
A Comparison Of A Doubt And Strangers On A Train

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In Shadow of A Doubt, the audience is hit with a thriller about Young Charlie who shares the name of her favorite uncle, whom she has a special bond with. She feels that her handsome uncle is the only one that understands her and makes her feel bigger than the small town she lives in. However, when Uncle Charlie arrives, things start changing between the two Charlies. A series of unusual clues connecting to the “Merry Widow Murderer” are very similar to her Uncle Charlie and his nice, charming, loving behavior changes to something more sinister. Young Charlie starts to find out that her charming uncle that she loves very dearly is not what he seems to be. While feeling broken, she realizes that her life might be in danger. Throughout the film, the audience can see different visual styles of Hitchcock like the …show more content…

The two movies have two characters that have light vs dark. For example, the two characters on Strangers on A Train, Bruno and Guy, are two men who are supposedly total opposites. This is very similar to the two Charlies in Shadow of a Doubt. They share the same message, while both of the characters in both stories are linked to the world of darkness and death. Just like Shadow of a Doubt, there are two women wearing glasses and a pair of drinks that are doubles. In the beginning of the story, it had its moments of doubling. It also shares the theme of psychological and sexual pathologies, stated in “The Art of Alfred Hitchcock.” The idea of the Guy-Bruno homosexual engagement is daring for its time. This helps the narrative’s broader reference of the theme of two aspects of one personality. Guy didn't share the feelings Bruno had for Guy. Bruno came across as obsessed. This is different from Shadow of a Doubt, but the psychological idea was there. The two men symbolize balancing features of human

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