The articles “A Comment About Censorship” and “What Children Need is Censorship” both discuss how censorship affects children. The articles address how censorship can affect youth, however “A Comment About Censorship” is very opinion based while “What Children Need is Censorship” includes a lot of facts. The two very different ways the articles write about the shared content, and their somewhat tantamount opinions allow the reader to see two very different perspectives on the topic. The articles contain extremely similar content, which is censorship and its affect on children, be it positive or negative.
Both articles discuss censorship, and the effects it can have on children. They mention that children are exposed to a lot of negative and inappropriate content everyday, however, this type of content may be important to the child overall. Governments shielding a child from media and literature because it may be inappropriate is clearly something the authors disagree with. Their opinions on the
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“A Comment About Censorship” discusses how “censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance” and is very opinion based. “What Children Need is Censorship” on the other hand, uses facts to imitate that children don’t need censorship in the traditional, government-decided sense. “A Comment About Censorship” says “censoring… difficult adolescent issues does not protect anybody.” This opinion helps to express how censorship doesn’t actually “protect” youth like so many parents and adults believe. “For example, accessing images of thousands of unnaturally slim and digitally enhanced , blemish-free young women… directly affects the self-esteem of developing girls and is linked directly with the development of eating disorders.” Aric Sigman, the author of “What Children Need is Censorship” states. Along with theme, tone is quite different between the
For years now, censoring has been limiting the public’s freedom in literature, films, media, and plenty of other categories. A big section being censored today, that troubles a lot of people, is children’s literature. Books are the most common thing to be censored, especially children’s. They continue to ban books across the world, meant to be enjoyed, for reasons they call valid. A popular excuse for banning books is the diversity displayed in them. According to “How Banning Books Marginalizes Children”, 52% of the books banned in the last 10 years were called “diverse context”
Power can be determined by many different aspects . Some people can obtain power through race, while some obtain it through social class, and others obtain it through their gender. In the book, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the idea of power is discussed. The character Mayella Ewell is Bob Ewell’s daughter, who claims Tom Robinson raped her. Mayella does have power in regards to her race but does not have power in regards to her gender and social class.
However I would have to also disagree slightly with Danielle that there does seem to be some information on how censoring does do positive things such as Obama demanding for content to be removed in order to prevent angry riot, but other than that I could not find anything else for the positive effects of censorship. While this may not seem to be a big deal, I wish that there was some sort of background information on the author himself, sure the hyper link to the article's he has written is shown but there is no background information on him; not really a bad thing considering how credible his article is, just a peeve in my
In addition, “protecting” children from the difficulties of the world through censorship isn’t teaching them anything. They are just becoming more narrow-minded, shallow, and even less human. The information in books does not injure young people, they just open up their minds to new things and new ways. Such as in Fahrenheit 451, the people were not protected by censorship, but in the end they were hurt by it. I think that it is up to the parents to educate their children that just because they say it in a book, does not mean he or she should do or feel the same. Think about this, if we got rid of everything people object to, there would be nothing left in the world. Also with censorship, children are not being exposed to the “real world,”
A huge detriment to the long, rocky process of English colonization in the New World was conflict with the Indians. Before the English settlers and the Indians first met on the James River, both already held strong ideas of what to expect. Both were confident in their abilities to overcome and control the other group, and both expected to use the other for a trading opportunity. However, the English saw the Indians as an advanced, highly developed group, while Indians thought the literal opposite of the foreigners settling onto their land. Inflexible assumptions between colonists and Indians were one of the main contributors to violent conflict between the two groups.
Censorship is the act of filtering what an audience of something hears and sees. This is an effective method for mothers to protect their children from being exposed to things they do not fully understand, however it can be harmful once it is put into the hands of the government, because it crosses some moral and ethical lines. It violates the people’s right to freedom of expression. It would also make it much simpler to hide information from the people or to give them false information in the form of propaganda. Therefore, censorship is both positive and negative and its power should be left in the hands of parents rather than the government.
