
A Comparison Of Harrison Bergeron And The Hunger Games

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Every single day, people make choices, some of these choices make an impact on society, where other choices just fall through the cracks and no one cares or listens. Many choices are made by the protagonists in “Harrison Bergeron”, “The Lottery” and The Hunger Games. However, some of the protagonists make their choices and decisions felt, but others just do not get the main ideas across. “Harrison Bergeron” is the story of a utopian society that has all of their people handicapped to make everybody equal. One person, Harrison Bergeron, is taken to prison as a young boy because he was plotting to overthrow the government, however he breaks out of prison to take over, but gets shot by the Handicapper General, Diana Moon Glampers. “The Lottery” is a story of a society that holds an annual lottery to select someone to get stoned to death. In this years lottery people have been talking about how other villages have stopped doing them, but this village’s lottery still goes on, and in the end it ends up costing an average housewife, Tessie Hutchinson, her life. Lastly, The Hunger Games directed by Gary Ross, is the story of a utopian society called Panam, that holds an annual Hunger Games, where two children from each district fight to the death to pay for the rebellion and destruction of district thirteen. When selecting the children to represent each district, Katniss volunteers as tribute because her younger sister Prim had gotten selected. The choices that these characters make are hoped to change society, but only one of them successfully changed society. Harrison Bergeron’s decisions throughout the story “Harrison Bergeron” end up not making an impact on the society that he had lived in before his death. After Harrison broke out of his jail cell, he proceeded to the studio where the ballet is held on television and shouts, “I am the Emperor! Everyone must do what I say at once!” (Vonnegut 5). His goal to take over the government, actually did not affect society other than striking fear into the people. Also, his hopes of gaining support from the society does not happen, mainly because everybody still has their handicaps on so they forget why he is even on the television after his escape. Also his actions are

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