting on my personal experience, I can confirm that during those
The average college student acquires over $29,000 in educational debt. The debt of American college students has been steadily on the rise. Tuition has been increasing while the average American families’ income has been decreasing. Some students qualify for federal grants; however, the majority of money used to pay for college is debt that has been borrowed from private lenders. Students who qualify for federal grants must still depend on private lenders to fund their education. “Seven in ten seniors graduated with student loan debt, and a fifth of that debt was owed to private lenders, which often charge higher interest rates.” (CNNMoney) Most students enroll in college to better their lives, provide a more stable environment for their
College is an institution of higher learning, providing general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training; and for years, has been determined to be the best investment. Popular opinion denotes attending college to be paramount to social and economic accomplishments, and lacking a college degree decreases employment, self-pride, and success. However, nothing in America’s history has risen and continues to rise as the cost of college tuition, which is now up more than five hundred (500) percent since 1985 (Rampell). Research shows the rising cost of tuition creates more debt for students, a college degree does not guarantee social or economic success, and causes additional stress, which can lead to suicide. In
Many people are confused on why to invest time and money of attending college. A reason for obtaining a higher education is that a college degree can possibly earn a much higher salary than the majority of the people who have a high school diploma. College can be expensive and time consuming for the most of the people that do not have enough money and spare time to go to college. Stephen Rose, a research professor at the Georgetown University, wrote an article on “The Value of a College Degree” to explain if a college degree can be valuable to people to have. Eleni Karageorge, an author on the United States Department of Labor, wrote an article “Is A College Degree Still Worth It?” to give some details on job occupations that compares with employees having a bachelor’s degree or a high school diploma on how much they annually make on their job. Finally, Paul E. Barton, a consultant and a writer for topics related on education, wrote an article “How Many College Graduates Does the U.S. Labor Force Really Need?” on giving details on how valuable to have a college degree in the near future are needed when certain occupations are on high demand with a requirement on having a least a bachelor’s degree. We need to know why going to college is so important for anyone who wants to have professional occupations.
A college education is a necessity in today’s time but “does the cost of college out weight the benefits?”. Growing up my mother always told me “you can’t afford a family on a “Dairy Queen” salary. There are multiple pros and cons of a college education such as better a career, with less manual labor, pay, knowledge and career advancement among multiple other opportunities. There are also cons such as the price of college tuition the damage to your credit that comes with unpaid student loans and the amount of time it takes to gain a college degree. I myself think that the benefits of college outweigh the cost.
College education also has a good effect on the economic growth of a country. College students after graduating get employed by companies when Employees get higher wages and more productivity is going on in a country, it is an indication that a country’s economy is good. “A study by Federal Reserve economists examined the factors contributing to greater state prosperity over a 65-year period and found that a state’s college attainment rates were important factors in explaining its per capita income growth relative to other states between 1939 and 2004”( www.epi.org). This shows that if people go to college and after graduating get a job, they will probably work for a company and will become productive for the country’s economy. “A country 's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases, since educated workers are able to more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking” (ww.investopedia.com). It is very important for every country to emphasis on college education because it helps a country grow faster. Also, educated people have more productive mind than uneducated people. Less educated people are being denied by companies. (www.net.educause.edu) This shows that companies with higher demands do not hire less educated people and this is a negative point for a country’s economy. Moreover, in the year 2014 4.3 percent of college graduates have increased compared to 2010 (www.nscresearchcenter.org). In year 2014,
I will discuss what the value of a college education means to me. A higher education will give me many physical benefits such as economic stability, a better quality of life for my family, more career choices, better job security, set a good example for my children at the same time, a college education will also give me many intangible benefits such as boosting my self-confidence, helping me to learn specialized knowledge, thinking critically, bringing me in contact with different people, learning better communication skill and being part of a team. It is something that will serve me well throughout my career and life. So, what is the value of college education to me? After I sat down and took some time to carefully consider what a college
In the article, “The Value of a College Degree”, Rose argues that there are clear benefits of receiving a college education by highlighting employment, earnings, and learning gains. First of all, he cites that throughout their careers, those with a baccalaureate degree are shown to earn $1 million more than those who only have a high school diploma. He also argues that these degrees can be used as signals, in order to get noticed when finding employment, and the higher education allows the person to perform better and thus, get promoted. Furthermore, Rose cites an counter argument made by Arum and Roksa (2011) that many college students do not have significant learning gains, and rebuts by stating that the skills acquired in college vary and
Lights! Camera! Wait. Each year vibrant college graduates parade across a ceremonial stage and into an unemployment line. The spur of their enthusiasm creates a profound myth that their college degree is a single path to career prosperity. The truth is, if they originally pursued their degree without the Lord God’s guidance, they will automatically stroll into an unfathomable experience that strips the value of their college accomplishment.
The enemy uses our thoughts to lure our hearts into a place of discontentment. He WANTS us to questions the Lord. He wants us to be anxious and unhappy. He doesn’t want us to find the peace that God intends for us to have.
Twenty-one million students are anticipated to attend some sort of higher education (Barrow et al.). And tuition costs are reaching all-time highs; about high as the salary an average American makes in a year (Kay 36). This is a drastic change in the higher education system in America. Colleges used to be mainly religious institutions hundreds of years ago and were based on moral training and proper conduct. Overall, making better people for society. In the present day, American colleges are helping aid students in getting jobs while building up the student’s values. Many have pondered over if the value of higher education that is taught is worth the price being paid. Some have said that the costs are too high for anyone besides the upper class, but people are still enrolling with increased rates each year. Higher education is worth the price because it provides lifelong benefits to the people who graduate with a degree. People who obtain a degree attain life skills that everyone should learn, get paid more money in their lifetime, and gain a quality education.