Blume confirms the purpose of this piece with her question, “What is censorship?” (342). Knowing there are many different classifications of censorship depending on to whom the question is directed, she proceeds to share her own point of view of what censorship means for readers, writers and education (342). She sheds light on the harsh realities of censorship by affirming the difference between parents safely monitoring what their children are exposed to and pervasive censorship based upon fear of the unknown or the misunderstood (343). Blume’s choice to share personal childhood experiences and her own encounter with the pressure of censorship exhibit her vulnerability. Because her story is personal and relatable, she invokes a positive response from readers while offering a nonchalant invitation to unite in her quest for abolishing censorship.
"Censoring books that deal with difficult, adolescent issues does not protect anybody. Quite the opposite. It leaves kids in the darkness and makes them vulnerable. Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance. Our children cannot afford to have the truth of the world withheld from them” (Halse).
Freedom of expression is a right given to fuel people’s imaginative minds that are occupied with different thoughts and opinions. Censorship is only an obstacle, preventing people from expressing their inner beliefs by replacing it with fake ones. Censorship actively prohibits and suppresses people’s opinions to speak up in society freely and openly. It restricts the common adult or child of any gender from being themselves and fighting for what they believe in. Censoring speech and expression only establish greater problems than the one attempting to be resolved that both prevent people from expressing themselves and cover the ears of those who are willing to listen.
Censorship of books is a very controversial and frequently debated topic. Many teachers, parents, and school boards believe that they need to censor books in order to keep children away from profanity, sex, and immorality books which are considered offensive and vulgar. However, many of these people do not see that, by censoring books, important life lessons are being left out of the formative years which will have a negative effect on children as they, inevitably, come in contact with these situations anyway. By censoring literature in schools, students become stunted in their ability to understand social issues and talk about them maturely, for if they only read the sugarcoated and “appropriate” books, they will not be able to understand the “real world” as it is: offensive and vulgar.
Lastly, there are those parents and republicans who are for censorship and say that censorship should stay. Some of their reasoning are that it protects the children from racial themes, strong language, and violence. It could also lead to children misbehaving and being raised the wrong way. Nevertheless, books are books and children will eventually learn how the world really is. That’s is why if censorship continues, it’ll hold back a child’s learning
The United States of America was built under the notion of freedom and the right of free speech plays a big part in the evolution of American society. The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees the freedom to read and write books that might be considered unsuitable by others. Whether the subject might be too violent, hateful, or offensive anyone has the right to read whatever subject matter they want. Censorship or the attempt to disrupt the flow of information consumed by people is a disservice to the fundamental rights of the American people. The best example of censorship is the banning of books because it is a guaranteed way to stifle a person’s individual thought. Receiving information should be encouraged despite the content and the children should be given free rein to read whatever they want.
Censorship is monitoring or withholding information. The information can come from a book, drama, media, or any other form of entertainment; but it is usually considered a threat to the consumer. Yet the consumer is not always the audience. Sometimes the threat is to a politician or government official. The debate over topics in the realm of what is acceptable and what should be banned only continues to rise as more taboo topics become acceptable. Some argue that keeping certain things behind closed doors is imperative for a harmonious living place. Others say that a small discourse is critical to remain sane. Censorship is a way of protecting society from itself. Leaders and parental figures can make the choice to monitor what is read, watched, and consumed, but until the world lives the life worthy of a children’s’ book the effort is futile. While the narrative being taught may be inappropriate or harsher it doesn’t decrease the value of it.
Often times, many ask why tools used to enhance the learning of children are removed or revoked. Books, magazines, poems, and films are all subjected to this offence, and most affected are children in the education systems. Censorship has been happening for ages and is still continuing. With religious, political, and moral censorship the affects on a child’s learning is astronomical. While, there are plus sides to this process, something must be done in order for America’s education system to begin to measure up to those of other countries. Therefore, this process must stop, and we must face the fact that censorship is wrong and detrimental to society, and most importantly the youth of this country.
Effects of Censorship On Children’s Literature Censorship is the practice that examines writing and movies by taking out things that are considered offensive or immoral. Censorship has influenced what classic books children are allowed to read because it bans a lot of books and it controls what children can or can not read. This is because books might contain religion, politics and especially sexual content which some people think might influence children in some way. However, I think that a lot of these books do not affect children in any way but they teach them a lesson because children learn good things from them and learn about what real life is. I understand that adults want to protect children the most they can